In ten to twenty years, the Oliver Stone’s of the future should have a much easier time recounting our current war in Afghanistan to the next generation than Stone did with the Vietnam War as there have been plenty of great documentaries and articles by embedded journalist that have come out in the past decade and continue to come including tonight with the debut of Restrepo on the National Geographic Channel at 9:00.
For the film, Sebastian Junger and Tim Hetherington (seen above) documented an outpost in Afghanistan’s Korengal Valley which many consider the most dangerous posting in the U.S. military. They take you there through the boredom, heat, cold, flies, firefights, and meetings with tribal leaders in hopes to make the area a safer place that will have your emotions go from laughter to heartbreak in a matter of seconds. The camera only leaving the area to conduct interviews with the soldiers after their deployment is over. Named after a fallen soldier, Restrepo is a hard look at what our soldiers do to keep us safe at home. Check out a clip below:
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