The Walking Dead: Gee, if you are going to move from your camp, why go to the unknown of the CDC instead of the old folks home where you just donated half your guns to? Oh well. The introduction of the CDC worker (which begs the question, where are all his coworkers, no one else was quarantined with him in the building when the outbreak broke out?) was very Lostian, in the best sense of the word. You can download The Walking Dead on iTunes.
Chuck: What an odd villain for such an odd season. I really do not know where they go from here. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Chuck on iTunes.
The Event: I was recently lamenting to a friend how the next cheap remake Hollywood needs to do is Out of This World and low and behold, The Event apparently is doing the half human, half alien storyline, at least I assume that all the kidnapped girls are hybrids. Which begs the question were the old faced girls the result of being a half-breed which the shady organization are trying to cure (and apparently did so with Layla) or is the cause of it? And in another storyline stolen from the eighties, I take it the satellite that Thomas launched was to summon his race to Earth which potentially set up a second half of the season to be a V rip-off, but without the lizard undercarriage. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download The Event on iTunes.
Sons of Anarchy: Wow, that almost made up for the lackluster Irish storyline that dominated this season. I knew either Stahl and Jax would turn on each other and naturally it was both of them. And ever since Jax made the deal I wondered why not tell the club because it was a good deal and kept Gemma out of jail; it turns out they were in on it all along. Nice twist. I wonder when next seaon will start off, will we get a season on the inside, or will it start just as the club is getting released? You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Sons of Anarchy on iTunes.
Glory Daze: Funniest moment of the week had to go to Jason being left hanging, trying to duet Up Where We Belong with his girlfriend (who need to be promoted to series regular) only to be helped out by Eli. It’s too bad they didn’t recreate the Officer and a Gentleman
Survivor: Nicaragua: Purple Kelly has to go down as the worst casting ever in the history of Survivor. Most people who got voted off first had more screen time then she had this season, and the four times she opened her mouth all season showed exactly why they didn’t go to her more often. It is a wonder how she got through casting, she isn’t practically attractive, so you cannot blame it on eye candy. Ugg, this season has just left a terrible taste in my mouth. You can stream recent episodes over at

Terriers: I guess the theme of this show is that powerful men cannot keep it in their pants. The season started out with a sex scandal and ended with one. The guy behind the curtain seemed a little to calm about his airport plans going down in flames to a low rent private investigator. Should make for an interesting second season (hopefully there is one). You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Terriers on iTunes.
Community: Annie’s bad Texas accent was oddly alluring. But sadly (or lucky depending how you look at it) for me my twenty-first birthday fell on the same day as an econ test, so no bar hoping for me. Who knows if I would have survived the night if I didn’t have a reason to stay in? You can stream current episodes on Hulu. You can also download Community on iTunes.
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