Quote of the Week: Guys, I can’t go in there, as a Young Republican I vowed to say no to pot... and fulfillment. (Jason, Glory Daze)
Song of the Week: O.P.P. – Naughty By Nature (Parenthood)
Big News of the Week: Please Touch My Junk: The loud minority was at it again this week with people whining about getting groped at the airport, and you can count me in the majority that would rather have my junk touch than blown up in a plane. Seriously, if you think this is such a violation of your right, drive, take a train, or boat. But I have come up with a simple solution for that loud minority, how about too planes, ones where everyone gets felt up, and ones where no does and not x-rays. Then lets see how full the non-groping planes are. Of course the TSA would not have this problem if they hire chicks that looked like Victoria Secret models and dudes that look like they came straight from their other job at the Abercrombie store. In a measure of full disclose, it should be noted that getting me on an airplane is about as easy as getting B.A. Baracus on one, so I have yet to be gropes and stepped onto a plane once last decade and that was only because someone gave me a most expenses paid trip to the set of Veronica Mars.
Gratuitous Token Hot Chick Picture of the Week:

New Album Release of the Week: Love Me Back
New DVD Release of the Week: The Sorcerer's Apprentice (Two-Disc Blu-ray / DVD Combo) [Blu-ray]
Free Download of the Week: Music World Holiday Sampler
Deal of the Week: Amazon Cyber Monday Deals
Video of the Week: I guess we have Betty White to thank for this, but the latest celebrity the internets have taken up in hopes to get host Saturday Night Live: The Cookie Monster? Alrighty. The hand puppet even made his own audition tape. And of course there is a Facebook page.
Next Week Pick of the Week: Terriers, Tuesday at 10:00 on FX: After its best episode of the series, it should make for an explosive season (hopefully not series) finale of Terriers this week.
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