The Walking Dead: I know the show is about zombies, but does the plot really need to move this slow. I thought going back to Racist McGee would not take the whole episode to happen. His soliloquy in the beginning went on way too long, same for the wifebeater scene. You think for a show that only had a six episode order, they would be in high gear at all times. Speaking of racist McGee, I understand that his brain was literally fried, but would have been that hard to kick that little bar loose he was attached to? Or saw through it when you get the hacksaw? You can download The Walking Dead on iTunes.
Chuck: Why hasn’t this show picked up a full time Nerd Herder since the loss of Anna Wu? It is clear with all the female guest stars from Kristin Kreuk, to Olivia Munn and most recently Summer Glau, they need a tokn hot chick to fill out the Nerd Herd uniform week in and week out. Which begs the question, what is Sarah’s cover these days, can’t she join the Nerd Herd as her cover? You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Chuck on iTunes.
How I Met Your Mother: Why is it that this show always has the lamest guest stars: Britney Spears, the annoying couple from The Hills, and now a Pussycat Doll. I really need to reexamine why I watch this show. Especially after how insulting their depiction of Cleveland was (sure the Big Chuck and Little John reference was nice, or least it would have been had they not retired a couple years ago). Also, we are doing alright with LeGone. You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download How I Met Your Mother on iTunes.
The Event: Another what the frak ending, almost creepy as the old faced little girl. And I almost didn’t realize what was happening until I thought, wait, Hal Holbrook just got young, then old again. That means I will be watching for at least another week. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download The Event on iTunes.
Castle: These are the types of episodes the show does best, when Castle comes up with an absurd hypothesis that could actually be right, and with every clue Castle gets more giddy and Beckett gets more flustered. And having Lyle Lovett as a Man in Black made it all that better. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Castle on iTunes.
Sons of Anarchy: They are not really going to kill Tara off are they? I do not see how she can get out of that situation, should make for an interesting next episode. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Sons of Anarchy on iTunes.
Survivor: Nicaragua: When did this season get interesting? I still hate basically everyone left, I laughed when their camp burnt down, yet this episode was king of entertaining. I guess it has to do with the comeuppance for Brenda who was too cocky for her own good. I was actually a little shocked that Sash didn’t give her the Idol (and in fact even voted for her). This may set up for blind sides for the rest of the season because there are no strong alliances left. You can stream recent episodes over at

Modern Family: I was kind of bored with most of this episode (sans Gloria with the BB Gun), but all was forgiven when Mitchell jumped into the Flash Mob, and the detest on Cameron’s face as he tried to join in because he was not invited in on it was priceless. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Terriers: This seems like an episode that should have happened closer to the middle of the season than at the end, but it was still a satisfying flashback. But I do not think we learned why Gustafson told Britt that Hank will let him down. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Terriers on iTunes.
The Challenge: Cutthroat: Finally next episode we will get the anticipated CT sighting that was promised at the beginning of the season. Can’t wait to see how he gets involved (although I will have to wait two weeks, stupid Thanksgiving). And when did Laurel become attractive? You can stream recent episodes on You can also download The Challenge: Cutthroat on iTunes.
The Big Bang Theory: Who knew Penny and Leonard fake dating would be so much more entertaining than them dating for real? Though I am surprised that Leonard did not try to get a sleep over out of the situation.
Community: Even though I saw it coming from a mile away, all the fake outs at the end were still hilarious. I was kind of hoping that one of the guns turned out to be real. Oh well. You can stream current episodes on Hulu. You can also download Community on iTunes.
Also check out my Preview of Glory Daze.
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