I have gotten a plethora of cool press releases have been flooding my inbox recently that you may find interesting. This post will include blurbs on Blog Smog, Kings, Parks and Recreations, DogTown, My Boys, Guantanamo Bay, and Cesar Millan.
- Dentyne has a new campaign out that hits a little to close to home. Luckily for the people around me I am a little obsessive compulsive about my teeth so I usually keep them clean and fresh. For those that do not, or not sure, you will want to check the video out below:
- I have been excited for Kings since I saw the first preview because it just has that epic feel to it and I can finally get a full look at it Sunday at 8:00 on NBC. Here is a two minute preview but if you want to see a much better seven-minute version, you can download it for free on iTunes and in HD if you choose.
- The show has even put together a pretty cool interactive trailer where you play a television news producer reporting on the star of the show. But keep in mind that it will take you about ten minutes and they will be calling you and you will want to disable your pop-up blocker. Head over to UNNExclusive.com to participate.
- In other website for fake shows news the City of Pawnee has set up its own website, the city in the upcoming show Parks and Recreation starring Amy Poehler. You can even find the e-mail address of Parks and Recreation’s Deputy Director Leslie Knope (Poehler) while you are there.
- If there is one thing I learned from the press release for the new season of DogTown it is that the show is Ellen DeGeneres’ favorite show. The new season premieres next Friday and I may have more on it next week. But until then, here is a clip from the premiere:
- Also coming up on the television calendar is My Boys coming March 31 at 10:30 on TBS. I should also have more information on the show in upcoming weeks. Until then, you can view some of last season’s episodes over at TBS.com.
- Coming April 5 at 9:00, the National Geographic Channel gained extended access to the notorious Guantanamo Bay to document what life is really like for the detainees and those who guard them.
- In an odd press release I got, apparently the Dog Whisperer, Cesar Millan became a United States citizen yesterday. Um, okay. So congratulations Cesar and feel free to stop by my house sometime to see if you can keep my dogs from using the dining room as their own personal bathroom.

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