Survivor has been consistently entertaining even though it has hit a double digits number of seasons and despite it being obvious who will get voted out next as soon as the previews from the previous week’s episode. Not that the editors didn’t try to put a speck of doubt in your mind not that made the next castoff any less apparent. But those editors must have had a field day during the most recent installment Fan vs. Favorites.
In previous season we were lucky to get more than one shocking tribal council, but in this installment we had eight blindsides, two removals because of injury, one quitter, and even thought he was voted out, you had Johnny Fairplay asking to be voted for. Then you can throw in that two people got tossed while in the possession of a hidden immunity idol (Ozzy Lusth and Jason Siska), a surprised played idol by Amanda Kimmel as well as a fake idol that Eliza Orlins.
Then there was the most shocking tribal council play possibly ever and unarguable dumbest move ever in the history Survivor when ice cream scooper Erik Reichenbach inexplicably gave up his immunity necklace and promptly got voted out unanimously. I have been racking my brains these last couple days and I cannot even come up with a dumber move ever in the history of reality television in fact.
What was almost as worse is that earlier in the season, the same thing should have happened to Jason when he stupidly agree to step out of the immunity challenge if everyone promised not to vote for him. You know what else can get people to not vote for you at tribal council? Actually having the immunity necklace. The only thing that saved him was half the tribe wanted to blindside Ozzy.
Usually as good as any season is, the finale is always the most boring episode because there are so little contestants left, the stupid remember the fallen segment, the last challenge is a boring endurance one, and the final tribal councils tend to be anti-climatic. But not this one. First was the twist of a final two that no one saw coming. Granted I realized it back when James left thanks to counting out the remaining episodes. And thanks to Natalie's bizarre question about Parvati's bedroom habits, which she did not actually answer, the final tribal was almost enjoyable. Granted Ozzy ruined it with his lame melodrama. Which made me glad Parvati won just to spite him.
Survivor: Fans vs. Favorites gets a
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