Quote of the Week: This is going to be legendary, wait for it… dary. (Will Forte, How I Met Your Mother)
Song of the Week: Word Up! - Cameo (Everybody Hates Chris)
Big News of the Week: Men in Trees Canceled: I think I speak for every straight dude out there when I say, “Wait, Men in Trees was still on the air?”
Coalition Links of the Week:
With her mind fully blown by a Wire character joining the 90210 spinoff, Buzz asks which actors you'll always associate with particular characters. (BuzzSugar)
Amie shared her thoughts on MTV's The Hills' latest episode "No Place Like Home." (Daemon's TV)
"Fame, I'dols going to live forever, I'dols going to learn how to fly, high!" Vance notes how this weeks American Idol fit into the lyrics of "Fame" eerily well. (Tapeworthy)
While once again obsessed with Lost, Jace remembered why he loves Battlestar Galactica so frakking much. (Televisionary)
Once again, TiFaux's kinky side reared its ugly head as Dan discussed which TV star tattoos were the hottest. Vote on who you think is the hottest! (TiFaux)
Tube Talk vents its frustration at ABC for cancelling Men in Trees. (Tube Talk.
With the rumblings in the press that Smallville's Allison Mack is getting ready to jump ship, this TV Addict thought he'd offer up a word of caution. (the TV Addict)
Kate broke down who will be in and who will be out when Project Runway makes its move to Lifetime. (TV Filter)
The Big Bang Theory: It is interesting how the first couple episodes made it look like Leonard courting Penny would be the big theme of the show until the writers quickly learned that Sheldon was the bread and butter of the show. So we get a second Sheldon family member visit which is two more than the four other characters combined. Granted the other three trying to ask the sister out was the funniest part of the episode. Check out the latest episodes over at Innertube. You can also download or The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.
How I Met Your Mother: Yeah this Ted not talking to Barney is just not going to work out well, aside from the one funny line, this episode was a bust. It is time for the others to start an intervention. Check out the latest episodes over at Innertube. You can also download How I Met Your Mother on iTunes.
My Name Is Earl: Finally Earl is back to crossing things off his list and not so coincidentally, the show got back to being funny even if it guest stared the dude from Napoleon Dynamite. Possibly the funniest episode of the season. All the grocery allusions had me laughing throughout. And the broken finger might be the funniest sight gag on television this year. They still need to get rid of Billy though. Check out the latest episodes over at NBC.com. You can also download My Name Is Earl on iTunes.
Survivor: There is really nothing else to say but Erik is going to go down as the dumbest Survivor contestant ever, in fact, possibly the dumbest reality contestant ever. Check out the latest episode over at Innertube.

Lost: I am convinced that the writers decided to put in as many “what the frak” moments this week even if there is no possible why they can or will ever explain them. Just off the top of my head, they include:
- What the frak is Claire doing in the cabin and what the frak was up with her grinning?
- Why the frak is Jack’s father talking to Locke and for Jacob?
- Where the frak is Jacob?
- What the frak is with all the time skipping?
- Why the frak won’t Michael die?
- What the frak is on the dude from Smoking Aces’ arm?
- What the frak were the Hispanic and black dude doing in Locke’s flashbacks?
- Why the frak does Locke have the same last name as his birth mother (don’t adopted kids take the name of their adopted parents?)?
- How the frak do you move an island (especially after the freighter dudes came back)?
- What the frak is the contingency plan?
- Why the frak do I still watch?
Oh yeah, it is because of Not-Henry’s bemused, I don’t care what you do anymore, but I’ll just play along as if I almost do look which is basically the look I had all episode. Check out the latest episode over at ABC.com.

Next Week’s Pick: My Name Is Earl, Thursday at 8:00 on NBC: For the shows that came back from the strike, their season premieres start rolling out this week, and looking at the list for the week, I am less than impressed by television this year. Hopefully My Name Is Earl can turn things around after a sub par year marred my jail time, comas, and little crossing off the list.
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