Quote of the Week: Unless my people were freed by Benjamin Franklin and his five twin brothers you are wasting your time. (Black Nurse, The Big Bang Theory)
Song of the Week: Feels Like the First Time - Foreigner (My Name Is Earl)
Big News of the Week: Networks Announce Their New Schedule: For the first time in a long time I am not physically upset at a show being left off the fall schedule with Friday Night Lights, Eli Stone, Pushing Daisies and The Big Bang Theory all making room on their respective networks. Be sure to be on the lookout early next week for what I will be watching including my preseason top five of the new shows.
But before we get to fall shows, there are the summer shows to debut first. In fact I recently received a postcard from PJ of My Boys fame on her trip to Italy where she met a mystery man. I think I missed something because I was unaware she even went to Italy, the last thing I remember was her making out with her roommate. But anyways. The new season of My Boys premiere’s Thursday, June 12 at 9:30 on TBS. Also coming back that night at 9:00 is The Bill Engvall Show which I will have more on closer to that date.
Coalition Links of the Week:
BuzzSugar got the awesome opportunity to chat with the adorable Bret Harrison (a.k.a. Sam the bounty hunter for the Devil) about the future of Reaper. (BuzzSugar)
Mikey is generally pleased (if slightly underwhelmed) with this year's network upfront presentations. As for the social skills of the So You Think You Can Dance dancers, he's just kind of horrified. (Mikey Likes TV)
If only Kevin and Scotty waited one more week, they could have had a real marriage instead of just a big ol' gay commitment ceremony out there in California! Either way, it was extremely sweet and wrapped up an uneven season of Brothers & Sisters on a high note, well, at least until the whole not-incest thing between Rebecca and Justin. (Tapeworthy)
While Jace attended the upfronts this week and broke down the networks' scheduling decisions, he was more captivating with pondering just who the Final Cylon is on Battlestar Galactica and offered up his theory on who the last sleeper agent might be. (Televisionary)
Dan didn't (still hasn't, actually) get a chance to see this week's Top Chef, but you can get a chance to create your own episode through this Top Chef Mad Lib. (TiFaux)
This week, the TV Addict spent some time in New York professionally reporting on the TV Network UpFronts. Oh who are we kidding... we met 90210's Kelly Taylor! (the TV Addict)
Raoul chatted with Survivor winner Parvati. (TV Filter)
The Big Bang Theory: Maybe the funniest of their post strike episodes and really anything that has an overabundance of Sheldon and Penny scenes is alright in my book. They should really give these two there own episode, which the Sheldon is sick episode should have been as they should have skipped the unfunny Planet of the Apes subplot. Check out the latest episodes over at Innertube. You can also download or The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.
How I Met Your Mother: Please no more Britany Spears. I would almost rather the show die. In fact they should reveal her to be the mother next week and ended the show like that. Check out the latest episodes over at Innertube. You can also download How I Met Your Mother on iTunes.
My Name Is Earl: The anti-list plot was funny and got rid of Billy hopefully forever, but I feel cheated that Earl crossed “stole a chick’s leg” off his list so easily. That deserved an episode by itself. And did I miss the episode where Earl knocked over Joy’s trailer. I have been wondering when that happened for a while. Check out the latest episodes over at NBC.com. You can also download My Name Is Earl on iTunes.
Lost: Earlier this year when I compiled my list of my Favorite Characters on Television, I had left Not-Henry because the wuss they turned him into this season. But after a couple of weeks of him playing the curmudgeon in the worst buddy road trip flick ever I am ready to get him back onto that list. The flash forwards were fairly uninteresting. Jack learning Claire is (was?) his sister was one of the most anticlimactic scenes ever. We learned how everyone thinks they got off the island, but not how they actually got off the island or why they are lying or even who the two who “died” on the island were except that one wasn’t Jin. If we don’t see someone from the island not part of the Oceanic 6 in a flashforward in the finale I will be extremely disappointed. And Not-Henry or ghosts don’t count. Check out the latest episode over at ABC.com.

Promo of the Week: I can’t say I am too thrilled with the latest installment of the Indiana Jones series because old action heroes just doesn’t work and most importantly I can no longer call it my favorite trilogy of all time. Although I have a feeling in time I will ignore The Crystal Skull ever existed and still call the series my favorite trilogy. It is also not a good sign that the promo for The Sci-Fi Channel’s Mystery of the Crystal Skulls airing tomorrow, Sunday, at 9:00 looks more interesting than the movie trailer. Take a look:
(Pardon the technical difficulties, I hope to have the video uploaded soon)
Next Week’s Pick: The Big Bang Theory, Monday at 8:00 on CBS: The funniest new show since My Name Is Earl caps off its freshman season with hopefully more nerdisms. And those that didn’t catch the show yet or just want to see it again, there is also a repeat on Thursday at 8:00.
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