Quote of the Week: It looks like something Elton John would drive in the Everglades. (Penny, The Big Bang Theory)
Song of the Week: Burning Love - Elvis Pressley (My Name Is Earl)
Big News of the Week: Read the 9th Green with Your Breakfast: For a while I have been flirting with the idea of posting new posts in the morning, but never ended up doing so because the extra ten minutes of sleep always wins out over that idea. But last week, Blogger introduced a new feature where you can have future dated posts so the 9th Green can be updated as I sleep. God bless technology. I am thinking of a 6:00 AM post time but if you have any suggestions, shoot me an e-mail or drop a comment. I am going to give this test throughout May starting most likely Tuesday and I will see how it goes before I make it permanent or go back to the early evening that I have been doing this year.
Coalition Links of the Week:
With the Sex and the City movie looming, Buzz proposed a dozen essential episodes of the series to watch before May 30. (BuzzSugar)
With the start of season 2 of Robin Hood on BBC America, Sandie shared her interview with Richard Armitage, who plays Guy of Gisbourne. (Daemon's TV)
Marcia created a Lost drinking game, ensuring that she'll never again be sober on Thursday nights. (Pop Vultures)
With apologies to Supernatural, Scrubs and My Name Is Earl, Vance is supa dupa excited from the amazing Thursday onslaught of Ugly Betty, Grey's Anatomy, 30 Rock, Lost, The Office and Survivor. (Tapeworthy)
This week, while Jace thrilled over Doctor Who and his casting scoop (Catherine O'Hara signs on for Rob Thomas' new drama pilot Good Behavior), he once again found himself enthralled by the latest episode of Lost. (Televisionary)
In the wake of a prominent death on Battlestar Galactica, Dan got all Mr. Wizard on us and did some hasty internet research on what would actually happen to you if you got sucked out of the airlock and into outer space. It ain't pretty. (TiFaux)
Jennifer was outraged to hear of the impending cancellation of Aliens in America and launched into a red-faced rant about the current state of television. (Tube Talk)
Raoul talked to the rather fascinating Lauren of America's Next Top Model. (TV Filter)
The Big Bang Theory: If there were ever a litmus test for if you were a geek or not, it may be how hard you laughed, or if all, when Leonard started up the time machine and his crew went into fast-forward mode. For the record, I don’t think I laughed harder at that then anything else in the past year. Check out the latest episodes over at Innertube. You can also download or The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.
Greek: When my free time last month was reduced to zero, on Mondays I decided that I would tape The Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother and just catch up with Greek by streaming. But when I went over to ABCFamily.com, for some absurd reason you can stream episodes 1-10, 15 and 16. Um, what about episodes 11-14, coincidentally three of which I had missed. Now I’ll have to wait to rent the DVD or hope for a marathon as I am too cheap to buy Greek on iTunes.
How I Met Your Mother: I do not think there is a show that flirts with the shark more than How I Met Your Mother. And the show certainly tap-danced around the shark once again by putting Barney on the outs with Ted. Once Barney crossed the line I do not see how he get redeemed. Check out the latest episodes over at Innertube. You can also download How I Met Your Mother on iTunes.
My Name Is Earl: So Catalina was lesbian for a whole episode? Guess that is better than none, and the gay homosexual’s reation to her confessing her love for women was hilarious. Not so hilarious was Earl getting married to Alyssa Milano and another Michael Rappaport sighting. Can we please get these two off this show. Check out the latest episodes over at NBC.com. You can also download My Name Is Earl on iTunes.
Survivor: Even though it was pretty obvious that Amanda found the idol, I was still on the edge of my seat, shouting, “please have the idol” at the television all throughout the tribal council until she finally reached back for it. I’m not sure I want to add a six DVD set of this season to my collection, but I have the cull together all of this season’s tribal councils together on in DVD because almost everyone has been great. Check out the latest episode over at Innertube.

Lost: Well that didn’t take very long for Jack flashforwards to get boring much like his flashbacks since the first season. So even though he made a point of not seeing Aaron for whatever reason, growing a Grizzly Adams beard in the process, he seemed to pull it all together for no apparent reason, agreeing to raise the boy. Yawn. But what was worse was his is he going to die from a burst appendix storyline on the island when we already knew he’d make it. Of course it will be a couple week, if not next season until we learn more about the most interesting part of the week in what was up with Claire and her dad? Check out the latest episode over at ABC.com.

Next Week’s Pick: Survivor, 8:00 Thursday and Sunday at 8:00 on CBS: In a story I broke earlier in this post, this season’s tribal councils have been the most entertaining ever. That could set us up for a boring conclusion to the Fans vs. Favorite but with the hidden immunity idol being put into play last week by Amanda may have shaken things up to where we may see even more scrabbling as the remaining five get widdled down to the sole survivor.
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