Quote of the Week: Death by scratch and sniff: what the hell happened to people shooting each other with guns? (Emerson, Pushing Daisies)
Song of the Week: Only Wanna Be with You - Hootie and the Blowfish (Journeyman)
Big News of the Week: No Seriously, Scooter McGavin Should Write This Crap: Please, if you will, hop into the Scooter McGavin Time Machine (patent pending) all the way back to November 18, 2007 where I wrote right here on the 9th Green talking about Chuck, and I quote (well technically copy and paste): “the preview hyped the biggest secret yet next week. Is there anyplace where I can buy Bryce Is Still Alive stock?” Maybe I should add Dap
Gratuitous Token Hot Chick Picture of the Week:

Chuck: The show being completely predictable aside, I actually didn’t see Lou being part of a food smuggling ring, luckily that led to the great scene with Jayne poising as an FDA agent. Granted the best scene was the Indian dude hitting on the Token Hot Chick (see picture above). Unfortunately that was ruined by a heavy dose of Morgan this week. C’mon, if they can bring Bryce back to life, they can make it that Morgan and Harry Tang switch places and Tang is back at the Buy More and Morgan is in Hawaii. Check out the latest episodes over at NBC.com. You can also download Chuck on iTunes.
How I Met Your Mother: Watching this episode reminded me how much I missed The Big Bang Theory this week (are they out of episodes already?). They really should have left the Slap Back in season two. Check out the latest episodes over at Innertube. You can also download How I Met Your Mother on iTunes.
Heroes: Without the dude who can’t act around this week, Elle was much more tolerable this week. It should be interesting to see what she does with the information that Noah gave her this week about the Haitian erasing the bad memories of her childhood. Unfortunately dude that can’t act will be back next week with yet another tease that he might die with Hiro putting a sword to his neck in the preview. Please, please for the sake of decent acting, please have Hiro end him for once and for all. Check out the latest episode over at NBC.com.
Journeyman: I have been waiting for Dan to do something in the past that changes his future. Unfortunately they didn’t have the fortitude to change anything drastic, just a conversation that wasn’t had. Oh, and now child predator is now out for revenge on Dan. Hopefully they explain how dude found Dan because I don’t know how you find someone you’ve seen only three times. Maybe I missed something where Dan gave away too much this episode. Check out the latest episode over at NBC.com. You can also download Journeyman on iTunes.
Pushing Daisies: This was the first episode of the series where I actually guessed the culprit before the Scooby Gang pulled the mask off. Never trust a germaphobe, they always turn out to be the evil doing. But I’m not sure which of Emerson’s hobbies I like better, knitting or pop-up books maker. And it should be interesting to see how Pee-Wee will fit into all of this. Does he know that Chuck is dead or did he just steal her sweater because he is skeevy? Check out the latest episodes over at ABC.com.
Survivor: Stupid clip show. So the third time in as many week we get a tease that there will be something big after tribal council. I doubt whatever they do can possibly live up to the hype now. Check out the latest episode over at Innertube.

Next Week’s Pick: The CNN/YouTube Republican Debate, Wednesday 28 at 8:00 on CNN: The last YouTube debate featuring the Democrats, and only debate I have watched so far this political season, saw an snowman, a pair of hillbillies, and a clinically insane dude who called a gun his kid ask questions. After most of them ducked the originally scheduled event this summer, now all eight Republican candidates have signed up for this one. Will John McCain sing any Beach Boys tunes? Will Rudy Giuliani be able to use a sentence that doesn’t include just a noun, a verb, and 9/11? Will the Leave Britney Alone Dude ask Mitt Romney how he will protect Ms. Spears from illegal immigrants? Will Mike Huckabee bring Chuck Norris along? Will Hillary Clinton be able to answer a question that wasn’t planted? (Oh wait, I guess we won’t have to worry about that conundrum.) Will any of the candidates bother answering one of my questions (which I did today, which is the deadline)? Speaking of Huck and Chuck, below is the greatest political ad ever in the history of the world. Saturday Night Live hasn’t had a political sketch this funny in a decade (fun fact: Mike Huckabee's band Capitol Offense has opened for Willie Nelson).
In a programming note, the debate over laps Pushing Daises that will be airing at a special time, 9:00, this week, so make sure you set your VCR (or Tivo’s for you pretentious types).
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