Sunday, October 06, 2013

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 10/6/13

Once Upon a Time: As Lost Boy #6 in my high school production of Peter Pan I am not very happy that they have turned Peter Pan evil. He is more Jack Merridew (the episode even featured a conch shell) than the Peter Pan we know and love. Speaking of that conch shell, was the mermaid that blew it supposed to be Aerial? They can make her evil, I do not really care.
You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Once Upon a Time on iTunes.

Homeland: A quick addendum to my preview of the new season which was too spoilery. Homeland likes to throw I a game changer every couple episodes and Saul throwing Carrie under the bus may be the most shocking yet. Not only did he disclose to the whole nation that she is a crazy person, he actually lied under oath. We actually saw Saul listen to Carrie and Brody having sex last season. The fun of Homeland is watching the show to move on after completely blowing things up (sometimes quite literally) and this is an interesting set up to season three. I hope it does not end with Carrie and Brody on the lamb together. But if Saul’s testimony was the most shocking, Quinn killing the kid was the least shocking. As soon as Quinn was given the okay, I knew he would accidentally kill him, I just thought it would have been the kid under the desk, we just had to wait another thirty seconds for the murder to happen.

Revenge: The second season was rough, hard enough to sit through I was kind of hoping it would get canceled. But it came back complete with a new showrunner. Gone is Declan, Nolan’s money, The Initiative and Carrion (names of which even the characters never want to hear again). Of course we start off two months in the future (some things never change) where we see Emily shot twice in the abdomen by some unseen assailant who she trusts enough to be alone on a yacht with (my way too early prediction is the new French chick). Also gone this season (but not completely off this mortal coil) is Ashley who was sent back to her native land by the blackmailing team of Victoria and Emily. Emily even worked in some revenge essentially ending Conrad’s short run as governor of New York and making him think he has some degenerative disease that will turn him crazy (just thinking he has it will probably turn him crazy).
You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Revenge on iTunes.

Betrayal: Betrayal sounds like a title that was considered but ended up not used for Revenge. As Revenge sank like a rock last season, it is weird they would team it with a new soap heavy show. Except Betrayal is boring. It came off like the first of a twenty act movie instead of the first episode of a television show. There was probably the reason they heavily featured the last minute of the episode (essentially spoiling the whole thing) in the promos because nothing of note happened except a simpleton may have killed his uncle we barely saw for reasons that were not well explained.
You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Betrayal on iTunes.

The Voice: I applauded the song selection last week unfortunately some of the songs this week were less inspiring but some guy did pull out an MGMT song and another person dusted off an underappreciated song by Bill Withers. Unfortunately we did not get to see much of the first Creedence Clearwater Revival song on the show as it got montage (I do not count the times Proud Mary was performed because everyone always does the Proud Mary version). I wonder if song selection did Malford Milligan in, he did trot out the well worn Let's Stay Together. Even with the tired song, I still though he was the third best singer this week. Hopefully he gets an invite back next season. Granted they seem to only invite back cute young boys. Which begs the question, where is Jane Smith from last season? She would be a perfect fit for Cee-Lo who was not around last season.

One guy that did get the return invitation was James Irwin (who did not even make my Contestants Who Should Be Brought Back last season) who made history by being the first returnee who got all four chairs to turn around. But I wonder if the coaches were having some button remorse because his performance started out well, they all pushed their button, then sat there stone-faced went he went into the awkward rock portion of the song. After that it seemed like the least competitive fight for a four chair turner ever with Adam even giving him a harsh critique. For some reason James picked Adam and may be the first four chair turner who exists this season.

The big new this week (which is not saying much because there were a lot of weak performances) was the audition of Briana Cuoco. Okay this is mostly because of her famous sister Kaley from The Big Bang Theory. Brianna’s rendition of You and I was pedestrian at best but Kaley lost her mind (like some family members do, but Kaley over did it a bit) when Christina turned around for her sister. Hopefully Briana gets better because I would not mind having Kaley Cuoco on my television, two to three times a week for the rest of the year.
You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download songs performed this week with the widget at right.

The Blacklist: Usually with procedurals there is a big twist at the end to the point you expect it and can even guess what it is before it happened, but I never saw Isabella Rossellini turning out to be a human trafficker who rails against human trafficking to eliminate her competition (which is ingenious in an evil kind of way). But it is disappointing that it looks like Elizabeth is just going to ignore the money and passports she found under the floorboards.
You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download The Blacklist on iTunes.

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: A slight improvement over the premiere and that does not even take into account the cameo of Samuel L. Jackson. But yeah, Sam Jackson was awesome.
You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on iTunes.

The Goldbergs: How do you have a show set in the eighties and have a storyline about your mother buying your embarrassing clothes for the first day of school and not play, or at the very least reference Parents Just Don't Understand. Instead they end the episode with a Styx song? Epic fail.
You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download The Goldbergs on iTunes.

Sons of Anarchy: I did not think Tig would end up dead this week, but I was surprised with a test being why he survived but it does make sense (it did not make since that Pope’s men would still care about his vendetta against Tig if he was dead). But in true Sons of Anarchy fashion, you were left wondering the fate of Tig all week, he shows up alive, and then four characters die violently in the episode (and that does not even count the Nazi’s). Thankfully Otto finally met his finale fate, how he made it this long is befuddling. The big shock was the death of the Marshall, he was set up at the major antagonist and now he is completely off the board (unless there is yet another vengeful relative in their family). But the Sons have their hands full with the Irish right now.
You can download Sons of Anarchy on iTunes.

Survivor: Blood vs. Water: Finally a challenge the Loved Ones can win, they have most of the muscle on the guys side including a former NFL lineman who pushed around dudes for a living, while the women are going against mostly forty and fifty year olds. Making it easier, one of the stronger returnees Tyson goes out with a shoulder injury. Should be a cake walk right? Right off the bat Brad Culpepper barely beat the aging Gervase, then Katie and Ciera lose to their mothers who are twice their age. At least Ciera put up a fight against her mother, when she went against Kat, it looked like she jumped off the platform just to get away from her competitor. So in two straight seasons, the new tribe has won one team challenge total and four out of sixteen challenges in three seasons before they started to mix up the tribes. It is really time to stop it with the fans vs. favorites concept even if they include loved ones in the equation.

Or just bringing back contestants period aside a rare All-Stars season (at least five seasons apart). Case in point: Colton. The dude caused the ost eye rolling when he cast was announced. He was a character you did not even love to hate, u just hated him so much you wanted to turn the channel. But he came back and he changed, cry a bunch in the second episode but by the second episode he was spreading lies amongst his tribe and making rude comments about them in his confessional. As by the third episode, after realizing he would be first of his tribe voted out, he just up and quit even though his tribe was on a winning streak and may have never gone to Tribal Council. And if that streak continues, there may be a tribe swap sooner than later when he could have been reunited with his fiancé and rebooted his game. Instead he quits and Probst and his tribe just lit into him. Probst even went as far to say he faked his injury One World so he could leave the game. I was a little surprised Probst did not ask Caleb if he wanted to quit with Colton. I kind of wanted Caleb to say, nope, I am good here. Oh well. So good riddance Colton, not only are you a horrible person you are a quitter.

This week we finally saw some loved ones go head to head in an Immunity Challenge and next week we will see it in the Redemption Island Arena when Candice take on her husband John (with Marissa still in the mix). It is one thing to not take your loved one’s spot on Redemption Island, but are you really willing to send them home? It will be interesting if Marissa finishes first, will Candice or John just concede the game to their spouse? Though I hate the Blood vs. Water theme, I have to admit the concept sets up some interesting storylines.
You can stream recent episodes on You can also download Survivor: Blood vs. Water on iTunes.

Modern Family: Our first Dylan sighting of the season, complete with a new haircut. Rumour has it that there is going to be a Modern Family. When I saw the headline I was hoping for a Dylan / Hayley starting a new life themed show, but unfortunately they are looking at one starring Manny's real father. Bummer.
You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Modern Family on iTunes.

Super Fun Night This was just an abomination. I do not know what I am going to do between Modern Family and Nashville, but it will not be watching this ever again. I implore ABC just to bring Suburgatory back now or if they do not want to out right cancel Super Fun Night, please switch it with Back in the Game, The Neighbors, or even The Goldbergs even though I have problems with that show, it is still at the very least watchable. Super Fun Night is not. ABC, you know Super Fun Night is not getting a second season already, just cut ties now before you do irreconcilable damage to Nashville's ratings when people like me flee your network as soon as Super Fun Night starts and never comes back.
If you must, you can stream episodes on Hulu. You can also download Super Fun Night on iTunes

The Bridge: Do we finally get to hear what cassette Sonya was so desperate to recover after her sister’s car was totaled and it was… I have no clue what song that was. As for the actual episode, it did not feel like a season finale it all; it more felt like a middle of a season episode. I guess that happens when you capture your big bad two episodes ago. The only plot point was that Linder’s “bride” was rescued. Sure some things were set up for a second season, the FBI let Charlotte know they are on to her just after she set up her new business with the Fausto (how her boy toy made it through the season alive was shocking). Of course Daniel stumbled onto a dead ninety-nine year old woman with a ton of cash, including Euros, stacked in her bathroom. And it looks like next season will be Marco trying to break into prison to kill David Tate. Hopefully that is more entertaining than the last couple episodes of this season.
You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download The Bridge on iTunes.

Nashville: I really liked the addition of the new singer from the reality show (and the show really needs a kick after last week’s bore of a premiere). Or more specially, I really like her as a bright eyed foil to Juliette’s jaded pop star, it looks like it will be more interesting than the Juliette / Rayna rivalry. I really liked the look on Juliette’s face when Layla said she was singing on of Juliette’s classic which was only matched by her look when the new bean counter said Layla’s song was number one on iTunes. I hope they keep Layla naïve and do not give her some deep dark secret like they give everyone on a soap opera.
You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Nashville on iTunes.

The Big Bang Theory: I always love it when they find a way to get Penny and Sheldon together, but I could have done without so much time with the other teams. Howard and Amy even joked how they have never spent any time together, and after this episode it may be wise never to give them screen time again even if Neil Diamond is involved.
You can stream recent episodes on You can also download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.

Parenthood: This season token Friday Night Lights cameo is Jess Meriwether as Kristina’s campaign manager. You have to think Julie Taylor sits around wondering, “Why am I stuck on some crappy alien love story show on The CW with Hastings Ruckle; where is my Parenthood role?” It is odd that Lyla Garrity is the only original cast member that has been invited show but Jess is the third of the newbies to make an appearance. Jess was not the only new face this week as the dude from The Office also popped up. But I have to wonder if the show is really going to go the route where Julia ends up in the arms of the dude from The Office while Joel spends some quality time with Penny from Lost.
You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Parenthood on iTunes.

Saturday, October 05, 2013

Best of the Week: 8/5/13

Quote of the Week: What is it you’re smoking Ms. Masterson? (Senator Andrew Lockhart, Homeland)

Song of the Week: Gonna Get Even – Layla Grant (Nashville)

Scene of the Week:

Big News of the Week: Believeland: Forget the government shutdown, there is bigger news this week: the Cleveland Browns are alone in first place for the first time in maybe two decades!!! Things looks grim here in Cleveland after the Browns traded away their top three pick from just last year (which also cost them another late round pick to boot) for what will probably be a draft pick in the teens next year signifying the sixth rebuilding year of the past fourteen seasons. Except after they traded Trent Richardson, the won two straight games to earn them a tie in the AFC Central and with a Thursday Night Football game could get them a sole place at the top with a win.

But this is Cleveland and nothing is easy. Brain Hoyer, who looked competent in his first two starts, made the most awkward looking slide ever in the first quarter which landed him a torn ACL and out for the season. So back in was Brandon Weeden, the sophomore quarterback who turns thirty later this year. Yep God hates Cleveland. Except the Buffalo quarterback got injured himself, and the Bill backup managed to be worse than Brandon completing only around five passes, and one of those was to cornerback TJ Ward, cliching the Browns win. So seriously President Obama and House Republicans, if the Cleveland Browns can be in first place during the fifth week of the season, you can hammer out a way to get the government up and running again.

Preview Picture of the Week:

"Heavy Petting" The League, Wednesday at 10:30 on FXX

Free Download of the Week: Ribs – Lorde (iTunes): Get the fifth best song off of Pure Heroine for free. But really, just buy the whole album. You can read why in my review: I'm Kinda of Over Being Told to Throw My Hands in the Air.

Deal of the Week: 100 Albums for $5: This months discounted album on Amazon MP3 include Greatest Hits packages from Tom Petty, Boyz II Men, Bruce Springsteen, and DMX.

New Album Release of the Week: Mountains of Sorrow, Rivers of Song - Amos Lee

New DVD Release of the Week: Lifeguard

Video of the Week: When I think of great reality moments, I always go back to the time CT wore Johnny Bananas as a backpack on The Challenge. This week’s Immunity Challenge on Survivor may make the list. Sure we have seen this exact challenge before on the show, the sumo pillow fight over the water or mud, but this is the first time we have seen it with relatives going against each other. There we only three same sex loved ones left on the show but they all went up against each other (I am glad Colton quit earlier in the episode, but I would have loved to see him go against Caleb, or even better NFL lineman Brad, in this). First up you have Vytas cheap shot his brother Aras and still lose, and then you had two mothers beat their daughters half their age. Laura beating Ciera was a bit understandable, Ciera is so small got knocked off the platform when Kat just sneezed on her, but Katie has over twenty-five years on her mother, a couple inches, and a quite few pounds on her mother and still lost. This was really the first time I did not hate the Blood vs. Water theme. For reference, to skip the less interesting undercard, the Ciera vs. Kat battle start at 3:00.

Next Week Pick of the Week: Once Upon a Time: Wonderland, Thursday at 8:00 on Thursday on ABC: The Once Upon a Time spin-off was originally conceived as a filler show for when the main show went on winter hiatus, but the people at ABC liked it so much that they gave it a full order and a spot on its fall lineup, one that is not even on the same night as the original show. Of course it did not like it enough to give it a better spot on it schedule than Thursdays at 8:00 where the network has failed to launch a new drama since Ugly Betty moved out of the spot in 2009. And the promos make me wonder what exactly what the execs saw because the CGI heavy sets do not look very good and instead of a Once Upon a Time spin-off, it looks like a television adaptation of Sucker Punch (which was conceived as Alice in Wonderland with guns but panned by critics).

Friday, October 04, 2013

Around the Tubes: 10/4/13

I have gotten a plethora of cool press releases have been flooding my inbox recently that you may find interesting. This post will include blurbs on Valentine Road, Homeland, Austin City Limits, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Great Performances, 13 Nights of Halloween, The Incredible Bionic Man, Living Well with Montel Williams, and Musicwood.

- HBO Documentary Films presents a weekly series this fall, debuting provocative new specials every Monday from October 7 through December 9. The first documentary starting at 9:00 Monday is Valentine Road which explores a middle school murder and its complicated aftermath. Check out a trailer below:

- If you missed it when it aired, The season three premiere episode of Homeland can be seen on the Showtime website, on YouTube, via select television providers' free On Demand channels and websites, on Showtime on Demand® and Showtime Anytime®. The season three premiere is also available on Showtime apps on iPhone®, iPod Touch®, Android smartphones and tablets, Nook® and Kindle Fire tablets, and for download as a free video podcast on iTunes.

- Austin City Limits launches its 39th Season with two of the biggest acts in Latin music today, Juanes and Jesse & Joy. Colombian superstar Juanes headlines the episode, performing a thrilling high energy set, while Mexico City’s sibling duo Jesse & Joy sing a selection of their breakthrough hits. The season premiere—the first to feature Latin artists in the debut episode—airs Saturday, October 5th and showcases ACL's long-standing commitment to feature the best in music from around the world. ACL airs on PBS stations nationwide (check local listings for times) and the full episode will be made available online at immediately following the initial broadcast.

- Ever want to hang out with the gang from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia? Omaze and the cast of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia are teaming up to offer one lucky winner and a friend the chance to be flown into LA to visit the set, hang with the cast, watch an episode of the hit show, and of course, grab a drink at Paddy’s afterwards. The winner and their friend will learn how “The Gang” came to be, what it takes to launch and star in a hit comedy, and what it’s like to indulge in a little happy hour at an imaginary bar with real people. Roundtrip airfare and hotel arrangements are included, so all that is needed is a love for Los Angeles and a sense of humor (assuming some heroic efforts, wisecrack jokes, and Hawaiian shirts are included on set). The best part about this experience is that every entry helps the Wounded Warrior Project empower veterans recovering from combat wounds. You can enter HERE by October 18th, 2013 for their chance to win!

- The seven-week 2013 PBS Arts Fall Festival premieres Friday, October 18 with Great Performances “40th Anniversary Celebration,” a performance special that honors the iconic series with a star-studded concert at New York’s Lincoln Center. October 25 brings A Raisin in the Sun Revisited: The Raisin Cycle at Center Stage, which explores the impact of the groundbreaking play, as well as the onstage and backstage drama as Baltimore’s Center Stage company mounts two contemporary plays inspired by the original work. On November 1, Great Performances “Moby-Dick from San Francisco Opera” captures composer Jake Heggie and librettist Gene Scheer’s acclaimed adaptation of the classic Herman Melville novel with Texas-born tenor Jay Hunter Morris as the obsessive Captain Ahab.

- ABC Family has launched the “Ravenswood Reveal” app, which will release exclusive Ravenswood content every day leading up to the series premiere on October 22 at 9/8c. Also, during the East Coast broadcasts of the “Pretty Little Liars” Halloween special and the “Ravenswood” series, star Tyler Blackburn will be answering fan questions on the Ravenswood Facebook page.

The special episode of Pretty Little Liars and the premiere of Ravenswood are part of ABC Family’s 13 Nights of Halloween and you can check out the full slate of programming below (click to enlarge):

ABC Family's 13 Nights of Halloween

- Smithsonian Channel is the exclusive U.S. television home to chronicle the behind-the-scenes story of the world’s first real Bionic Man – a 6-foot-tall robot built entirely from bionic body parts and implantable synthetic organs – complete with a functioning circulatory system. The result of billions of dollars of research and featuring components borrowed from some of the world's leading laboratories, The Incredible Bionic Man shows how far we’ve come in efforts to simulate the human body. A new one-hour documentary about the ambitious project premieres on Smithsonian Channel on Sunday, October 20, 2013 at 9:00.

- Popular, Emmy-winning author and motivational speaker Montel Williams debuts his uniquely inspirational/motivational new show Living Well with Montel Williams via an online portal, as VOD, utilizing new media as the platform to deliver high quality, subject specific content relating to health and wellness. What viewers will recognize as traditional daytime format will be paired with in-depth educational content designed to provide a more complete user experience on

Musicwood, an acclaimed environmental/music documentary directed by Maxine Trump, opens in NYC on November 1 at the Quad Cinema. The film will also have limited screenings in markets around the country including Seattle and Chicago (dates / times available here). Musicwood is an adventure-filled journey and political thriller with music at its heart. The film follows a group of the most famous guitar-makers in the world – Bob Taylor of Taylor Guitars, Chris Martin of Martin Guitars and Dave Berryman of Gibson Guitars – as they venture into the remote Alaskan rainforest on a mission to protect the Sitka Spruce tree. Essential for the creation of high-quality acoustic guitars, old-growth Sitka Spruce are disappearing at an alarming rate as Native American loggers are clear-cutting enormous strips of the Tongass National Forest.

Thursday, October 03, 2013

Previewing Witches of East End: A Dude's Review of Lifetime vol. III

The cast of Witches of Est End
In a measure of full disclose, I should first state that I am male and thus outside Lifetime’s target audience, but since the channel was nice enough to let me watch their screeners, I feel obligated to do my due diligence to promote their new programs. There latest offering is Witches of East End (witches: another source of entertainment I do not fall into the core demographic for). Please note this is not another retelling of The Witches of Eastwick, the last of which did not last a full season on ABC just four years ago. This based on another book of the same name released just two years ago.

The show follows a modern day witch, Julia Ormond (last seen in a ballroom with Roger Sterling) who has been “cursed” with immortality. But the rub is that though she stays timeless, her children keep on dying as a part of the curse, the same two children are born again right after they die because as Salam taught us, no one likes witches. So in their most recent incarnation, Julie has decided not to tell her daughters about their supernatural gift.

And then in the span of days, one daughter Jenna Dewan-Tatum (the short-lived The Playboy Club) wishes her soon to be mother-in-law to chock on an appetizer only for it to happen making her think she has some special power, which she does. While the more skeptical daughter, Rachel Boston (American Dreams) jokingly performs a fertility spell she got off the internet to help a co-worker get pregnant, which shows up with a positive test the very next day. Oh yeah, and a dude crawls out a painting in their house. Things get more complicated and secrets harder to hide when Aunt Mädchen Amick (Dream Lover) the more wild-child sibling and has the more humorous “curse”, who has not spoke with her sister since the seventies, which was long before her niece’s latest incarnation

Rachel Boston is the best part of Witches of East End
It has to be said: Jenna Dewan-Tatum is not a good actress. I have to wonder how she even cast in this. My working theory is that the people who go to her husband’s movie are the network’s target demo so they hope older woman will see “Tatum” and hope she may be able to wrangle her husband for a guest spot. Rachel Boston is much better as the more comedic sister, especially when she starts going on about “goat orgies” and on the show does work in a library with Tom Lenk who was the best part of the later Buffy the Vampire Slayer seasons. He only gets a line or two in the Pilot but hopefully he pops up for longer in future episodes. As you may have not noticed, Lenk is the first guy I mentioned because like most Lifetime shows and movies, this one is populated with boring actors cast straight from the Ambrocrombie catalogue and as so boring they could very well just be reanimated poster cut-outs (this is a show about witches so it is possible).

But as the third Lifetime that I have given a try, Witches of East End was the most entertaining by far. And at its best it could rival Ironside for the best new hate-watching show of the fall. Unfortunately for both shows, there is plenty of good shows on this fall, there may not be any time to hate-watch anything unless you want to save it for the holiday repeats or next summer.

Witches of East End airs Sundays at 10:00 on Lifetime. You wil be able to download Witches of East End on iTunes.

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

I’m Kinda Over Being Told to Throw My Hands in the Air

Pure Heroine - Lorde

“For so long, pop music has been this super-shameful thing, where people don't want to be associated with it, they want to be on Pitchfork. But the way I see it, pop music doesn't have to be stupid, and alternative music doesn't have to be boring; you can mesh the two together and make something cool.” Lorde ladies and gentlemen. The teenager from New Zealand slowly rose up the American pop charts with her song Royals until it hit number one on the iTunes charts where it has locked down for two straight weeks.

Royals is a sly song that draws you in with lyrics about Cristal and gold teeth but it is not until the third or fourth listen when you realize that it not just another song about wealth and greed but an anti-materialism song making fun of the people that glorify such things. Now one has pull off this switch-a-roo better since Rage Against the Machine attacked angry teenagers with loud guitars and lines like “(Expletive deleted), I won’t do what you told me,” before getting them to realize that some that work forces in fact do burn crosses.

Royals is the only holdover from her Love Club EP (which is a shame because Bravado may be the third best song she has done while and Million Dollar Bills, Love Club as well as The Replacements cover Swinging Party from the Tennis Courts single would have also been some of the better songs on the album but I am sure they will be added to the “Deluxe Edition” at some point) to be included on her full length debut Pure Heroine. Tennis Court, which was released as a single back in spring, is also on the album. As hinted at on those previous releases, the full length album features songs that sound like what Lana Del Rey wishes she can make: music that is sparse and epic at the time and sound like what The xx may sound like if they aspired for pop chart dominance. All with lyrics by someone who realizes there is no upward mobility for her living in a city you will never see on screens and she is fine with that with shot at people who foolishly aspire to that lifestyle but do not even want to work for.

The devil may care attitude does wane near the end of the album when she starts singing about Glory and Gore and putting White Teeth Teens on blast. But Pure Heroine does finish strong with A World Apart, the second best song here after the smash hit single. It is the most danceable track Lorde has done in her short career and the first time she features a song that has something that resembles a guitar. Though the subject matter is still the same as the previous songs on the album (“people are jerks”), it is much more fun as she starts dancing in the world alone. If Lorde can put out music this good as a teen, it is hard to think how good it will be when she gets some more experience under her belt. Or maybe this is it, and she will be starring horrible Syfy movies in twenty year (sorry Debbie Gibson). Here is hoping for that former and there are enough Lorde like singers to follow that will bump the Katy's, Gaga's, and Miley's off the pop charts for good.

Song to Download – If you already picked up Royals from The Love Club EP, gives A World Alone a download

Pure Heroine gets a Terror Alert Level: High [ORANGE] on my Terror Alert Scale.

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

This Year Halloween Fell on the Weekend

We Can't Be Stopped - Geto Boys

Okay, for anyone who has already flipped over their calendars will have noticed that this year Halloween actually falls on a Thursday. But in defense of the guy who first uttered that line, his mind was playing tricks on him. In fact in 1990, when Bushwick Bill rapped that line, Halloween also fell on a Thursday. Plus when he declared it was Halloween, later in the verse, it did not even turn out to be close to Halloween.

The line was the centerpiece of the seminal gangsta rap track My Mind’s Playing Tricks on Me by Geto Boys. At the time when west coast rappers were glorifying the gangsta lifestyle, these Houston boys were tapping into the paranoia real gang bangers had at the time having to constantly look over your shoulder for the cops and other gang members. To up the paranoia, the cover of the album We Can't Be Stopped, this month’s induction into the Scooter Hall of Fame, featured Bushwick Bill in the hospital after he shot himself in the eye.

The boys do not spend the entire album sitting in four cornered rooms starring at candles and go on the offensive, taking aim at Queen Latifah (I’m Not a Gentlemen, their answer back to her Ladies First), the Grammy’s (Trophies), and even their own record label who would not distribute their previous album (the title track). Though the Fresh Prince beat Bushwick Bill rapping about a horror film antagonist by three years, the Geto Boys’ Chuckie, based on the Child’s Play doll, is as scary as the actual movie. In another pop culture reference, Willie D recorded a song based on the Homey D. Clown catchphrase Homie Don’t Play That which was just as angry as The Living Color sketch.

Though this year Halloween does not fall on the weekend, every October is a good time to sit along in a four cornered room starring at candles while listening to the Geto Boys.

Monday, September 30, 2013

I Want My Music Television: 9/30/13

There have been a couple of videos that have caught my eye lately so I thought I’d give them some love since the death of Musical Television left a void for a forum on the art form. If you are interested in buying the video through iTunes, click the title link (where available). If you are interested in buying the song, look for a link in the analysis.

Shot at the Night – The Killers

Their debut album does not turn a decade old until next summer, but The Killers are already to release their first greatest hits package with two new songs. Like pretty much every greatest hits album with new material, Shot at the Night really does not live up to the rest of the songs included (Mary Jane’s Last Dance is the rare exception). Their video does seem like the most Killer-y music video yet. It does make it very clear that Belle Heathcote needs her own television show on air by next fall.

Sirens – Pearl Jam

I know I have not been the most ardent follower of Pearl Jam of the last fifteen years, but this is the first time I can recall anyone in the band break out an acoustic guitar (not including their Unplugged performance of course). Considering they had a pure power ballad follow up the very agro Mind Your Manners, Lightning Bolt is shaping up to be their most eclectic album yet. I wonder if Eddie Vedder brought in his ukulele from him solo album.

The Heart of Dixie – Danielle Bradbery

Smart bit of marketing releasing Danielle Bredbery’s debut video the same day of the new season of The Voice. The video kind of reminds me a video version of the photo on Carrie Underwood’s debut album, another smart touch, it even had a twist ending (Dixie is the art teacher!!!). But the songs on the album will have to be better than this to have Carrie Underwood type success.

Wake Me Up (Acoustic) – Aloe Blacc

If you remember back to when Avicii released the original version of Wake Me Up I said I liked the song but wished Aloe Blacc would release an acoustic version of the song. Well ask and you shall receive.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 9/29/13

Ray Donovan: Of course the season ended with Mickey saving Ray’s life. Let me go ahead and predict next season will see the two reluctantly team up against a common foe. Ugg, at least the season is over and Homeland can start next week.

The Voice: It what seems to be my yearly, How to Fix the Voice rants, one of my bigger complaints was the recycling of songs and how they needed to retire a bunch of songs. This season did see the third straight performance of Back to Black and Too Close and a few others that got trotted out for a second try. But overall they include a bunch of new songs to the show including some surprisingly awesome song selections. After the first night I did not think someone would perform a song cooler than Keep Your Hands to Yourself, then the very next night someone broke out the most inspired song selection since Lindsey Pavao flipped a Trey Songz track when some dude sang The Theme to the Jeffersons. Boom. Then you also had a guy perform the lone Blu Cantrell hit, a Lynyrd Skynyrd song not named Sweet Home Alabama, a Jack White song, and surprisingly the very first song on the show by The Killers (not counting the time the band themselves performed). Overall I was happy with the song selection this season, hopefully when the coaches take the reins, their picks are just as inspiring. Of course Cee-Lo’s usually are for better or worse.

But the first week belonged to Holly Henry. A couple weeks ago when she appeared in an ad for this season I wondered if it is too soon to anoint someone after just five seconds. Now that I have heard the full ninety second performance the answer is a resounding yes. I am not the only one who thought this because her version of The Scientist cracked the top 25 on iTunes, only the second time I can recall that happening during the Blind Auditions (and it is more impressive than when Sarah Simmons did last season because Holly has to contend with singles from all the high profile fall releases; can anyone remember any marquee album released in the first quarter of 2013). I will not go into a full detail as to why because I have already written a lengthy write-up on Holly Henry for my upcoming Power Rankings that I will post at the end the Blind Audition. Basically if she does not get far this season, I will have to write another lengthy How to Fix The Voice post. Until then, just watch her performance and enjoy.
You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download songs performed this week with the widget at right.

How I Met Your Mother: When the season started off with Wayne Brady singing Islands in the Stream, both the Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton parts, I thought the final season would be a return to form. Unfortunately the rest of the hour, what was way too long, fell back into the usual tropes that has brought down the show in the last couple seasons.
You can stream episodes over at You can also download How I Met Your Mother on iTunes.

The Blacklist: The problem with Pilots is when you see the extended trailers; you have pretty much seen the entire episode. So some of what should have been the best parts of the episode, when James Spader first walks into the FBI and when Elizabeth stabs him neck, were scenes you expected to happen. But there were a few things they saved for actual show. From the trailer, it was easy to guess that Spader would turn out to be Elizabeth’s father but since her parents became a central part of their discussion, that is probably not the case (though I would not take it completely off the table, she could be adopted or Spader had an affair with her mother unbeknownst to her or her “father”). After the discovery in the floorboard, the safer best is the husband could be Spader’s kid. Or maybe the husband is at the top of The Blacklist. How good this show is will be determine how they handle the storyline. Most shows would make you wait a couple episodes, or until the winter break to reveal his intention, but if Elizabeth does not confront her husband in the next episode, that will be a major flaw. I fear he may be in the hospital for the foreseeable future.
You can stream episodes on Hulu. You can also download The Blacklist on iTunes.

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: It become clear pretty early on that it may not have been the best idea to do their casting from the Abercrombie catalogue. Most of the cast just does not know how to deliver a joke. Hurph. Hopefully they learn quickly because the ratings make it look like it will be around for a while. As for the actually show, the big reason of how Agent Coulson is not dead like we saw in The Avengers was that he held his breath for thirty seconds. Alrighty. Okay there is clearly more to this story as Maria Hill says that Coulson can never know what really happened in Tahiti. So is he a reanimated corpse? A robot with Coulson’s memories uploaded? Something completely different?
You can stream episodes on Hulu. You can also download Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on iTunes.

The Goldbergs: As a child of the eighties, I like a good retro show from the decade, I will even watch a crappy version. Unfortunately The Goldbergs is much closer to the latter. Hopefully it finds its footing and quick because I want watch for the soundtrack alone.
You can stream episodes on Hulu. You can also download The Goldbergs on iTunes.

Sons of Anarchy: There are fewer things in my life that I need to see less than Matt Sarasen’s mom having sex with Robocop. I really wish I could un-see that. And though it was teased in the promo, the scene with Jax talking to the formal marshal through the one way mirror was very powerful. But I was shocked that Jax actually gave up Tig. I figured after Pope died, no one would care about that debt anymore. But Tig cannot possibly be dead can he? This is not the kind of show that would have a death off scene. The writers would never pass off a chance to have emotionally painful death scene. And it would seem odd to start off an episode with a death scene. Maybe they will give him some sort of reprieve if Tig does something for them like they did with Clay inside.
You can download Sons of Anarchy on iTunes.

Survivor: Blood vs. Water: It only took two episodes and the old Colton is back and I am back to hoping he has another appendix left to burst. Either that or he quits as the promo suggest he might after Probst asks him if he wants too. I assuming him sitting on his fiancé’s lap is against the rules and hopefully him doing that s viewed as quitting. Then it would be funny if Colton quits and asks his fiancé to join him and he goes, you know what, I am going to go head and stay and play.
You can stream episodes on You can also download Survivor: Blood vs. Water on iTunes.

The Bridge: When they caught Drew Thompson with a couple episodes left on Justified last season, I wonder how they could possibly fill up the rest of the season. But the last couple episodes ended up being the best of the season. So when they caught David Tate last week I thought The Bridge could do the same. Um, no. It is probably not a good sign that my biggest question coming out of this episode was what exactly was on Sonia’s cassette tape?
You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download The Bridge on iTunes.

The Challenge: Rivals II: I really liked how they broke out the Pythagorean Theorem for the final challenge. Although I am shocked that everyone knew what it was (did they give them the equation on the board, I did not get a good look at the instructions). Granted none of them were smart enough to make an educated guess and instead tried to do the math in the dirt. But as great as the Pythagorean Theorem leg of the final challenge was, the gross food leg was very unnecessary. I really did not need to see people projectile vomit for ten minutes straight.
You can download The Challenge: Rivals II on iTunes.

The Big Bang Theory: The show has always been at its best when they find a way to get Penny and Sheldon together which is happening less and less as the cast expanded. But as the premiere showed, when they do, it is comedy gold. Kaley Cuoco showed up for a quick cameo on The Voice this week because her sister is auditioning later this season, here is hoping Jim Parsons pops up in the friends and family room. And since we already heard one television theme performed this season, maybe the other Cuoco will perform Big Bang Theory Theme.
You can stream episodes on You can also download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.

The Crazy Ones: I had two thoughts while watching the premiere: 1) It is too bad Mork ages backwards because an ill conceived Mork and Mindy reboot would have been a better vehicle than this, and 2) Kelly Clarkson needs a much better agent.
You can stream episodes over at You can also download The Crazy Ones on iTunes.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Best of the Week: 9/28/13

Quote of the Week: Here’s one I thought I’d take to the grave: a while back YouTube changed its user interface from a star based rating system to a thumbs up ratings system. I tell people I’m okay with it but I’m really not. (Sheldon Cooper PhD, The Big Bang Theory)

Song of the Week: Islands In the Stream – Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton (as sung by Wayne Brady and Wayne Brady, How I Met Your Mother)

Scene of the Week:

Big News of the Week: Power Rankings of New Fall Television: Television came back in full force this week with a slew of new shows. Surprisingly only one came D.O.A. (do not get too attacked to Lucky 7). Granted a lot of the more poorly reviewed show (We Are Men, Super Fun Night, Sean Saves the World, The Millers, Ironside, Welcome to the Family) do not premiere until next week. I did watch just over half of the ten new shows and here is absurdly premature Power Rankings:

1. The Blacklist
2. Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
3. The Michael J. Fox Show
4. Back in the Game
5. The Goldbergs
6. The Crazy Ones

But who cares what I think. Here is how the shows stack up in total viewers in millions. As you can tell, it is very helpful to air after the two of the most watched shows on television like the top two shows here and not very helpful to air after another new show like the bottom three:

1. The Crazy Ones (15.52)
2. The Blacklist (12.58)
3. Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D (12.12)
4. The Goldbergs (8.94)
5. Back in the Game (8.01)
6. Mom (7.99)
7. The Michael J. Fox Show (7.50)
8. Hostages (7.41)
9. Trophy Wife (6.69)
10. Lucky 7 (4.43)

Although if you go by the ever more important 18-49 demo ratings, the rankings go like this:

1. Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D (4.7)
2. The Crazy Ones (3.9)
3. The Blacklist (3.8)
4. The Goldbergs (3.1)
5. Mom (2.5)
6. Trophy Wife (2.3)
7. Back in the Game (2.2)
8. The Michael J. Fox Show (2.2)
9. Hostages (1.8)
10. Lucky 7 (1.3)

Preview Picture of the Week:

“Wolfsangel” Sons of Anarchy, Tuesday at 10:00 on FX

Free Download of the Week: The Mother We Share – Chvrches (iTunes)

Deal of the Week: $3.99 Albums: Amazon is hosting a secret sale of albums that should be in everyone’s library including ones by Nirvana, Beastie Boys, The Police, and Boyz II Men. Update your library now on the cheap if there are holes.

New Album Release of the Week: Pure Heroine - Lorde

New DVD Release of the Week: This Is The End

Video of the Week: The triumphant return of Kenny Powers is tomorrow when the fourth and final season of Eastbound and Down premieres of HBO at 10:00. Check out a preview clip below:

Next Week Pick of the Week: Masters of Sex, Sunday at 10:00 on Showtime: Masters of Sex did not make my Power Ranking from above because it does not air until tomorrow, but if it was, it would have been number one with a bullet. To read more, check out my preview of Masters of Sex here.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Around the Tubes: 9/27/13

I have gotten a plethora of cool press releases have been flooding my inbox recently that you may find interesting. This post will include blurbs on Homeland, Eric Clapton, Scarecrow, Guinness World Records® Unleashed, Tom Green Live, NCIS, A Shot to Save the World, and Troubadour, TX.

- In advance of the highly- anticipated Season 3 premiere of its Emmy® and Golden Globe® Award-winning series Homeland, Showtime will be offering a catch-up marathon of Season 2 on Saturday and Sunday, September 28th and 29th, starting at 12 p.m. ET/PT airing all twelve episodes back-to-back. Homeland stars Emmy and Golden Globe Award winner Claire Danes, Emmy winner Damian Lewis, and Emmy and Tony® Award winner Mandy Patinkin, and premieres this Sunday, September 29 at 9 p.m. ET/PT only on Showtime.

- In early 1974, after a three-year absence that followed Eric Clapton’s major success with Derek and the Dominos’ seminal album Layla And Other Assorted Love Songs, which sealed his stature as one of rock's most revered guitarists, a rejuvenated and musically refreshed Clapton stepped into the recording studio and staged a massive resurgence with his 1974/1975 trilogy of albums—461 Ocean Boulevard, which featured his first No. 1 hit single I Shot The Sheriff There's One In Every Crowd and the live E.C. Was Here—standing as one of the most remarkable rebirths in rock's history. Those albums decisively cemented the guitarist as both a musical and commercial force, while successfully staking out an entirely new set of creative challenges. The 5-CD/1-Blu-Ray™ disc box set Eric Clapton – Give Me Strength: The 1974/1975 Recordings(6SHM-CD+BLU-RAY)(ltd.) is beautifully housed in a 60-page book and captures a full year’s worth of recordings, from April 1974 to June 1975. Featured are 88 remastered, remixed, rare unreleased and live recordings, including session outtakes, from his landmark studio albums 461 Ocean Boulevard and There's One In Every Crowd, and his legendary live album E.C. Was Here. Also included is a new 5.1 Surround Sound mix of 461 Ocean Boulevard and original quadrophonic mixes of two milestone releases. 461 Ocean Boulevard and There's One In Every Crowd.

- Get ready for the next Syfy original movie Scarecrow. The summery from Syfy: "An evil scarecrow scares the sh— Er..."stuffing" out of unsuspecting teens!" Yep, it is a Syfy movie. The movie starring Lacy Chabert airs October 5 at 9:00.

- Determined record chasers are gearing up to wow viewers and secure a place in the record books when truTV's hit series Guinness World Records® Unleashed returns this fall with all new episodes, beginning Thursday, Nov. 7, at 8:00. Hosted by Dan Cortese (Veronica's Closet, Surviving Suburbia, MTV Sports), the series features daring and fearless record hopefuls as they attempt to secure their place in history by breaking some truly outrageous world records.

- New media pioneer Tom Green will bring his one-of-a-kind wit, spontaneity and irreverent attitude to AXS TV with a new interview talk show, TOM GREEN LIVE, premiering on Thursday, October 3 at 9:00. Tom Green Live is part of the network's Thursday comedy block and will follow episodes of the docu-series Gene Simmons Family Jewels at 8:00 and precede standup comedy series, Gotham Comedy Live at 10:00.

- NCIS, one of the top rated shows on television today, premiered its 11th season with a bang last night, and to celebrate, the hit series just released its official television soundtrack entitled NCIS: Benchmark! Available exclusively on Rdio, the show’s stars Pauley Perrette and Michael Weatherly both curated brand new original playlists that are made up of some of their favorite songs that inspired them to write music. Fans can now listen to the new soundtrack and playlists for free on Rdio. Aside from an awesome collection of songs on the soundtrack, there are three original tracks, two of which are by Pauley and Michael.

- It was a disease that paralyzed America — a terrifying epidemic that shut down playgrounds, parks and public pools, while leaving tens of thousands of victims in wheelchairs, iron lungs… or dead. A vaccine, developed against all odds, gave new hope. And now a coalition of global health experts is determined to eradicate the disease from the planet. A new hour-long Smithsonian Channel documentary, A Shot to Save the World, premieres on World Polio Day, Thursday, October 24 at 8:00. This powerful program reveals the dramatic story behind one of the greatest feats of medical science, the development of the first polio vaccine. It features interviews with Bill Gates, who has made world polio eradication one of his main goals, with polio survivors and with members of Dr. Jonas Salk’s pioneering medical team. It is an extraordinary story that spotlights one of the most remarkable examples of how much can be achieved when a nation—and a world-- pulls together to defeat a common enemy.

- Texas singer-songwriter television series Troubadour, TX begins its third season on September 28 with new artists and special appearances. Kris Kristofferson serves as segment host and Stacy Dean Campbell is host of the award-winning, 22-episode series. Kristofferson offers personal stories throughout the series and his thoughts of what it is to be a singer-songwriter. Campbell gives viewers a unique perspective into the lives and behind the scenes of today's Troubadours. The show begins September 28.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Previewing Masters of Sex

Lizzy Caplan and Michael Sheen in Masters of Sex

Oh Showtime, when you announced that you were greenlighting a show called Masters of Sex; you had me at Lizzy Caplan. They could have filled the rest of the cast with the worst actors and hired the most inept writers, and the show still would have been highly watchable just because Lizzy Caplan was starring in a show called Masters of Sex. But they did hire one competent actor Michael Sheen to star opposite as the real life William Masters who pioneered research on human sexuality to Caplan’s Virginia Johnson who was his club singer turned receptionist turned assistant.

As for the writing, the show was created by Michelle Ashford who knows her way around a historical drama penning the HBO miniseries for The Pacific and John Adams. Masters of Sex pushes the subject matter closer to modern day in the late fifties when Masters decides there are enough books on how babies are delivered and decides to research on just how babies are made. It probably helps that he himself is having a bit of trouble making a baby of his own with his wife as the show starts up.

Masters of Sex is surprisingly funny. Despite wanting to explore new scientific ground, Masters is clearly still uncomfortable talking about sex especially around other people. And the way he collects data before he conducting his study at his university is humorous and involves a quick witted prostitute. But the funniest scene in the first episode involved Beau Bridges as Sheen’s boss watching a woman, um, achieve complication through a glass, um, self pleasuring devise. Oh science. Masters of Sex is far and away the best new show you will watch this fall.

Masters of Sex airs Sundays at 10:00 on Showtime.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Previewing Homeland 3.x

Homeland back to form

After a stellar first season, Homeland took a step back last season when the writers thought that the Carrie / Brody relationship was something the viewers wanted to see more of (and the less we talk about the Dana vehicular homicide storyline, the better). But the second season did end with a bang. Quite literally when a bomb exploded outside the CIA killing Director of the Counterterrorism David Estes and 218 others. Since it was his car, Brody had to go on the run and his leaked suicide confession he made when he was going to kill the vice-president makes it even harder to clear his name.

Season three fifty-eight days after the worst attack on American soil since 9/11 and Saul has taken over Estes’ job and is ready to go Munich on those that helped in the bombing with Peter Quinn playing the role of Eric Bana. One major snag is they still have not been able to find Brody, the face of the attack. Brody is so hard to find, he does not even show up in the first to episodes (he is in the season trailer so he will unfortunately show up at some point). Quinn's boss, F. Murray Abraham also seems to have an extended role this season but it is a little unclear if he is playing a little angel on Saul's shoulder or a little devil.

That is not to say the Brody clan is completely absent from the premiere. Dana has been given a much more interesting storyline than the other one that will not be spoken about. Needless to say life has not gone well these three months since learning their father is a terrorist and Dana is taking it the hardest and we first find her in group therapy. Chris Brody, ever so oblivious does not even seem to notice his father is even gone, but then again it is hard to get a read on him on just three lines of dialogue (granted that is two more than last season). At any rate, the aftermath of the Brody family is probably much more interesting than watching Brody run from the law which is probably why that started the season with them rather than him.

Despite all the other characters on the show, Homeland remains to be about Carrie Mathison. Thankfully without Brody around, there is much less to roll your eyes about this season. Best of all is that she is off her meds and seeking “alternative treatments” which are not having the best effects so far which may not be good for her long-term employment but makes for great television. There is even a return of a crazy wall map in her house. And it would not be Homeland without a massive plot twist and the one at the end of episode one is quite a dozy and sets up what looks to be a return to form after a sophomore slump. Of course that may all change when Brody finally makes an appearance this season.

Homeland airs Sundays at 9:00 on Showtime.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Musings from the Back 9: Music Edition XVII

It is easy to write off Jack Johnson as a modern day hippie or the beach bum equivalent of a beach bum, who is so mellow he can gets lampooned by Andy Sandberg on The Mellow Show sketch on Saturday Night Live. Sure Johnson got his revenge on Samberg in the hilarious At or with Me music video. If you have already dismissed Johnson, his latest From Here to Now to You is not going to change your mind as it is filled with another batch of sleepy acoustic song. Of course if you own all or most of his previous catalogue, you will be happy to know that the new album is filled with even more sleepy acoustic songs to play in the early evening be it around a bonfire on the beach or in your landlocked back yard.

From Her to Now to You gets a Terror Alert Level: High [ORANGE] on my Terror Alert Scale.

I usually start off my reviews for new albums from The Roots by saying how I thought their album releases would become far and few in between after signing on as Jimmy Fallon’s house band for Late Night, but this is actually their fifth album since taking the gig in 2009 (and there could be a sixth one coming as soon as later this year). Wise Up Ghost is their second collaborative album, but where the soul classic cover album with John Legend made sense, most people had to do a double take when it was announced they would do one with Elvis Costello. Wise Up Ghost (of which the title track is the best song on the album) continues the experimental sounds of Undun mixed with Costello’s voice and lyrics about urban decay. The combination is as weird as you would expect, but it will take many more listens before I decide if it is a good weird or a bad weird. Check back in December when I do my list of the best albums of the year to see where Wise Up Ghost lands to see where it falls.

Wise Up Ghost gets a Terror Alert Level: Elevated [YELLOW] on Terror Alert Scale.

A year before Kimbra and two years before Lorde stormed the American charts all the way from New Zealand; fellow kiwis The Naked and Famous released their ultra catchy indie-pop anthem Young Blood that should have been as big as Somebody That I Used to Know and Royals. But now that their countrywomen pushed opened the door they cracked for them, The Naked and Famous are poised for their breakout moment. Except there is nothing as intrinsically catchy on their sophomore album In Rolling Waves like Young Blood from their debut. The closest is first single Hearts Like Ours which comes off like a more mature and pensive version of Young Blood. But overall the new album is just missing some punch.

In Rolling Waves gets a Terror Alert Level: Elevated [YELLOW] on my Terror Alert Scale.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Previewing Genealogy Roadshow

Geneology Roadshow

People have been bringing their family heirlooms to PBS’s Antiques Roadshow for years to see where they have been and what they are worth and I never thought about having the show about actually people and not their possession. But after they announced the spinoff Genealogy Roadshow, premiering tonight (check your local listings), I am surprised that did not think of it earlier.

If you have seen Antiques Roadshow then you pretty much know how Genealogy Roadshow will play out. The first stop is Belmont Mansion in Nashville (which gets its own backstory) when people show up to learn about their past, be it to confirm family legend or just learn about the family they never knew. There are two genealogy experts on the show who do their research before hand and are ready to give back their findings on the show.

As it happens in the south, there are more than a few unknown mixed raced backgrounds in Nashville and the show even connects a Caucasian and an African American who both showed up for the show to learn more about their families only to learn they are actually distant relatives when their great-great grand parents came down with a case of jungle fever. While another black family learns they are actually the descendant of the very white Tennessee governor. Other people show up hoping they were related to former presidents or other famous people are not as lucky, one family goes in thinking they are related to the Pointer Sisters but find out they are actually related to Amy Grant. But the thing about geneology, if you look long enough, you will find a famous, or infamous, character or two.

The show definitely saves the best for last on tonight’s episode when a woman shows up never knowing her father or even seeing a picture of him. And what the experts find will tug at your heart strings. Aside from Nashville, season one will feature three other cities: Austin, Detroit, and San Francisco.

Geneology Roadshow airs Mondays on PBS (check your local listing. Check out a preview below: