Tuesday, March 09, 2010

The Dawn to End All Nights: That’s All We Hoped it Was

Broken Bells - Broken Bells

Brian Burton was the most entertaining person of the 00’s whose name no one would recognize. A few more people would now his stage name Danger Mouse. Yet everyone is familiar with his most famous work as one half of Gnarls Barkley who created the greatest experimental pop song since When Doves Cry.

It was an odd decade for Brian Burton. He started off by perfecting the mash-up with The Grey Album which took acappella from Jay-Z’s The Black Album and backed them with instrumentations taken from The Beatles The White Album. That actually led to producing jobs for acts ranging from Gorillaz to Beck to The Black Keys. But his most successful collaboration came with Cee-Lo Green.

Even though everything he has done has been ear candy, you still had to scratch your head when Burton’s latest collaboration was with James Mercer of The Shins (who are best known for not changing your life as Natalie Portman promised). Even though Mercer and Green have little in common other than working with Burton, Broken Bells is similar to Gnarls Barkley that just trades Green’s Deep South soul with Mercer’s acoustic guitar.

Both groups’ first singles were these big huge pop sounding songs with an undercurrent of moody and somber tones. While the rest of the respective album tried to reach the cultural high point to little avail. But unlike Gnarls Barkley where Danger Mouse provided the music for Cee Lo to sing his songs over, Broken Bells is a more collaborative effort with the duo putting their two cents each on the music and lyrics which reigns in Burton who went a little too out there with his beats with Gnarls Barkley. Here on Broken Bells, his eclectiveness only comes in small bursts like the opening moments like the opening bars of The High Road.

Though The High Road is the high point of the debut, there are some other gems to be found Vaporize starts out what could be a Shins song with just guitar before a half a minute in before Burton adds some fuzzy keyboards onto the track. While Your Head Is on Fire is a weird trippy Beach Boys type song heard through Danger Mouse’s usual psychedelic filter. Though Gnarls Barkley never reached the heighted of Crazy on the sophomore effort, The Odd Couple was a stronger album as a whole. Here’s hoping the next Broken Bells record follows the format.

Song to Download – The High Road

Broken Bells gets a Terror Alert Level: High [ORANGE] on my Terror Alert Scale.

Monday, March 08, 2010

It's Like a World's Greatest Hits Collection of Nightmares


Vampires are lame. They just sleep all day, slick their back, and wear a wardrobe that Liberace would consider too over the top. I actually just described a cousin of mine who is a prime candidate for the next season of Tool Academy. And as lame as vampires are, they somehow managed to become even lamer last decade when they all decided to become annoyingly whiney, became impotent (seriously, a vampire that doesn’t kill?!) and then these two hundred year old dudes started hanging out in high school, picking up sixteen year old girls. Someone get Chris Hansen on the phone.

If you want a cool supernatural being, look no further than Zombies: George Romano, Evil Dead, Thriller, Shaun of the Dead, Resident Evil. There is a reason Robert Bartleh Cummings did not use for his pseudonym Rob Vampire. Now it is time to add another win for Zombies column in their battle vs. Vampires: Zombieland.

Zombieland is one of those movies you can pretty much tell is going to be great just by the title along. That thought was validated with first look at the trailer with a banjo swinging Woody Harrelson set to Van Halen’s Everybodt Want Some!! And Zombieland isn’t one of those comedies where the only funny two minutes are jammed into the trailer; in fact the high point of the film features the greatest cameo ever, yes even better than Bob Barker beating up Happy Gilmore.

The plot revolves around Jesse Eisenberg (Cursed) who manages to have as many friends after the zombies took out almost all of humanity as before that happened and has only stayed alive thanks to a list of rules (#31 Check the Backseat). He is picked up hitchhiking by Harrelson (Kingpin) who has made it this far because of his love for killing zombies. Along their way they run into sisters Emma Stone (Ghosts of Girlfriends Past), who does a decent impersonation of Linda Hamilton in Terminator 2, and Abigail Breslin (Ghost Whisperer), because what is more entertaining than watching a twelve year old unload a double barrel into a zombie?

If there one gripe to have about Zombieland it would be Eisenberg’s narration can get long in the tooth and his monotone maybe wasn’t the best idea, but whenever the drone started to start in, another entertaining zombie elimination happened. And the climatic amusement park scene is an edge of your seat rush that will make you fall off it when it throws in an unexpected joke. Word is a 3-D sequel is in the works, but considering the movie was originally developed for the small screen, hopefully they revisit that idea and bump off one of those lame vampire television shows to make room for Zombieland: The Series.

Zombieland gets a Terror Alert Level: Severe [RED] on my Terror Alert Scale.

Sunday, March 07, 2010

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. CXX

The Marriage Ref: My first thoughts when NBC cut into The Olympics Closing Ceremonies to air a special of The Marriage Ref was that it was the worst decision that NBC has made ever. Yes even dumber than the Jay Leno debacle. And then I only got madder when the show managed to be lamer than all the promos I had to sit through during the Olympics led me to believe. Really, three celebrities, many of which have no way to take the high ground on moral issues, making fun of the common folk. Sure there were some funny moments, but it was hard to get through a half hour special, I cannot image how anyone could watch the hour version. Certainly if it didn’t have Jerry Seinfeld’s name attached to it, there is no way The Marriage Ref ever makes it to air.

Granted I had to retract my Worst Decision Ever for NBC after I watched the rest of the Closing Ceremonies the next day which restarted up with a performance by Nickelback and didn’t get much better after that. Seriously Canada, please stop sending all your crappy music south of the border, we have plenty here already. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Tool Academy: What a strange turn of events. One Tool storms of which for some reason leads to another fight between the Neander-Tool and The Toolette’s boyfriend. Than out of nowhere the Glow Stick Tool starts swinging on him. It is getting to the point where I have to start thinking that this all may be staged. You can stream recent episodes over at vh1.com. You can also download Tool Academy on iTunes.

Chuck: The writer are sure doing their best to make Chuck unlikeable. Really, is there really anything worse that dumping a girl the day after you first have sex with her in front of her parents? Poor Lana Lang, she sure deserved better than that. And let’s hope Sam doesn’t stick for Sarah, but that is a downgrade in a name. At the very least go for the full Samantha. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Chuck on iTunes.

How I Met Your Mother: Ouch. This episode really hurt. I too was on The Hook at one point in my life. Back in college I asked this chick to a basketball which she responded, “I have a boyfriend, but if you don’t mind we go as friends.” Needless to say that was the most awkward four hours of my life. Thankfully I got off the hook later that summer when I ran into her and she had gotten a nose ring and was starting to morph into a hippie. You can stream recent episodes over at cbs.com. You can also download How I Met Your Mother on iTunes.

The Big Bang Theory: Great callback to the best episode of the season so fall. Then throw Sheldon in jail and a Stan Lee cameo and this one is up there for this season. And more Raj musical shirt please. You can download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.

Lost: I really need to start up an office pool of what random character from the main storyline runs into a main character during their flashsideways. This time around, Sayid’s brother (who inexplicable is now married to Nadia for no reason other than the writers saying, “look how we changed history!”) owes money to the dude who killed Ben’s daughter. Tune in next week when Ben has his plumbing fixed by Henry Gale! And now he is best friends with his father! And his daughter is now the sexy French nanny to his kids! Only ten more episodes? Thank goodness. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Lost on iTunes

Mercy: So the show goes away for the Olympics and when it comes back, Ronnie is Tommy Gavin all of the sudden. Alrighty. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Mercy on iTunes.

Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains: Finally, something interesting. And not just Coach’s absurdly funny monologues (seriously, I was waiting for Tyson to tell him, “Are you crying, there is no crying in Survivor,” but mocking his feather at tribal council will have to do). Finally a blindside. That is the problem with All Star editions; you are less likely to stab someone in the back you already know as opposed to someone you met just a month ago. Though I am not sure it is technically a blindside when the majority of the tribe didn’t vote for Cirie. And they are really being gratuitous with the challenges, last week it was mud, this week baby oil. Is Jello next week? You can stream recent episodes over at cbs.com.

Survivor on iTunes

Community: I have decided this week I am completely over Abed. Though it was announce the show will be back next season earlier this week, I hope he isn’t. You can stream current episodes on Hulu. You can also download Community on iTunes.

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Best of the Week vol. XXXVI

Quote of the Week: I have dated a lot of liars before so I usually know how to spot them, but you, you are like the best I’ve ever seen. I hope that you’re lies keep you warm at night. (Hannah, Chuck)

Song of the Week: Kick Drum Heart – The Avett Brothers (Parenthood)

Big News of the Week: Canada Takes the Gold: After the greatest three periods of hockey I have ever seen, I had to take a double take when the announcers that overtime would start off four on four. With the exception of football (who ironically were talking about changing their last week), this may be the dumbest overtime rule in sports. You do not play an hour of a hard fought game and just change the rules. Sure, you can speed up games in round robin or regular season, but ion the playoffs where their nothing to play for tomorrow, you play until someone scores man up. At least we can rest in the solace that America is the best five on five hockey team in the world.

Gratuitous Token Hot Chick Picture of the Week:

Kristin Kreuk coming out of the shower

Free Download of the Week: Pilot - Parenthood (iTunes): For my thoughts on the series premiere, check out First Impressions: Parenthood. For the anti-iTunes folks, you can also download it for free on the Playstation Network and Amazon Video on Demand (see below).

Deal of the Week: Save Up to 50% off New Blu Ray Deals (WWII in HD, Forrest Gump, Black Hawk Down)

Video of the Week: Lorene Michaels has to be kicking himself for not being able to get all the past (fake) presidents for one skit on Saturday Night Live. Although how were Randy Quaid or Joe Piscope not available to reprise their Reagan. I am assuming I wasn’t the only one who had to look up who played Reagan on SNL after seeing Jim Carrey taking over the role. But watching this only makes me wish Bob Dole had been elected president so Norm McDonald would have been included. Oh well.

Next Week Pick of the Week: Lost, Tuesday at 9:00 on ABC: Hopefully the promo monkeys are being extremely misleading because I really hope they were not insinuating what I think they were insinuating. At any rate, it looks like we will be getting a Ben-centric episode and hopefully he returns to form after being neutered by a pre-dead Locke when he took charge of The Others.

Friday, March 05, 2010

Around the Tubes vol. XLI

I have gotten a plethora of cool press releases have been flooding my inbox recently that you may find interesting. This post will include blurbs on Saturday Night Live, How to Make it in America, The Office, Caprica, and Arizona Dream.

- The hosts this year for Saturday Night Live have been less than spectacular as they seems to be relying too heavily on hot chicks with nominal to no acting skills (I am looking at you January Jones). It only took sixteen episodes, but they finally brought in a professional funnyman to host this weekend with Zach Galifianakis returning to late night after his short lived VH1 chat fest got canceled. Joining him will be Vampire Weekend. Here is a promo (a much watch for the last bit):

SNL Promo: Zach Galifianakis

- Like the new HBO series How to Make in America and do not want to wait until Sunday to watch it, or just want to catch an episode to see what it is like? Well head over to the HBO YouTube page where you can stream the fourth episode Unhappy Birthday for free.

- The Office has launched yet another web series this time entitled The Mentor featuring secretary Erin Hannon as she tries to break into the world of accounting with the help of Angela. Here is the first episode The Pupil and you can find the next couple over at NBC.com.

- For those waiting for the start of James Marsters on Caprica, the wait is over as he will be appearing on tonight’s episode. Here is a sneak peak of Know Your Enemy:

- With his latest movie hitting theaters today, Warner Archives are exclusive releasing Johnny Depp 1993 movie Arizona Dream, also starring Jerry Lewis and Faye Dunaway on their website March 16.

Thursday, March 04, 2010

First Impressions: Parenthood

There may not be a more likeable cast in the history of television than that of Parenthood. On the show you have Peter Krause (Sports Night), Monica Potter (Head Over Heels), Lauren Graham (The Pacifier), Erica Christiansen (The Upside of Anger), Craig T. Nelson (Coach), Sarah Ramos (American Dreams), Sam Jaeger (Eli Stone), and Mae Whitman (Her?). That is as close to a Murderers Row of likeability you are going to get on the small screen. Oh, yeah, and Dax Sheppard (Idiocracy) is also in the cast.

Of course as Potter found out with her last foray into television Trust Me (with the ever Tom Cavanaugh and Eric McCormick), likeability doesn’t necessarily makes for great television if the stories and characters are not well conceived. Luckily for Potter, this time around the behind the camera personal is just impressive including Ron Howard, Executive Producer of Arrested Development, Jason Katims, Executive Producer of Friday Night Lights, and Brian Glazer who was also an Executive Producer on those two shows. Keep in mind those two shows both landed in the top six of The 100 Greatest Television Shows of the 00’s so color me excited for Parenthood.

Parenthood, of course, is a remake of the movie (that was already turned into a television show in 1990) but I have a hard time remembering much about either besides the cast and I think there was some storyline about dumpster diving after a retainer accidentally got thrown away at some Chuck E. Cheese type restaurant. And even then I am not entirely sure if that was the movie or the television show. I really couldn’t even tell you about the similarities between the new version to the old ones aside from the extended family and a nice mix of humor and family drama.

Erika Christensen of ParenthoodAs the new story goes, Nelson, along with Bonnie Bedelia (Die Hard 2) are the parents of four very different children. Graham is moving back with her children to the family abode after running out of money. Krause (married to Potter) is the closest to being a nuclear family of the bunch, or at least that it what it looks like from the outside until his son is diagnosed with autism. Christiansen is the overachiever who leaves her husband (Jaeger) to play Mr. Mom. Oh, yeah, and Dax Sheppard is also a sibling.

After all the advertisings during the Olympics, the show did live up to the hype if not for a few flaws. With a cast this large (fourteen regulars), some characters are going to get lost in the shuffle as the first episode that seemed to focus heavily on Krause and Graham and maybe a line of less to Jaeger and Bedelia. And maybe they were trying to fit too much into the pilot, but storylines seemed to be rush like with the cousins being caught with pot which seemed to go away as fast as it was introduced. Oh, yeah, and Dax Sheppard is loitering on the show somewhere. On the brightside, unless my eyes were failing me, I swear I saw Lyla Garrity somewhere in the season promo.

Parenthood airs Wednesdays at 10:00 on NBC. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Parenthood on iTunes or Amazon on Demand (see below):

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

I Want My Music Television vol. LXXV

There have been a couple of videos that have caught my eye lately so I thought I’d give them some love since the death of Musical Television left a void for a forum on the art form. If you are interested in buying the video through iTunes, click the title link (where available). If you are interested in buying the song, look for a link in the analysis.

Stylo – Gorillaz

So does the lead singer of Gorillaz, 2-D, have to undergo a name change now that they have had a visual upgrade? And I have to say I was a little disappointed that Bruce Willis got the better of the band instead of the other way around.

Kandi – One EskimO

Another semi-animated video (you can check out the fully animated version here), this time from One EskimO for a song I just can’t get out of my head the last couple weeks.

This Too Shall Pass – OK Go

Ladies and gentlemen: the greatest game of Mouse Trap ever. Now if only OK Go could make music that was as entertaining as their videos.

Gypsy – Shakira

What is it about tennis players that make Latin artist want to put them in their video? First Maria Sharapova starred in an Enrique Iglesias video and here is Raphael Nadal (sans his patented Capri pants) moonlighting in the latest from Shakira.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Until We Meet Again

American VI: Ain't No Grave

I am not a big fan of posthumous albums. They almost never work because it is missing what every album needs, the artist vision. This is the main reason why I am most likely going to pass on the upcoming Jimi Hendrix release next week. But the thing about the two albums the followed the death of Johnny Cash is they may be more a Rick Rubin album as much as Cash who has been in bad health threw much of the recording adding only his voice, and three songs of which wrote to the final two album.

Released last week on what would have been seventy-eighth birthday, American VI: Ain’t No Grave is a fitting end to the career of the Man in Black and doesn’t stray at all from the previous American Recording. Cash and Rubin pick songs that manage to sum up Cash’s life of where he has been and where he was going. But unlike the previous albums where the duo choose some songs aimed at reaching a younger demographic with songs like Nine Inch Nails Hurt or Personal Jesus from Depeche Mode, the most recent cover is Redemption Day from Sheryl Crow’s 1996 album, the next dates back to 1970.

The highlights bookend of the album. Ain’t No Grave (Gonna Hold This Body Down), featuring The Avett Brothers on banjo, footsteps and chains, almost matches God’s Gonna Cut You Down from the last album in its chilling effect on the ear. On the other end of the spectrum Aloha Oe, which dates all the way back to 1977, plays as a heavenly tune, with a ukulele taking the place of a harp, where you can see Cash finally in a well deserved white suit and you can’t help to believe when he delivered the line, “until we meet again.”

Song to Download - Ain’t No Grave (Gonna Hold This Body Down)

American VI: Ain’t No Grave gets a Terror Alert Level: High [ORANGE] on my Terror Alert Scale.

Monday, March 01, 2010

Fly Like an Eagle

Super Mario Bros 3

There are some anniversaries that make you cringe and that happened a couple weeks ago when I saw someone mention it was twenty years ago that Super Mario Bros 3 was released twenty years ago. Most of my formative years were dedicated to playing that game and to hear that the game was released two decades ago just made me feel real old. But the greatness of the game makes it this month’s induction into the Scooter Hall of Fame.

After an unnecessarily silly sequel, the Super Mario Bros. series got back on the right track with the third of the original NES trilogy. Similar to the first game, SMB3 tweaked the game just enough and in the right places like adding more power ups giving Mario the ability to fly for the first time like the Raccoon Suit (granted the Frog suit was a little too silly). As well as adding a world map that gave you more choices in your route to completing the game, not just a straight threw version of previous games.

The world map also gave an element to a new two person version where you could “challenge” your opponent to who goes next if they go over the spot you were occupying by playing the original Atari game Mario Bros. And back in college we would play the old school Mario Bros. most that almost every other game that led to more fights than alcohol.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. CXIX

Winter Olympics: It is sad that the curling competition not just because last night will be the last time we see the Norwegian uniform, but we will have to wait another four years until we get to watch another curling match. Seriously, cannot ESPN find a spot to air some matches? Certainly they could find some open time on The Ocho.

Tool Academy: You know it is true love when your Tool spots a decade old line from a chick flick while sobbing. “You complete me.” To quote Kyle, “Psst, chicks, I don’t know.” And it only took the girlfriends two episodes this season to break out the claws. And did the skinny dippers conveniently forget they had a dude and a lesbian lurking around? You can stream recent episodes over at vh1.com. You can also download Tool Academy on iTunes.

Greek: No Dale and Rebecca scenes this week. Hurfph. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Greek on iTunes

Lost: So Jack has a kid because Jacob never touched him. Alrightly. Naturally the writers played coy with the mother but really there is only one plausible (not that Lost hasn’t dealt with unplausibility), and mommy dearest will turn out to be Juliet. The kid it too old to be Carol Vessey’s and it would be a very long stretch for anyone else (and extremely disappointing if it is someone we haven’t met). But of course, the time for questions is over!

While back on the island we get yet another anticlimactic ending with Smokie turning out to be Claire’s friend. But we do not learn why she was so angry that someone took her baby when it was actually she left her baby unattended in the woods all alone which is why someone took Aaron.

But the biggest smack to the head dumb was Jacob having Hurley leading Jack to some Lighthouse where everyone was once again listed (just how many more places are the names scribbled across the island?) on some dial like apparatuses, only for Jack to smash the mirrors. The mirrors that helped Jacob (presumably) help guide the candidates to the island. Sure, why not? You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Lost on iTunes

Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains: I call baloney. For years now, Probsts has been telling tribes that they could not sit out the same people in back to back challenges only to explain away Courtney sitting out two in a row by saying that it resets every episode. Lame. This deprives us from seeing Candice body slam her into the mud. And not to sound chauvinistic, but they really need to incorporate mud challenges more often. And you know it was gratuitous because there was an unnecessarily amount of mud that went up to some contestants knees. The only way it would have been more gratuitous would be if they made them compete in the mud. Maybe next season. You can stream recent episodes over at cbs.com.

Survivor on iTunes

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Best of the Week vol. XXXV

Quote of the Week: There’s nobody out here who’s honorable; there’s nobody out here who’s honorable anymore… except for me. I hate to pontificate about that but you know Martin Luther King says that, “The greatest measure of a man is not the way he handles times of comfort but in the way he rises with controversy and challenges.” (Coach – Survivor)

Song of the Week: Fantaisie-Impromptu in C-Sharp Minor - Frédéric Chopin (as performed by David Sheppard, Lost)

Big News of the Week: People Actually Talking About Hockey: I would have to go back to before the lock out since the last time I talked about hockey with anyone yet that was the topic of conversation for most of the past week. And though the start of the hockey started with a yawn, that all changed last Sunday as The United States of America upset host nation Canada in a thrilling back and forth game that could be summed up by the last goal when Ryan Kesler outhustled Corey Perry to grab an empty netted goal.

One week latter it looks like it will be the same teams but with a different goalie. After the American loss, the Canadians decided to pull Martin Brodeur for back up Roberto Luongo, who plays in the arena for the Vancouver Canucks, while his American counterpart Ryan Miller has yet to give up a goal since they last play. But despite the change in gola for the Canadians, I expect the result to be the same. And when the Americans do win, I hope they celebrate on the ice with champagne, cigars and some Iron City Beer.

Free Download of the Week: Trash Day – Butch Walker (Amazon MP3): For those wondering who was that dude with the banjo that joined Taylor Swift and Stevie Nicks during the Grammy’s last month, it was Butch Walker who has been making some decent power pop music himself. Here is one of them from his latest album, the awesomely titled I Liked it Better When You Had no Heart.

Deal of the Week: Save up to 50% off with Television Deals (Arrested Development, Mystery Science Theater 3000, Big Love)

Video of the Week: Yesterday I posted a bunch of interviews from the cast of Friday Night Lights and after I did, NBC sent along another one featuring Ted Leland, better known to you and me as Buddy Garrity. Here it is:

Next Week Pick of the Week: Parenthood, Tuesday at 10:00 on NBC: I have been watching so much of the Olympics, I could mimic all the ads for Parenthood perfectly. Thankfully the games end tomorrow (Over/Under 5 ads during the Closing Ceremonies) and the show finally premieres Tuesday. Granted I am more looking forward to the second episode because it seems like I have seen most of the first one through all the commercials.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Around the Tubes vol. XL

I have gotten a plethora of cool press releases have been flooding my inbox recently that you may find interesting. This post will include blurbs on Chuck, Friday Night Lights, Nip/Tuck, Justified, and Ghost Hunters.

- My sources tell me this Chuck preview is pretty spoilery, which means I passed on it so watch at your own risk. But either way, remember Chuck is back this Monday at 8:00 with the Olympics wrapping up this weekend.

Sneaking a Peek

- We are still two months away from the return of Friday Night Lights to NBC (not that they have mentioned that fact during the Olympics, because why promote a television show about sports during a sporting event) but the channel has released five interviews with the cast about the fourth season including Jesse Plemons, Connie Britton, Aimee Teegarden, Taylor Kitsch, and Kyle Chandler (see below):

- Coming this Wednesday is the series finale of Nip/Tuck at 10:00 on FX with Sean and Christian reflecting on their loving, turbulent and decades-long relationship. In other Nip/Tuck news, the entire series is now available for download in HD on iTunes (with the exception of the finale which will be up Thursday).

- With the end of Nip/Tuck next week, anyone on the lookout for a new show will only have to wait two week for the premiere of new FX show Justified Tuesday March 16 at 10:00. To get ready for the show, head over to Justifiedthepursuit.com to play a game where you collect clues to catch a fugitive. Participants will receive an entry into the sweepstakes for every sighting they enter. Four winners will be selected: 1 Grand Prize winner will receive a $5,000 reward and a $500 wardrobe from Stetson that will include a hat, pair of boots, jeans, and a shirt. Three first prize winners will receive $1,000 as well as the $500 Stetson wardrobe.

- Next Wednesdays also sees the return of Ghost Hunters back for its sixth season and hundredth episode at 9:00 on Syfy where the boys hook up with their International counterparts and head out to Alcatraz looking for paranormal activity. Here is a preview:

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Feed Your iPod vol. XLII: The Wanderer

Johnny Cash released his final album earlier this week (I assume) but due to my Olympic obsession I haven’t gotten around to give it a listen yet. So I thought I would highlight a song by Cash that some may have missed. The Wanderer is an odd song. Stuck at the end of U2’s eurotrash album Zooropa yet sung by the country icon who had been trolling in obscurity for most of the previous decade (the song was recorded a year before Cash hooked up with Rick Rubin that resurrected his career). And yet it all worked.

The Wanderer – U2 featuring Johnny Cash U2 - Zooropa - The Wanderer

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Previewing Rules of Engagement

In a measure of full disclosure, it has been a while since I have seen an episode of Rules of Engagement, probably since the first season. And in its fourth season, it looks like I haven’t missed much. Patrick Warburton (The Tick) and Megyn Price (Grounded for Life) are still grumpily married, though are thinking about adding a kid to their equation. Oliver Hudson (Kate’s brother) and Bianca Kajlich (Boston Public) are still dating, though thinking about marriage. And David Spade (Joe Dirt) is still basically playing a version of himself.

The only change of sorts since the last time I watched is the addition of Adhir Kalyan (Paul Blart: Mall Cop) as abused Spade’s assistant. And the addition is a great one as he has some of the funniest bits on the show including the hilarious photoshopping of him into the title screen. His character has even started up his own website: TimmyStrikesBack.com with video and written blogs each week. For those that sympathize with Timmy can even upload your very own written and video content to the site.

Coming up this Monday on the season premiere, Warburton takes some advice from Spade to return some harmless flirting to a co-worker which naturally backfires. Much funnier is the next episode (airing 3/8) where it turns out Warburton has the same penchant of hitting the snooze button that I do to the dismay of Price. Also this season expect a guest spot from Jamie Pressly (Not Another Teen Movie). Rules of Engagement still isn’t the funniest show on television, but it is a better bridge from How I Met Your Mother to The Big Bang Theory than Accidently on Purpose, granted there is still the unfunny Two and a Half Men in-between.

Rules of Engagement airs Mondays at 8:30 on CBS. You can download Rules of Engagement on iTunes.