Showing posts with label Survivor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Survivor. Show all posts

Sunday, October 28, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 10/28/2018

Supergirl: Ugg, they are really going to lay on the illegal aliens are the actual aliens allegory pretty thick this season aren’t they. And as an old white dude, I am kind of offended how old white dudes are portrayed this season on the show. C’mon, we are not all alien (illegal or actual) hating people.
Supergirl on iTunes.

Shameless: Wait, crazy Peg Bundy is a shrink herself? I guess it takes one to help one, maybe? But poor Fiona, she seemed to finally get her stuff together, only for everything to completely fall apart right before she is about to leave the show. I wonder if she will end up going out the way it almost happened back in season one in that she does run away with Steve in her final scene. And is Lwna really that oblibious that Supergirl showed up seconds after Kara left?

The Walking Dead: Okay preacher guy, when you’re crazy girlfriend asks if you are with her or will you report her, maybe not admit you are going to tell Rick.
You can download The Walking Dead on iTunes.

The Last Ship: They have killed off a bunch of cast members in this final season and those all of them survived this episode (except for that one dude’s leg), did they really need to kill that child that helped the Americans? But how very Red Reddington of the Florida traitor. What shadiness does she have up her sleeve? But c’mon, military, be smarter, you had to know the ambulance was a scam all along. I sniffed it out from the moment they arrived.
You can download The Last Ship on iTunes.

You: So Joe is really going to be okay with Beck breaking up with him? Is he just going to start obsessing over that new chick? Well, at least he was able to last more than a minute the first time with her.
You can download You on iTunes.

Manifest: So is the kid going to be some sort of messiah? First he just happens to find the Jamaican dude by when he claims was a feeling, no voices or visions like everyone else. And then he is apparently the only person in the plane to see the weird lights. So what is his connection, did he do this or did some other force (aliens) do it because of him?
You can download Manifest on iTunes.

The Challenge: Final Reckoning: The producers really do have a floating scale when it comes to giving people the boot. I was a bit surprised when it was not even discussed Sylvia head-butted Marie and after giving Cory a deserved boot, how did Tony not go with him? Putting your arm around someone tightly and asking multiple times, “are we gonna fight” seems like grounds for being sent home. Also, that had to be the lamest trivia challenge ever. Two wrong answers I think? Just too many Challenge related questions. Trivia should be common knowledge questions.
You can download The Challenge: Final Reckoning on iTunes.

Survivor: David vs. Goliath: Oh my goodness, Angelina asking Natalie multiple times for her jacket after being blindsided is the greatest moment on the show since Andrea told Zeke he sucked at this game. I am not sure if she was being sincere or trolling her, but either way it was awesome.
You can download Survivor: David vs. Goliath on iTunes.

Superstore: Weird that the day after Megyn Kelly suggested that blackface is fine if done out of respect, and a day before her show was canceled for those comments, this show had the exact same discussion. And the anti-blackface side was only doing that so they could win the costume contest.
You can download Superstore on iTunes.

The Good Place: Did we really need to leave Jacksonville so soon? They could have spent the whole season trying to save the souls of Donkey Doug, Pillboi, or even Blake Bortles and I would have been perfectly fine with that.
The Good Place on iTunes.

Blindspot: So Jane explained the syringe that Kurt caught her with as what she wants to kill herself with. Um, Kurt, you are a moron. Are you not a little suspicious that she already had the poison in a syringe and not keeping it in a vile until it was time. But I really like these Patterson-centric episodes where we only get glimpses of the mission which is clearly done to keep costs down but are always well done.
You can download Blindspot on iTunes.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 10/21/2018

Supergirl: Oh, hey, The Real Eleanor! Well, fork. They killed her off already. Shirtballs. And is it too late to have Saturn Girl be the token Legionnaire to stay behind because Braniac 5 may actually be more annoying than Toyman Jr.?
Supergirl on iTunes.

Shameless: Peg Bundy? Monica Geller? Danny Tanner? What nineties era sitcom star will be on next, Uerkel? But is that it for Ian? The actor announced he was leaving the show too. Seriously, can people just leave without announcing iy first? Once it is announced it is just a long slog until they are off the show. At least Ian just announced last week so it was not a long wait. Assuming he just rides off into the sunset with Micky. Kind of sad that is his big love. Is Jimmy going to come back for Fiona to take her away for her to leave?

Fear the Walking Dead: Is the preacher really going to hook up with the creepy Trash Lady? And what happened to his eye? I remember he was really sick last season, but I do not remember anything happening to his eye.
You can download Fear the Walking Dead on iTunes.

The Last Ship: Wait, the lesbian traitor is really an American mother of one from Orlando? I just assumed she was an ambiguous Latina who could pass as Caucasian. Being an actual turncoat makes her a much more compelling character. So just how and when was she turned? And I know in the post-pandemic world, they might be low on soldiers, but how do you not keep eyes on that house. At least pay a local.
You can download The Last Ship on iTunes.

You: So the Pretty Little Liar gets her head bashed in with a rock last week and looks none worse the wear the next day? Oh, but she is apparently dead now? It was quite absurd that Joe tossed the rock not far away from the body last week and I does not seem like anyone bother to canvas more than two feet from the attack, but c’mon, Joe had to have left plenty of DNA at the house, including a forking jar of urine. But Joe hallucinating his ex-girlfriend is giving me the sinking suspicion that the big twist at the end of the season will be that Joe was hallucinating some, if not all of what happened this season.
You can download You on iTunes.

Manifest: So now they passengers can see inanimate objects instead of just hearing voices tell them to do things? Meh.
You can download Manifest on iTunes.

The Challenge: Final Reckoning: Yeah, I laughed pretty hardily at Natalie in the ball pit. Big old shocker she actually won. Even bigger shocker Zach got the boot for medical reason. Always sucks when someone leaves for medical reasons. But had he stupidly not voluntarily put himself into that elimination that injured him, he would still be in the game uninjured.
You can download The Challenge: Final Reckoning on iTunes.

Survivor: David vs. Goliath: So we got a brand new advantage, the Idol Nullifier where someone can play it and would wipe out the Idol that is played. But only if they play it for someone who actually plays their Idol. I will be quite shocked if this actually gets played correctly.

Then at Tribal you had the battle of the dumb moves. First you get the Black Dude David with the Idol who decides to try to get the Tribe to vote out the other David so he would not have to play the Idol even though he would still be in the minority for any future Tribals with this group. I never understand the hold on the Idol for later strategy. If you think there is more than ten percent chance you are going home, play it now. Then tomorrow, go out and look for another one. I am too lazy to do the research, but I am pretty sure more people have been booted with an Idol in their pocket than have played one correctly. In Survivor you should worry about getting to tomorrow and then worry about tomorrow then.

But Black David was bailed out by the White Dude Goliath who had a dumber move of his own when he decided to turn on his majority for what appeared to me for no apparent reason. So now he is in the minority and why would anyone trust him? It is just amazing to me how whenever these Tribe swaps happen that the majority seemed to vote one of their own more often than the easy vote. I would be interested to go back and see how many of these early Tribe Swap turncoats actually make it very far. I would be shocked to see either of these two morons in the finals. I would be surprised if either get to the merge.
You can download Survivor: David vs. Goliath on iTunes.

The Good Place: Isn’t Michael telling the group about The Good Place point system kind of a backdoor to still get them in? Since they know about the points, any points they accumulate would be void, but now they think there is no way to get to The Good Place, actually they can get those points for doing good because they are doing it out of the goodness of their hearts, not because it will get them moral deserts of an decent afterlife. Right? I think I hurt my brain coming up with that theory. But hey, of course Jason has his own infectious disease named after him in Jacksonville.
The Good Place on iTunes.

Blindspot: Oh no, Jane got caught with a syringe. Oh wait, the promo for next week sees the team working together with no tension. I guess she is easily able to explain this like she did taking photos of Patterson’s board. I really need to stop watching promos.
You can download Blindspot on iTunes.

Sunday, October 07, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 10/7/2018

Shameless: About half way through the episode I thought to myself, for the hundredth episode, this week was fairly tame for such a milestone. Then Frank went and started a race riot. That is more like it.

The Last Ship: I always found the lesbian relationship completely weird, out of place, and just randomly popped out of nowhere at the start of this season. It really just screamed something shady was going on. And apparently I was right. Too bad Alicia did not figure it out before me because she is yet another character to die this season. Is anyone going to get out of this final season alive?
You can download The Last Ship on iTunes.

You: Ooo, a change in format. But maybe I was too harsh on Joe monologing because Beck is not that more compelling at it. I actually assumed the Captain was her father the moment he offered money (I guess I forgot she mentioned he was dead). Though does Peach actually think he is dead with her dead dog an analogy for her father or does she just think the father is just dead to Beck? Really weird to tell everyone, even your best friend, your dad is dead when he is not. But did Joe really leave Beck alone in his apartment with her panties, shirt, and phone when returning the book or did h take that stuff with him. Joe is kind of sloppy for a meticulous stalker.
You can download You on iTunes.

Manifest: So this show is just going to be miracle of the week format? Meh. I am much more interested in the shadow figure who may be going around and killing passengers from the plane. My prediction: it is someone who was on the plane.
You can download Manifest on iTunes.

The Challenge: Final Reckoning: Do these people seriously forget they are playing for a million dollars? I am not risking a chance at a million dollars to play chicken with my partner. And Zach is clearly in the wrong because Amanda’s alliance is clearly stronger and easier to be one on one. And how did they lose that elimination? C’mon, at one point how do you not realize that Zach needs to climb across and shake that last flag off? I was thinking that after the third try failed.
You can download The Challenge: Final Reckoning on iTunes.

Survivor: David vs. Goliath: The promo monkey really was trolling us last week. It seemed like both tribes were targeting a woman of color, which would have been another in a long list of women of color being voted out first. Unfortunately, the show reverted back to an older trope of voting out the most attractive females early. Meh.
You can download Survivor: David vs. Goliath on iTunes.

The Good Place: Oh my goodness, the American Café was just offensively brilliant. Maybe even better was the explanation of how the Jacksonville Jaguars and Blake Bortles got suddenly good.
The Good Place on iTunes.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 9/30/2018

Shameless: You would think Frank supporting a pedophile foe Congress would be the most shameless moment of the season, but it was not even the most shameless part of the episode. No, Lip pulling the plug of someone on a ventilator so he could kidnap a kid was really bad.

The Last Ship: Well that was a novel way to blow up a bridge.
You can download The Last Ship on iTunes.

You: Call me old fashion, but seeing who I thought I was dating forking some other dude she just met would be a huge deal breaker for me. Doing that seems more psychopathic than killing your crush’s boyfriend. Although leaving the body in your car while putting together the girl’s bed is probably up there. But really, trying to get a child to buy that stuff should be child endangerment that should come with some jail time. And I hope that ending was intentionally funny.
You can download You on iTunes.

Manifest: Going into the show I kind of expected it to knock off Lost, but I was not expected the show to also knock off another mid-nineties show, Wonderfalls. And really poorly because being told to do ambiguous things that turn out to be for the better is much more entertaining when it is done by inanimate objects rather than your voice in your head.
You can download Manifest on iTunes.

The Gifted: And I though the kid’s Beiber haircut was laughable. But other than him, I really wish they would just get rid of the Mutant Underground and spend all the time with the inner Circle, all of the more interesting character are there.
You can download The Gifted on iTunes.

The Challenge: Final Reckoning: Oh snap, someone on this show went with the strongest team to meet in elimination. And then actually defeated them.
You can download The Challenge: Final Reckoning on iTunes.

Survivor: David vs. Goliath: What a horrible way to end an episode. Definitely should have done a double episode on that. And why were they making such a big deal of Christian solving that first puzzle, which was the easiest one in the show’s history. A child could have done that in a minute or two.
You can download Survivor: David vs. Goliath on iTunes.

The Good Place: Kind of a meh start to the season. I guess having the characters all being on Earth kind of eliminates some of the zanier aspects of the show. Hopefully Trevor spices things up next week (but thanks to the promo right before the last segment and Adam Scott’s name appearing in the credits before he was actually on screen, that surprised was kind of ruined). Granted, if the demons are sending up their own to taint this experiment, it really should have been Real Eleanor. Hopefully Trevor fails and she is next.
The Good Place on iTunes.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The Fourteenth Annual Scooter Television Awards

Welcome to the 14th Annual Scooter Television Awards honoring show that aired a majority of their season between July 2017 and June 2018. Without further ado, here are the winners of the 2018 STA's:

Best Scripted Show: The Good Place

Best Drama: The Handmaid’s Tale

Best Sci-Fi Show: Future Man

Best Comic Book Adaptation: Krypton

Best Period Show: G.L.O.W.

Best Animated Show: Star Wars Rebels

Best Reality Show: Survivor

Best Remake, Reboot, or (non-comic book) Adaptation: The Long Road Home

Best Miniseries: The Long Road Home

Best Talk Show: Pardon the Interruption

Best New Show: G.L.O.W.

Guiltiest Guilty Pleasure: The Bold Type

Best Musical: Jesus Christ Superstar

Worst Show I Made Though an Entire Season Of: Kevin (Probably) Saves the World

Best Hour of TV: eps3.4_runtime-err0r.r00 (Mr. Robot)

Best Half Hour of TV: The Trolly Problem (The Good Place)

Biggest Shocker: No cuts or commercials and Angela did not die during eps3.4_runtime-err0r.r00 (Mr. Robot)

Best Line: “I’ve only ever said I love you to two men my entire life: Stone Cold Steve Austin, and a guy in a dark club… who I mistook for Stone Cold Steve Austin.” (Eleonore Shellstrop, The Good Place)

Worst Idea: Having Axe and Chuck team up (Billions)

Worst Moment: Rio was able to get out of prison so early. (Good Girls)

Biggest Disappointment: The Jennings did not get their comeuppance (The Americans)

Best Musical Moment: Drivin’ My Life Away – Eddie Rabbit (The Americans)

Best Karaoke: I Will Survive – Vicky (The Good Place)

Best New Title Sequence: GLOW

Best Character: Jason Mendoza (The Good Place)

Best Recurring Character: Vicky (The Good Place)

Best Guest Appearance: Mindy St. Clair (The Good Place)

Best Cast Addition: Irving (Mr. Robot)

Best Duo: Alison and Donny Hendrix (Orphan Black)

Most Entertaining Reality “Star”: Kellyn Bechtold (Survivor)

Most Annoying Reality “Star”: Britni Thornton (The Challenge)

Most Anticipated New Show of Next Season: Manifest

Most Anticipated Reboot: Veronica Mars

Show That Should Be Brought Back: Orphan Black (or at the very least an Alison/Donny spin-off)

Biggest Question for 2016-2017: How long will the new Good Place experiment last?

Sunday, May 27, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 5/27/2018

Billions: Two episodes after the big revelation of Chuck and Axe and I still have little idea where the show is going if those two are not at each other. Is Chuck going to take on the Attorney General? Are Chuck and Axe ever going to target each other? When is Taylor going to turn on Axe like they have been teasing? Now that Connorty has found a job, is he going to go after Axe and/or Chuck again? They built to such a high apex for the first two and a half seasons, it does not seem like they are going anywhere for the remaining three episodes this season.

Fear the Walking Dead: Many people have theorized that Madison is no longer alive in the future timeline on account she has yet to turn up yet. When the Scavenger dude gave Alicia condolences to for her brother but not her mother I thought maybe that was a hint she is still alive. Then Dharma shows up and Alicia shoot at her making me think that the only thing that could make Alicia do that is Dharma killed her mother or had something to do with her death. Whatever the case I am guessing we will not get a definitive answer until the midseason finale.
You can download Fear the Walking Dead on iTunes.

I’m Dying Up Here: Did Carson really ever have on people who had potatoes shaped like people? But anyway. Apparently Cassie’s kid is going to be a thing this season. But we did who the father is and it was just some dude back home while she was in high school. I do still wonder if everyone back homes knows this or did the ruse start when she was still pregnant? But it looks like she wants another one.

Supergirl: One thing I noticed this episode was that all the cars had National City license plates. Wait, is National City a state? Do all the cares in this universe have their city’s license plate instead of the state? That was weird. And it says a lot that the only thing that stuck out to me in this episode were the license plates.
You can download Supergirl on iTunes.

The Challenge: Champs vs. Stars II: Again, the big twist just happened to help the Stars, and that was four straight Champ eliminations losses in a row (granted Hennessey walked out during that). Thankfully they are switching things up next week even though they pretty much gave away who wins as a pair with one Champ and Star debate what to do.
You can download The Challenge: Vendettas on iTunes.

The Handmaid’s Tale: Oh hey, Donnie Hendrix is back. I wondered where he was when Offred went to the doctor in the first episode. He had a memorable cameo in the first season offering to impregnate Offred because the Commander was shooting blanks. I just assumed he got fired for being a pervert. And as we saw with Lost, flashback can be hit or miss (and the longer the show goes the more misses there are), but Mrs. Waterford’s are always the most interesting. I kind of wish they would giver her a full episode because I am fascinated to see just how she got where she is. Oh, and just how exactly does a Handmaid get her hand on a bomb?
You can stream The Handmaid’s Tale on Hulu.

Survivor: Ghost Island: I spent the last couple weeks complaining that Laurel was content playing for third (which she ended up doing) but what the fork was Angela doing? First she is excited to be a part of SeaBass and Donathan’s plan to oust Dominick only to tell Dominick for no reason. Almost as mind blowing is that she voluntarily switched seats with Wendell to make him feel comfortable at the fire making challenge because he was freaked out having to use a loser’s color. Why would you want your opponent to feel comfortable when you are doing a challenge for a chance at a million dollars?

Seriously, why come on Survivor if you are not going play the game? It is one thing to realize to late you need to shake things up like Kellyn, Donathan, and SeeBass, but to know you are going to lose and being content about it is unacceptable. And no one talks about it because they went one two, but why didn’t Dominick or Wendell turn on each other until Dominick resigned Wendell to fire making (I laughed when Dominick floated giving Angela Immunity to take on Wendell at fire making but in retrospect, he should have done it; although why would you ever think an army vet would lose a fire making challenge)? He could have joined the girls when Kellyn when out. Actually the split tribals when he had immunity would have been the perfect time to strike.

But even with the split vote at the end, it was a boring finale with the only to look forward was the theme of the next season which is David vs. Goliath. The more I think about it the more offensive I think it is. If you are in the David Tribe you are probably there because you are weak or weird. Then if you are Goliath, well, he lost to loser and clearly by the name the producers want someone from the other Tribe to win. But hey, I did spot Mike White, who wrote and was Jack Black’s roommate in School of Rock, in the background of the promo. Which begs the question, which Tribe is he? He looks like someone who would be on the David Tribe, but his bank account will probably double or triple that of everyone on the Goliath Tribe.
You can download Survivor: Ghost Island on iTunes.

The Americans: So what did Stan searching for the Jennings accomplished? The Jennings did steal their identities but did Stan think that when he saw Philip was a twenty-three year old black dude from Florida or did he think, oh, there must be a bunch of Philip Jennings in America. I know someone who shares my name in my county. But once the surveillance phots come in, will Stan recognize Phillip? And since she grabbed Passports, does that mean the Jennings are leaving the country? After that blow up, will they take Paige? And what about the boy?
You can download The Americans on iTunes.

Krypton: I realized a couple episodes back there was only two ways the ends: Braniac succeeds or he does not. The writers chose to go with the bolder choice of changing the timeline. And boy it did. Superman’s cape did not actually disappear despite the change but the cape itself changed from a House of El seal to that of a House of Zod which makes me think that Zod still sends his nephew to Earth, not to save him from a dying planet but to conquer Earth. But the one confusing is what is going on with Adam Strange? Clearly he is in a city on Earth that Braniac bottled up. Except Braniac was sucked into the Phantom Zone. Is Adam in the Phanton Zone? Are whole cities in the Phantom Zone? Of course if Zod can escape the Phantom Zone so can a twelfth level intellect so this can be in current day on the darkest timeline.
You can download Krypton on iTunes.

And with the season finale of Survivor, the Spring season is pretty much over and we get our first summer premiere (that I have any interest in) next week. Here is what I will be watching while trying to avoid the heat.


Casual (Hulu, July 31)
9:00 – The Bold Type (Freeform, June 12)

The Handmaids Tale (Hulu, already started)
Harlots (Hulu, July 11)
Castle Rock (Hulu, July 25)
8:00 – Young and Hungry (Freeform, June 20)
10:00 – Reverie (NBC, May 30)

8:00 – Marvel’s Cloak and Dagger (Freeform, June 7)
9:00 – Nashville (June 7)
9:00 – Trial and Error: Lady, Killer (NBC, July 19)

8:00 - Quantico (ABC, already started)


9:00 – Claws (TNT, June 10)
9:00 – The Affair (Showtime, June 17)
9:00 – Preacher (AMC, June 24)
10:00 – I’m Dying Up Here (Showtime, already started)

Sunday, May 20, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 5/20/2018

Billions: So the end of the last episode felt like series finale. A very sad series finale where the bad guys won and had depressing ways of celebrating. Which begged the question, what is next. At first I was thinking that Axe was also going to throw his hat into the ring for governor. Then Chuck got screwed over for a favor to take down Axe that Axe still escaped. But Wendy did make a very convincing argument about power. Politics does seem like a horrible way wield power. Then we end this episode where I still have no clue where the show is going. Unless everyone Chuck, Wendy, and Axe screwed over the last two episodes, Connerty, Taylor, Chuck’s dad, Jack Foley, Mafee, Lara, et al, team up to bring down the trio.

Fear the Walking Dead: Okay, why is Dharma always leaving? She left new guy, she tried to leave Alicia. Just do not give us a full episode explaining why. And I missed why exactly the zombies were attracted to the jeep that covered up the hole in the bridge. And really, that many zombies washed up on shore over night?
You can download Fear the Walking Dead on iTunes.

I’m Dying Up Here: Cassie has a kid? So do we know the father or just some random dude back home? And will we ever see the kid again or is this a Peggy Olsen situation where the kid goes to the sister and is never talked about again?

Timeless: After spending three years in the past, why is Jiya so dismissive of waiting a year for training a new pilot. And if Mason built the thing, how hard would it be for him to fly it. Of course none of that matters because future Lucy shows up to go get Rufus back even though they are not allowed to travel to times they lived in and did not travel with a pilot.
You can download Timeless on iTunes.

Supergirl: Why the fork did Saturn Girl go back to the future when Reign still had Pestilence’s power. That seemed stupid. 74% is still not 100% had just one Legionnaire stayed back. Ugg. We better be getting a Saturn Girl spin off soon. And if Lex Luther’s biggest enemy is a Kyrptonian, how does he not have a safe room that is Krptonian proof?
You can download Supergirl on iTunes.

Lucifer: I expressed last week that I would have been disappointed if Angel Charlotte show up last week. I never realized there would not be a next season. Oops. Oh, and Chloe finally saw Lucifer’s devil face, so at least they went out on a bang.
You can download Lucifer on iTunes.

Rise: Well Ted Mosby continued to be annoying to the end. Clearly he should have been fired for putting the musical back the way it was written. But instead the superintendent shuts down the dram department because of funding cuts? Aren’t most drama departments self-funded except for the maybe the teacher’s bonus? Most concession stands can make a mint. But maybe Ted Mosby should have kept grease as the musical. Maybe then the drama department would not have been shut down and maybe the show would have gotten enough eyeballs not to be canceled.
You can download Rise on iTunes.

The Challenge: Champs vs. Stars II: And we have yet another advantage that helps the Stars. Either they are really lucky or they are getting some divine intervention from the producers. And Devil is probably ruing Shane’s plan to use the save as a ploy to get the Stars to trust the Champs a couple episodes again.
You can download The Challenge: Vendettas on iTunes.

The Handmaid’s Tale: Well that was one of the creepiest marriage ceremonies I have ever witnessed. So is the driver and all those dudes future Commanders? Are they always going to be part of the working class with little upward mobility? The preacher talked about replenishing the Earth with children, are these women able to bare children? I would assume not because wouldn’t they make them Handmaid’s. And what is with all that blood? I do understand Offred not telling anyone because if that was a miscarriage, they may not have any more need for Offred. But with Offred talking to her belly, I guess she did not lose the baby. Or she went even more crazy.
You can stream The Handmaid’s Tale on Hulu.

Survivor: Ghost Island: Nothing more mind blowing than last week Laurel debating going with Wendell who she trusts but knows she cannot beat or the girls who she does not trusts but thinks she can beat and then voting with Laurel. Things got even more annoying this week and Laurel continued to hem and haw over turning on Wendell only decide against it because Wendell was too stupid to tell Probst he was done with puzzle and she thought it would be bad form to vote him off right after that. Laurel, that is except when you vote someone off: right when they do something historically stupid. Imagine if Parvati decided not to vote out for the Ice Cream Scooper because he stupidly gave up immunity. That is why Parvati won and why Laurel will not.
You can download Survivor: Ghost Island on iTunes.

The Blacklist: I spent the who season thinking there is no way what those bones in the duffel bag are going to be as important as Red is making them out to be. And then we learned the bones were Raymond Reddington. Wait, what the fork? So the first couple season Red kept on insisting that Lizzie was not his daughter only to finally admit later. And now we learn Raymond Reddington, Lizzzie’s father is dead. So what have we been watching?
You can download The Blacklist on iTunes.

The Americans: Is Elizabeth turning soft? First she almost does not burn the picture which can easily track her to someone she should not be around. Then she does not kill the Congressional aid when he clearly figure out she was not who she says she is? Then she does not kill the person her handler tells her to, and not only that, she had turned her back on the Center and teamed up with Philip to protect Gorbachev. Oh yeah, but most importantly, Stan has pretty much figured out who she is.
You can download The Americans on iTunes.

Krypton: So Zod is Seg’s son. Wait what?!? That is some Shakespearian shirt right there that I never saw coming. But why would I? Maybe there is a swerve coming up. Maybe you do not need Zod and El blood to open Doomsday’s lair. Maybe Seg as a brother. Oh, and I wonder when Chekov’s Doomsday would show up again. But will it go off in the third act? Will it get bottled up in Kandor? Can Zod and Seg save Kandor. I guess if Zod is Superman’s uncle, anything can happen on this show. And where (or when) is Adam Strange?
You can download Krypton on iTunes.

Gotham: Gotham is starting to look like Arkham City with each villain taking turf. Including a couple we have not seen before. Was that Man-Bat? And I have no clue who that mother-kid pair that looked to be in Joker masks were. But then you had Butch and Ras died for the second time each. Lee and The Riddler may have killed each other but their bodies are in the possession of Hugo Strange. Selina may be the best off of many of the main characters with just a damaged vertebra. I take it an experimental surgery will give her cat like reflexes?
You can download Gotham on iTunes.

Blindspot: So a side effect to her memory erasing drug is now Jane only has memory from before she was drugged and does not remember anything that happened after she came out of the duffel bag? And Zapata is evil now? Alrighty.
You can download Blindspot on iTunes.

Once Upon a Time: So The Evil Queen’s happy ending to have complete power. Silly me, I thought the big event they were taking her to was a wedding and maybe they found a way to resurrect Robin. But I guess it was a fine finale for show that has not been good for years.
You can download Once Upon a Time on iTunes.

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: When the characters started to think they were invincible because they know that are in the future I was convinced one would die. And Fitz seemed like the most likely candidate because he impregnate Simmons, then die before anyone knew she was carrying. And then he got crushed by debris… except he did not die? And he is in space? None of that sequence made sense. Well until I read someone else recap noting that future Fitz died and present day Fitz is in space waiting to go the future that is no longer happening. Yeah, that is only slightly less confusing. But I guess Zeke really did blink out of existence. Oh well.
You can download Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on iTunes.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 5/13/2018

Billions: Wendy always seemed like the moral compass of the show, sure she had some issues, but after opening looking for a patsy and seducing Mafee into perjuring himself, that is no longer the case. Does that make Taylor the real moral compass? (S)he seemed very upset (or as upset as an emotionless person can be) about the Mafee situation, I wonder if she turns on Axe at any point. (S)he definitely could open up her own shop and even hire Mafee there too. Something has to happen. Obviously, we are just half way through the season. I cannot imagine the Chuck/Axe truce goes beyond this episode after they have been at each other for year. And really did not even get a tease, just Chuck’s sad victory party with Wendy and Axe somehow being even sadder.

Fear the Walking Dead: C’mon, why are you getting into a pool full of zombies? Are these people really that stupid not to lure all the zombies to the edge, kill them, and then not having to worry about zombie (except ones that are at the bottom).
You can download Fear the Walking Dead on iTunes.

Supergirl: So all the Worldkillers are dead except for Reign? And how was the black chick able to use her Worldkiller power as a human? And when Reign turned into Samantha in that one scene, it made me wonder: did Reign change her clothes after reigning terror or did Sam wake up in the Reign costume and never realized she was dressed up like the chick destroying the city when she was out. Oh yeah, but I guess the big news is Lena is making her own Kyptonite. That is not going to go over well with Kara.
You can download Supergirl on iTunes.

Lucifer: So Charlotte actually got into heaven? Cool, but if she shows up next week (or next season) as an angel, that will be lame. Maybe Mama Lucifer will return.
You can download Lucifer on iTunes.

Rise: I have never seen Spring Awakening before but now that they spell out all the questionable content, how did this show not get axed after the district read the script? And I was extremely disappointed there was no NBC synergy why trying to replace swear words. C’mon, why not sing “Totally Forked” or “The Bench of Living”?
You can download Rise on iTunes.

The Challenge: Vendettas: I thought it was pretty convenient that the tiebreaker helped gain the Stars majority. Then Hennessey quit making things even again making me wonder if they intestinally injured Anessa to keep the balance. But, oh my goodness, what Louisa did with her Power Play was more underhanded than any “Champ” has ever done. I thought they would swap Tori out with another Star or even poach CT to make their team strong, but to take back Smashley was cruel. I loved it.
You can download The Challenge: Vendettas on iTunes.

Legion: Did they seriously devote a whole episode to multiverse theory?
You can download Legion on iTunes.

The Handmaid’s Tale: So is Offred just content in being a Handmaid now? I thought for sure when the driver kept calling out to June, I thought she would turn around and said, “My name is Offred.” Instead she just ignored him and started chanting nonsense. Between her accomplice being hung and remembering Luke’s wife, it seems like she now believes she deserves to be punished. I wonder how long that lasts before she tries to escape again. Or maybe she won’t and Luke launched a rescue mission. But something needs to happen soon.
You can stream The Handmaid’s Tale on Hulu.

Survivor: Ghost Island: Laurel asked a really stupid question this week, should I go with the people I trust but cannot beat at the end or the people I do not trust but I think I can beat. You always go with the people you can beat. If you stay loyal, you are probably getting third. But that is best case scenario because Wendell and Dominick could turn on you to take the easier to beat SeaBass or Donathan to the finals. It may be harder to get to the finals by going with the girls, but not impossible because SeaBass could be used as a vote. But no, Laurel seems content to just let Wendell win. It is going to be a boring final three hours. No I am just mostly interested in next season’s stupid theme. It may be time for another “all-star” season. There was just two seasons in between Second Chances and Game Changers. I would not mind a public vote because that was probably the best “all-star” season. Or more appropriately the one that sucked the least.
You can download Survivor: Ghost Island on iTunes.

The Blacklist: How convenient Samar’s abductor was in very specific ways of killing and just did not put a bullet in her brain given the FBI time to find her. Why he did not just kill her when she stabbed him was just absurb.
You can download The Blacklist on iTunes.

The Americans: Stan broke into the Jennings’ garage in one of the first episodes of the series so I guess it id apropos that he does it again in one of the last. But has he figured out that a lot of their bigger travel agency emergencies coincide with big failures in his FBI cases.
You can download The Americans on iTunes.

Krypton: Should I know who that weird looking chick at the end was? I had to look up who the computer was.
You can download Krypton on iTunes.

Gotham: So Gordon survived because The Riddler was following him? Huh? Just how exactly did they get far away from that big explosion? And what is with this stupid Ra’s Al Gul storyline this season? He want Bruce to kill him, he dies, is brought back because Barbra was incompetent as the Demon’s Head, does not want to die anymore, and now is teaming up with Jerome’s brother to destroy Gotham. Just does not make any sense.
You can download Gotham on iTunes.

Blindspot: Wait, did Jane have an accent in the flashbacks? And does this secret federal task force really need two couples?
You can download Blindspot on iTunes.

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: So that is why YoYo said let Coulsen die. The Centipede serum can either save Coulsen or cure Talbot who will likely crack apart the Earth without it. But why not just save Talbot and take Coulsen to Tahiti.
You can download Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on iTunes.

Sunday, May 06, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 5/6/2018

Homeland: The Vice President seemed like a guy who would do the right thing at the right time, but oh boy he went hard on the Russian Ambassador and the Senator. But I was totally surprised Saul got out of Russia within the first twenty minutes. Except poor Carrie got left behind. But I wonder why she did not have diplomatic immunity like Saul? I guess immunity does not extend to people who got caught spying.

Then you have Keene’s speech, at first I thought she was going to get killed by the opposition party for her hippy type speech, but halfway through, I realize, oh snap, this is a resignation speech. Kind of out of character after everything she did to hold on to power for the past two seasons. I wonder if the writers were trying to nudge real life counterpoints. But then they yada yada’ed how Carrie was released. I was thinking that was going to be what next season would be about. Yet seven months later, Saul finds the random Russian guy and Carrie was exchanged. Would have been nice if they explained who that Russian was and how Saul found him.

Fear the Walking Dead: Oh wow, Nick was killed by a little girl (who is a shockingly good shot). That was shocking. Mostly because there was no real lead up to why Nick killed the other guy first. I guess maybe we will see just how that escalated to murder in the flashbacks. The guy being a douche while getting to food they were going after first does not seem like a murderous deed. But Nick should have followed Morgan’s do not kill rule.
you can download Fear the Walking Dead on iTunes.

Billions: I started this season thinking that the end of the series would feature Chuck and Axe is adjourning prison cells, but is this possibly going to end with only Wendy in jail? Or are Chuck and Axe going to team up to take down Connerty? That was my takeaway from the break the stick metaphor. But I never thought Chuck and Axe would team up after spending two and a half seasons of mutually assured destruction to try to take each other down.

Timeless: So Wyatt’s wife is Rittenhouse? I guess that makes sense? If you are going to save her life, might as well indoctrinate her and use her as another sleeper agent. Might as well do the same for Lucy’s sister. But Rufus is learning the same thing as Gemma on SHEILD in that sure you may not die, but you can get really hurt in the process.
You can download Timeless on iTunes.

Supergirl: Okay, I am a bit confused with the Worldkillers, we saw Reign come from Krypton, but were the other two Worldkillers from Krypton too? Were they sent at the same time as Reign? Are they Earthlings that Reign infected. I feel like I missed something.
You can download Supergirl on iTunes.

Good Girls: What a horrible way to end an episode. I have not been this disappoint in a season one finale of a show I was enjoying since Lost.
You can download Good Girls on iTunes.

Rise: So pregnant chick showed up two weeks ago virtually out of nowhere and now am I supposed to know who the girl who made the video is? And I know you want to pretend to be a guy and all, but c’mon, you really do not need to tell the doctor the kid is not yours.
You can download Rise on iTunes.

The Challenge: Vendettas: Good riddance Hennessy, possibly the most annoying person to ever be featured on reality television. But do the Champs now have majority control of both teams? I guess The Miz could change how tiebreakers work next week, but it will be a boring slog if they let the Champs to roll the Stars. But Champs vs. mini seasons have all sucked so far. And why were Tony and Shane throwing whole bags of balls? You could not possibly break anything that way. I feel like I was missing something.
You can download The Challenge: Vendettas on iTunes.

Legion: Wait, what exactly just happened. What I got was the Farouk morphed David’s sister into Lenny, but then why does she have Lenny’s memories. And really has her everything except the sister’s eyes?
You can download Legion on iTunes.

The Handmaid’s Tale: I tried to be vague in my critic of the new season in my preview on account that Hulu forbid me from mentioning that June was recaptured in episode three. But that was kind of a big letdown. Is season two just going to be a retread of season one? But even before the capture, this was least interesting episode in the series to date. Really, the June scenes in the last episodes were mostly a bore too. Hopefully something big changes things soon, or at least give us more Rory Gilmore this season.
You can stream The Handmaid’s Tale on Hulu.

Survivor: Ghost Island: There are so many advantages in the game now that they are hiding real fake Immunity Idols now? Meh. But I do kind of like split Tribal twist. At least in theory. The two most likely to go home actually did. Sure there were almost fireworks, if only Donathan gave his Idol to the chick whose name I already forgotten. But she was kind of worthless. She goes to the jury and then had to have explained to her that someone had an extra vote advantage. Then we almost had some shenanigans in the other with everyone who could receive votes got one. But on the revote, Michael, the obvious one, was voted out unanimously.

So if only Michael voted for Laurel. That would have been wild. But what exactly was his play? Did he think Laurel was voting with him on Wendall and just hoped Kellyn flipped? And what is going on with Kellyn? She was the best thing about this season but has made to look really bad the last two weeks. First she tried to dictate a vote to Domanick last week, a big no-no on Survivor and this week she is big on Naviti sticking together even that just does not happen on this show in the past decade. And has not happened this season with already two Naviti on the jury and the first person voted out after the first swap was Naviti. I have a feeling Kellyn will be next.
You can download Survivor: Ghost Island on iTunes.

The Blacklist: So they took down the big bad last week and this week, Red sends the team on a wild goose chase which got Samar capture. So next week they have to find her. What a weird pacing for the last four episodes. But this whole season has been weirdly paced.
You can download The Blacklist on iTunes.

The Americans: Oh snap, Philip just went after Elizabeth over killing the couple and straight up told her he was not going to entrap Kimmie. Though by the end he is willing to go to Chicago to help her. Something is going to go wrong next week. But one thing that has been bothering me about the travel business is isn’t their extra curricular activities funded by that? And wouldn’t the Russian funnel money through the business to keep them afloat?
You can download The Americans on iTunes.

Krypton: Last week I wondered if Doomsday was a red herring or a Chekov’s Gun situation and then he appeared again in the “previously on” so I assumed it was the later. Except he was not shown in the actual episode or even mentioned. Are they just trolling us with that or did I just completely miss something? But I did like Adam Strange admitting he was a D-list superhero in his time. Very true.
You can download Krypton on iTunes.

Gotham: Well, I am sure Gordon survived that blast somehow because we know he will become commissioner eventually, but it is kind of silly, but there is no way that should be the case.
You can download Gotham on iTunes.

Blindspot: Wait, Patterson’s father is Bill Nye playing himself? How random. And now that he has brought it up, what is Patterson’s first name.
You can download Blindspot on iTunes.

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Nothing says evil like going with a goatee. I do have a feeling going after that gravitonium in the Earth is what cracks it apart. Though I do wonder if Talbot is the real Destroyer of World why does Daisy get blamed for it in the future? But maybe the bigger question is why didn’t future Yo-Yo tell current Yo-Yo do not let Talbot near the gravitonium instead of telling her to do not save Coulson. How is Coulson more important than Talbot becoming Destroyer of Worlds?
You can download Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on iTunes.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 4/29/2018

Homeland: Holy Dar Adal sighting? I have been wondering all season what he has been up to. Apparently it has just been walking in circles for six months. I wonder if President Bridges will pardon him. But this season has been a big lesson on the 25th Amendment. Good to know they can evoke the 25th on general incompetence. But I wonder if they will go back on it if Simone makes it to the US to corroborate her real story. I believe the 25th was invoked when Reagan got shot and when he was better, Reagan was reinstated as president. But how does one extract a Russian asset from Russia?

Fear the Walking Dead: Oh yeah, since most of them did not appear until the very end, I forgot season three ended in a pretty big cliffhanger where Nick blew up a dam he was standing on while Alicia and Strand were washed away. So I guess everyone made it out alive. Except for maybe the Salazar’s. I had to look it up, but, oh yeah Ophelia died, though I am unclear what exactly happened to Daniel who already escaped a fire, so maybe he is still around.

Then the flashbacks did not go back far enough. Everyone (sans Daniel) is safe living in a minor league baseball stadium with only brief flashbacks by Nick to the Dam. Nick still has not recover as he does not leave the stadium, but we do see him capture the SWAT truck in present day which is not too far in the future because the Vultures are still a thing. The writers are really playing fast and loose with the timeline just to get Morgan on the show.
You can download Fear the Walking Dead on iTunes.

Billions: So Taylor is a sexual person. And one who works pretty quickly. But I guess when you are that analytical, you see what you want and you just take it. As for someone who is not analytical, why is Dollar Bill ramming the car of someone who is very by the book? I guess it is lucky for Bill that Bobby gave the SEC guy the big family talk before that so I guess as long as Bill pays for the damages, SEC guy will not press charges. But what happens to the tainted sample? How does Chuck get that into evidence? Do Axe’s cleaners find it first? And when the gay widow was talking about how noble the doctor was, why did he only think the good will of the doctor was out of compassion and not out of guilt?

Timeless: Oh yeah, Lucy has a sister. They are doing a bad job reminding us that. Would it be too hard to go back in time and introduce her mother to the sister’s father?
You can download Timeless on iTunes.

Into the Badland: So where was the “previously on” segment. Didn’t the one chick die? That is pretty much all I remember from last season. And now there are more black eyed people, Sonny’s kid and the two new people. But MK does not anymore. That cannot be a coincidence.

Supergirl: Ugg, still no Saturn Girl, instead she is at some unseen arctic event? Boooo.
You can download Supergirl on iTunes.

Lucifer: So Cain lost his mark because Decker fell in love with him? I do not remember Decker being in love with Lucifer when he was getting hurt around her. I am pretty sure that was always the case.
You can download Lucifer on iTunes.

Rise: Just when I though Ted Mosby could not get any more annoying, dude just walks out on the production. And I found it weird when the pregnant chick showed up seemingly out of nowhere, but now she is, was, best friends with the chick who thinks she is a dude? Meh.
You can download Rise on iTunes.

The Challenge: Vendettas: How convenient for the Stars that the tie breaker was the winner of the last elimination is the tie breaker, not the other team in every other tie breaker scenario in Challenge history (that I can remember). But this is still going to be pretty boring is one team just puts up Stars and the other Champs all season. They may need to do a Survivor type tribe swap at some point.
You can download The Challenge: Vendettas on iTunes.

Legion: Wait did they completely change Sydney’s powers or was I not paying attention. Really, when has any body swapper in sci-fi history morphed their body, not swapped conscience? Seemed like they just did this for the creepy interaction with the boyfriend.
You can download Legion on iTunes.

Survivor: Ghost Island: Kellyn has been my favorite all season but that was a bad look on her this week. You never dictate vote to someone else because that person will turn on you the first chance they get. Even if you are right that you have done everything Domanick has asked and it is time for him to repay the loyalty. But how did we go from Kellyn demanding Michael goes next to Kellyn and everyone but Chelsea voting for Desi (I do wonder who Angela would have voted for). The irony or Kellyn adamantly targeting the stronger guy is that Chelsea makes the tenth straight woman to win Individual Immunity and Cole is the only guy in the last two seasons to win. This may be an anomaly and not a trend because before that, Not Dante Culpepper won five of the last six Immunities.
You can download Survivor: Ghost Island on iTunes.

The Blacklist: Wait, how was the guy not in the Mexican standoff able to get a shot off with two guns pointed at him?
You can download The Blacklist on iTunes.

The Americans: Poor Philip, having to have sex with a hot college chick for his country. Except he then blows his cover to warn her of danger. That is not going to end well for him I aassume.
You can download The Americans on iTunes.

Krypton: So is Doomsday going to be a Checkov’s gun situation or was that just an Easter Egg?
You can download Krypton on iTunes.

Blindspot: How disappointing that the weird conspiracy theory guy never ran into Rich Dot Com.
You can download Blindspot on iTunes.

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Wait no one bothered to destroy the pod that could create the Destroyer of Worlds? Not only that but they kept the Gravitonium still attracted to the pod? Sure, we are dealing with people who did not wait for the “alien attack” option, but c’mon.
You can download Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on iTunes.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 4/22/2018

Homeland: Another round of electro-shock therapy for Carrie. Last time was at the end of season one. Though I do not remember her being all that much saner in season two. She did jeopardize Brody by accusing him early only to start boning him. Granted there was months, maybe years between those two seasons so maybe it will work for at least until the end of this season. But Carrie did change, actually gave up running an operation in Russia to win custody for Franny… which lasted almost a full day before giving up Franny and running back to Saul. But I do not understand how catching Simone would save Keane’s presidency. Even proving Russian meddling, I do not see how you can walk back firing your Cabinet.

The Walking Dead: Eugene certainly knows how to play the long game. Sure puking on Rosita was a bit much. But now that Negan was captured (and somehow not killed by slitting his throat during the middle of a zombie apocalypse and no modern medicine) are they really going to do a Maggie vs. Rick next season? Didn’t they already do a big showdown of to kill or not to kill with Carol and Morgan a couple seasons ago? Speaking of Morgan…
You can download The Walking Dead on iTunes.

Fear the Walking Dead: …he is on this show now? Isn’t the spin-off five to ten years behind the original? Did they just fast-forward that much? And just where are they now? The show was in southwest near the ocean but I am not sure that is where they were. I guess all those questions will be answered next week because we did not see any original cast member for more than five seconds this week. And I have to say I am not digging the Token Hot Chick from Lost’s new haircut.
You can download Fear the Walking Dead on iTunes.

Billions: There are fewer things I need to see than a naked old dude. And that is the second naked old naked dude on Showtime in as many months. But those Rhodes boys are messed up. So Papa Rhodes did not turn on his son because he squeezed out his casino land? But if he likes ruthless moves, shouldn’t the Ice Juice thing gain enough respect because that was pretty ruthless all around. Chuck screwed over his father, best friend, and his own back account just to spite Bobby Axelrod.

Supergirl: Did I take copious amounts of drugs or did I really see Kara do Beastie Boys karaoke? That was weird. But where was Saturn Girl? I feel any episode without Saturn Girl is not an episode worth watching.
You can download Supergirl on iTunes.

Lucifer: Wait, how did Cain lose his mark? Was it just by spending time with Decker?
You can download Lucifer on iTunes.

Good Girls: Why do they continue to pay off the blackmailer. Have they yet to realize if she turns them in, the blackmailer is implicating herself too?
You can download Good Girls on iTunes.

Rise: Ted Mosby just continues to be annoying. After just overtaking the orchestra practice from the conductor last week he does the exact same to the set designer this week. Get a grip dude.
You can download Rise on iTunes.

The Challenge: Champs vs. Stars: The first two seasons of Champs vs… sucked for many reason. One of which was that the non-Champs just are not ready for how crazy and stupid the game is. So a switch up was needed. But even that was ruined because the Champs are sticking together even when they are on different teams. Meh. Hopefully this is over quickly like the other Champ vs. seasons.
You can download The Challenge: Vendettas on iTunes.

The Looming Tower: Well, here is the problem with these true crime shows, you know how it ends. I guess there were some surprises, like Martin getting his job back. And that interrogation scene was fascinating after the fact. And I wonder if all the time spent on John’s personal life was simply because of that answering machine scene. But it was a little creepy that John called his mistress instead of his wife and children. But where was Bobby during the attack? He strolls up disheveled but not quite too coved in dust and debris completely out of nowhere just for that scene.
You can stream The Path Hulu.

Survivor: Ghost Island: Meh, I really did not need a return of the gross food challenge. But I am surprised that Gervise's uneaten grubs were not on Ghost Island Seriously, why even have a Ghost Island if half the people sent there do not get anything? Random Blonde #2 could have at least gotten her something that automatically put her in the second round or something.
You can download Survivor: Ghost Island on iTunes.

The Americans: Was I supposed to see anything in that warehouse scene because I felt like I should have been increasing the brightness on my screen because I had no clue what was going on.
You can download The Americans on iTunes.

Gotham: I wondered why they killed Ra’s Al Guil but now I am wondering why they killed him only to bring him back? And why does he no longer want to be dead?
You can download Gotham on iTunes.

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: So did they change the future? I am a bit confused at just what happened especially with Ruby. What was with that white burst? Was that just gavitonium dispersing out of her? And did they not destroy the chamber? If Daisy was to become the Destroyer of Worlds and Von Strucker was the only one that could build it, wouldn’t destroying that be smart?
You can download Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on iTunes.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 4/15/2018

Homeland: How profound that the president says she is turning into the person her detractors says she is. Maybe that is the overarching theme to this season. But poor Carrie, relegated to “Useful Idiot.” Sure horrible parent definitely (wait, did she run over Frannie or not). The senator makes sense because all of ours seem like partisan hacks that are quick to say anything they think will help their side or hurt the other. But, c’mon, just how easy was it for the Russian to get into the hospital? After these people were able to extract Simone, how do you not beef up presence at the hospital? How could you not at least have someone right outside the room?

The Walking Dead: Meh, I thought Simon was a much better villain than Negan. They killed off the wrong bad guy.
You can download The Walking Dead on iTunes.

Billions: Well Chuck’s buddy turned on him pretty quickly. I wonder if Chuck accounted for that or not. Chuck was quick to end the conversation after his buddy said that would be the last time they talked after it was over. And just what will Connelly do with that information? He almost got turned by Bobby in the first season, could he be the next to turn on Chuck?

Good Girls: I wonder a what point the “Good Girls” decide to cut their losses because they just seem to dig themselves a bigger hole every week, now being blackmailed monthly. Oh wait, they cannot because there would be no show.
You can download Good Girls on iTunes.

Rise: So Simon did not even last an episode at the private school? I guess that was longer than I thought, I did not think he would make it there. And what was with the hissy fit his father threw when he gave in? I hope the season does not end with him enjoying the musical.
You can download Rise on iTunes.

The Challenge: Vendettas: The was complete and utter bullshirt. Not only that but this was the second straight season they had a second Reunion show where they announce the winner.
You can download The Challenge: Vendettas on iTunes.

The Looming Tower: The biggest problems with historical shows are that they are easily spoiled by Wikipedia. And when I started watching this show I did not even go to Wikipedia for spoilers, I just wanted to see what John O’Neil’s official title was. And there I saw his death was dated 9/11/2001. Oops. I stopped reading there so I did not know how exactly he died. To leave the FBI to take a job as head of security of the World Trade Center was really tragic. But that was a weird chose of editing of the show. They started off with more time spent in the 2004 hearing than the previous episodes before, but then end with the exact same hearing but the real people. I wonder if we are just going to get stock footage in the finale.
You can stream The Path Hulu.

Survivor: Ghost Island: I routinely peruse Twitter during ad breaks and one Tweet that caught my eye was someone asking for the number of Idols played setting the number at 1.5. I had to reply over because after everyone but Dominick and Wendell went to “get water” they would have to play their Idols. Then Chris would be stupid not to play his. Michael may even play his out of fear.

I was shocked that Wendell saved his and it turns out Chris is just that stupid. I guess I should have figured that by risking his vote at Ghost Island. Sure the first guess is just fifty-fifty but there is only a twenty-five percent chance of guessing right twice in a row. And just how stupid do you have to be to have someone gunning for you, risk your vote for an extra day to use your Idol. Take the Idol and vote and use them both. How many Idols were at Ghost Island because people held on to them too long?
You can download Survivor: Ghost Island on iTunes.

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: I wonder if the near miss with the robots will scare Simmons or embolden her thoughts of invincibility even more. I still think the more invincible they think they are, the more likely one of them dies. I can totally see Fitz sacrificing himself thinking he has to make it out alive, only to die but only to find out Simmons is already pregnant so no need for him to be around. That would worry me. But Daisy showed exactly why she deserved the Destroyer of Worlds treatment because she wiped the floor with Ruby in pretty short order.
You can download Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on iTunes.

Sunday, April 08, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 4/8/2018

Homeland: Finally Carrie’s sister has put her foot down and started to get custody of Franny. Long overdue. I never knew how anyone could think Carrie could care for a child. Hopefully Carrie never gain full custody of her again. But the bigger news of the episode is that Saul and Carrie are back at a black site interrogating a possible terrorist that Carrie was banging. Very similar to Brody in season two. Except they did not almost kill Brody. But if Dante is dead and Simone is in the wind, what is next? A manhunt for Simone? Although that scene with Simone and the Senator was weird. Was he really just testing her or is there more? I think there may be more conspirators out there. Maybe the Senator. Maybe the Vice President. It would be weird to bring in Beau Bridges for just one scene

Billions: Kind of an unfortunate Mark Cuban cameo. He might be as toxic as Bobby at this point. That judge was pretty indignant for someone who asked a prosecutor to look the other way on his son’s indiscretion. Asking him to step aside is a pretty small ask compared to his.

Rise: Of course the best episode so far would be the one with the most football. Granted I do not remember Matt Sarasen having an embarrassing lose like that.
You can download Rise on iTunes.

The Challenge: Vendettas: They pulled that, find out who wins at the reunion crap last season and it is still annoying. If you are going to pull that crap, just do what Survivor does and put the reunion show on right after the finale. Almost as dumb was the Mercenaries brought in to play High / Low the easiest card game to win. And everyone but Cam did. Seriously, at least make it interesting and do Blackjack or something a little more challenging.
You can download The Challenge: Vendettas on iTunes.

Legion: Usually I need a lengthy “Previously On” montage to start every season, but I was not even mad we did not even get one for this show because I do not think anything even happened last season. I remember Aubrey Plaza turning out to be evil and David getting sucked into that orb, but was there anything else last season that was even important? And was David getting sucked into that orb really that important? He started in the company of his friends, albeit in a comatose state. Everyone was so interested what happened in the orb, which, yes was interesting, but what happened in that year outside that orb? Just how did they find David and get him out of the orb? And why do we need a dance sequence in every season premiere?
You can download Legion on iTunes.

The Looming Tower: It is really depressing watching the changeover in government because it looks so very similar to the most recent change. A new president who does the opposite out of spite and a new cabinet who has to treat the president like they are teaching a third grader. But I am surprised out how bad Secretary Rice looks. In eight months she does deliver the memo about Bin Laden wanting to strike America, but here she does not like talk of possibilities.
You can stream The Path Hulu.

Survivor: Ghost Island: One of the worst parts of maybe the last decade of Survivor seasons is everyone now knows you take the annoying people to the finals because they are easy to beat. So all of the likable people get booted early and more and more annoying people who would be out first in early season stay on television to annoy the viewers longer. Then this week it was extremely shocking that that the annoying dude was sent home, even by his own majority original Tribe, instead of the hot chick that everyone knows is a strategic threat. Horrible move but I applaud it because I would much rather have a hot chick than an annoying dude on my television screen.

And looking at the previews, it looks like the original Naviti will vote out another of their own as the Chris vs. Dominick feud will be reunited which will thankfully be another annoying dude gone. But I guess you are expendable if you go into merge eight-five. On the other hand, with three Hidden Immunity Idols, a Legacy Advantage, and Kellyn’s Extra Vote, and who knows what else at Ghost Island next week, you may want to have a vote splitting majority just in case. Speaking of Ghost Island (though neither were found there), why did the show burn two of the five best moments in Survivor history in one episode? But anyway, I cannot get enough of the Ice Cream Scooper and “It’s a forking stick!”
You can download Survivor: Ghost Island on iTunes.

The Blacklist: Yeah, I am kind of with the what the big deal about someone going around killing child rapists crowd. Give that girl a medal.
You can download The Blacklist on iTunes.

The Americans: Does Elizabeth running more jobs than usual this season? She got three this episode, the home nurse, infiltrating the summit, and getting back in touch with the general. I am guessing this is intentional without Philip any more But how does Philip no longer have time for clients now? Shouldn’t he have more time for the travel agency now that he is no longer moonlighting as a spy? And while Elizabeth was doing her nursing, I wonder how much preparation goes into get assignment. Did she go to nursing school? Read a couple books to pass as a nurse? Is she completely winging it?
You can download The Americans on iTunes.

Gotham: I have a sinking suspicion that Jerome’s brother will end up being The Joker. And I know he is not a Batman villain, but how can you have a bad guy brunch without Black Manta.
You can download Gotham on iTunes.

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: I am now convinced that one of the people who think they are invincible are going to die by the end of the season.
You can download Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on iTunes.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 3/17/2018

Homeland: Carrie was a little too obsessed with the two bugs being ineffective, especially when she already bugged the house that lady was going to. But maybe she is on to something (she may be crazy, but at her craziest, she tends to be right) since in lieu of mention her being blackmailed to her possible co-conspirator she instead just had sex with the dude. Maybe he was not the one who got her to make the payments. Maybe she is there to put him in a compromising position by whoever she was working with. She did seem to have an undecipherable accent.

The Chi: Oh, that is why that old guy came back and was so interested in the kid who got killed. Now that it was said out loud, it seems so obvious. But I am still a little fuzzy about how he knew Trice did it and of course why. The bigger shocker, Ronnie turned himself in. Wow.

The Alienist: Oh snap! I thought this was going to be a fairly innocuous episode with everyone chasing ghosts of someone who may be the killer. Then Lazlo and Moore get run off the road in an attempted assassination. But the big shocker is Mary falling to her death after a push by The Swede. I thought for sure it would be the other way around thought the fight. As we go to the inevitable crawl of catching the killer presumably in the finale, that murder adds a level of intrigue of what happens in the last two episode. Lazlo’s driver was there but will The Swede do something to keep him from talking? How will Lazlo retaliate? This should be interesting.
You can download The Alienist on iTunes.

Good Girls: Did they really need to destroy that car? To me the wife of a dealer “borrowing” a car for the day does not seem that bad. I guess if you think it can be tied back to your money laundering you might get spooked.
You can download Good Girls on iTunes.

The Challenge: Vendettas: Again, many of the Mercenaries this time around did not really strike fear in the hearts of many people. Is anyone really shaking in the boots going up against Smashley? Although Smashley vs Britni and Kam vs. Laurel would have been much more interesting draw. Also who is scared of Frank? Sure I might be scared of Frank if he turned out to be my opponent in an insult contest, but nothing physical. Ad for someone who is so against people giving up, why did TJ throw in the towel on the elimination calling it a draw after just an hour? What did he have somewhere to be?
You can download The Challenge: Vendettas on iTunes.

The Path: Well that fifties gay conversion was very creepy. But they do allow interracial dating so they were more progressive than I expected. But what was that other creepy scene at the end with Cal, Steve, and Eddie. Is Eddie tied to Cal so he could feel Cal casting out Steve or is Eddie tied to Steve and felt being cast out by Steve? Considering the final scene I am leaning to the former.
You can stream The Path Hulu.

Rise: So I really want to love this show considering its pedigree (producers of Hamilton and Friday Night Lights) but there are a lot of nit picking going on. Really Rosie Perez and her thick accent was a former student of that principal in rural Pennsylvania? The school could not afford to license Grease but the school’s choir can do Pearl Jam? The school changed their school musical three times in basically a week? And really the most absurd plot point in that the football player decided to do the play because of a rousing speech from his English teacher whose class he sleeps in. C’mon, he is totally doing it to make out with the Tyra Collette stand in. Which I guess would make the other theater girl Lyla. Then the football player is kind of obviously Sarasen. Which would make the closeted gay dude (seriously, dude, it is hard for me to believe that everyone does not already know that) Jason Street. I guess that leaves the girl who thinks she is a boy Landry. But is Riggins the teacher’s son or the kid he brought into his home?
You can download Rise on iTunes.

The Looming Tower: I have seen enough crime show like this where the writers sprinkle in hint at how the bad guys get caught that you see things like the CIA tagging the eventual 9/11 hijackers and you think, oh this is how they get them. But then you realize, oh yeah, they actually did carry out their attacks and them following these guys into the country and keeping tabs on them did nothing at all to stop the attacks. This show is kind of a weird show in that regards.
You can stream The Path Hulu.

Survivor: Ghost Island: When Kellyn passed on the advantage I thought it was a bad idea; never pass up on an advantage. Except not giving up her vote seemed to be the right choice because she needed it at Tribal Council. And now that I think about it, maybe all advantages are cursed. Maybe that is the lesson of Ghost Island. Just how many people have won using an advantage? Sarah comes to mind because without the Legacy Advantage, she would have gone home that week. But even then, she was gifted it.
You can download Survivor: Ghost Island on iTunes.

Gotham: Ivy is killing people now? Ug, I miss the old Ivy.
You can download Gotham on iTunes.

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: So Deke finally realized that Fitz-Simmons are his grandparent, but before then, they annoyingly played up Fitz as a grumpy old man and Deke as an annoying kid way too much. Oh, and holy Von Strucker kid sighting! I had to look him up to remember where he has been this whole time. And there kind of goes my theory Ruby is a robot (though she is very robotic) if Von Strucker knew her when they were kids. But then again, she does not remember, so she could be a replacement.
You can download Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on iTunes.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 3/11/2018

Homeland: C’mon, did they really have to kill a dog? And how do you let the militia sneak up on that FBI agent like that? They were out in a field. But we did get a poetic comeuppance to O’Keefe who used to run a Russian disinformation farm and then he gets caught and his militia buddies all die because of disinformation.

The Walking Dead: Did we really need the name cards? Sure I did not know the name of half the characters, and will probably forget them by the start f next episode, but that seemed to have no purpose. But at least they killed off almost all the trash people. They were completely worthless. But I do wonder what the leader does now without her flock. Teaming up with Rick against the Savior seems like the play but he clearly wants nothing to do with her. I guess there is always the lady tribe in the woods.
You can download The Walking Dead on iTunes.

The Chi: So Sunny was not dead, did dude just knock him over the head? There was a lot of blood. Then on the flip side, I actually thought the doctor was going to pop right up at some point up until his wife went to look for his pulse.

Lucifer: Wait, they killed Abel already? Are they done with him or are they just going to kepp bringing him back but in different bodies.
You can download Lucifer on iTunes.

The Alienist: Well that was the second time John was chloroformed and nothing that bad happened to him, this time he woke up to a friendly(ish) face. Bad for him the Swede may be bringing more chloroform. Except he may have gotten knocked out again at the end of the episode too except this time the old fashioned way. Oh and that was a creepy way to start the episode with Lazlo stabbing the corpse. I am beginning to realized that maybe most alienists need an alienist of their own.
You can download The Alienist on iTunes.

Good Girls: Oh, creepy manager was not actually dead, they just hilariously tied him up in a treehouse. I guess good old fashion blackmail to stop a blackmailer is a good plan.
You can download Good Girls on iTunes.

The Challenge: Vendettas: I never understood why no one beside Wes ever went up against Johnny. On Survivor winners get targeted instantly but Challengers just let Johnny slide every season and he rarely even sees an elimination. Hopefully this is the sea change know that everyone sees him as vulnerable. But it was weird the anti-bullying angle of the episode. The show was built on bullying. Getting punched by CT was like an initiation.
You can download The Challenge: Vendettas on iTunes.

The Path: Alright, all the cards are finally on the table. Well, I guess Vera did conveniently leave out the whole Eddie has to die thing. But everyone does finally knows that Vera’s mother was an original Mirist member who wants credit for the movement. Also that Steve is her father. Wait did we know that before? It may have been hinted at but I think this is the first confirmation. Which makes thing complicated between her and Cal, not only does he now know they knew each other, but her father got a little too handsy with Cal. But what was with that final scene? Vera’s mom wants to talk with Eddie but she does not answer only for us to see her motionless and eyeless in a chair. Was she dead? Was she having a vision?
You can stream The Path Hulu.

The Looming Tower: Wait, they fired Saarsgaard already? Sure he was a bit prickly but the guy is right. In the first couple episodes it seemed like Jeff Daniels was the protagonist, but Saarsgaard is right in his predictions. And the thing that got him fired, it sounds like the famous story of the time a sniper had Osama bin Laden in the crosshairs but President Clinton called it off because there were roytals there at the time. But I still do not care about Daniel’s personal life and his newest girlfriend maybe moving to New York City while his other girlfriend wants to get married.
You can stream The Path Hulu.

Survivor: Ghost Island: So they need a unanimous vote to send people to Ghost Island or they draw rocks? That means they will be drawing rocks until the merge. Lame. Then when dude gets to Ghost Island, there is no advantage again. Double Lame. And speaking of Ghost Island advantages, the first one is switching hands again as the third straight person I actually liked got voted out. Triple Lame. If Kellyn gets the boot next week I may stop watching this season.
You can download Survivor: Ghost Island on iTunes.

Gotham: I still miss the old Ivy. And by the old Ivy I mean the middle Ivy.
You can download Gotham on iTunes.

Blindspot: Whenever there is a Groundhog’s Day episode I fully expect a death montage, but this episode was still entertaining enough.
You can download Blindspot on iTunes.

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: I appreciate the Stay-Puff Marshmallow man reference. When they first said this new portal was a manifestation of their fears. It was the first thing I thought of. But for the big one hundredth episode, all they could get back was Deathlok? They even had Gemma play a LMD instead of getting Ada. That was kind of lame. But we did get the big reveal that Deke is Fitz-Simmons’s grandson(?). I put the question mark there because he does not seem to know who they are to him. So maybe great grandparents. But if that is the case, they really need to get started at making a family.
You can download Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on iTunes.