Showing posts with label Ryan Adams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ryan Adams. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I Want My Music Television vol. XII

There have been a couple of videos that have caught my eye lately so I though I’d give them some love since the death of Musical Television left a void for a forum on the art form so here they are courtesy of YouTube. I advise you to watch them before you read my reviews if you don’t want me to spoil things. If you are interested in buying the video through iTunes, click the title link (where available, if not the link goes to YouTube where you can watch the video in full screen). If you are interested in buying the song, look for a link in the analysis.

Say - John Mayer

For those that like free, I got a treat for you; currently you can download this video for free on iTunes. Click the title above to be taken there. On a side note, does anyone know if there is a way to convert video to MP3. I am under the assumption that the video is DRM’ed to the point that it makes it impossible, but I thought I’d ask. And unlike most soundtrack songs that are unlistenable, the new track from John Mayer has a great vibe to it in a John Hiatt kind of way. On the other hand, The Bucket List looks unwatchable. Plus it looks like they spoiled the whole movie anyway with the scene with Jack Nicholson speaking at Morgan Freeman’s funeral.

Follow the Lights - Ryan Adams and the Cardinals

Speaking of free videos for something unwatchable, you can also get this Ryan Adams video for October Road for free on iTunes. It is a crime against humanity that ABC would bring back this show and the equally unwatchable Notes from Underbelly but not Knights of Prosperity. Seriously, would it hurt the channel to bother putting on a show that guys would watch? Ever since it let go of Monday Night Football, the network has turned into the All Broads Channel. No seriously, look up and down the channel and tell me how many of its shows actually appeal to dudes.

Conquest - The White Stripes

You have to put this song and video in the it’s so bad its great category. I’m not sure what possessed The White Stripes to do a cover of a cheesy fifties song, but I am glad they did because it is frakking genius. Then throw in whatever drug induced stupor person that thought up having a flirting bull and you have one of the most enjoyable three minutes of the year.

Shawdowplay - The Killers

I am beginning to think that The Killers rarities disk may actually be better than Sam’s Town. The song is obviously their take on the Joy Division classic and the scenes from the video are from the upcoming band’s bioflick, Control.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Record People Are Shady IX

Colbie Caillat free on iTunesWhen scouring the internet for yesterday’s Don’t Download These Videos I planned to show the video for Bubbly by newcomer Colbie Caillat to once again remind you that you can currently download this song for free on iTunes (well as long as the ad to the right still features her) but I couldn’t because, much like all their videos, the Universal Group has chosen the “Embedded Disable by Request.” I have never understood why anyone would utilize that function because it seems like people are saying, “I want you to check this out but please no free publicity.” If you ever check out YouTube’s most viewed videos for the day, if there is a fan loaded videos of the same music video it is always higher than those put up by UMG that don’t let you embed them. Well this is of course before UMG inevitably has YouTube remove the fan uploaded versions.

Of course I’m sure if you were to ask the record executives why they do this they go back to their usual defense is that doing so would hurt record sales. Yeah because I’m sure there are plenty of people out there that decided not to buy a song or record because a very low quality version of the video it is readily available on some dudes MySpace page. What is really bad is that it not at all hard to get around the “Embedded Disable by Request” thing. Granted I just choose not to do so with these music videos because I make a note not to piss off anyone who is litigation happy. So here is my plea to the UMG, please allow your videos to be embedded, not only will this not hurt your record sales; the more visibility of your music videos will undoubtedly increase sales.

Ms. Caillet’s video isn’t the only video recently that I haven’t been able to highlight because of the dreaded “Embedded Disable by Request” thing. High on the list is the video for Ryan Adam’s Halloweenhead that could have become a viral hit with quirky lyrics and old people dancing but lost that chance thanks to the similarly Walk it Out mash-up the floated around the web last week. UMG, you could have had that buzz with Halloweenhead, which came out earlier, but no on saw because people couldn’t be spread around the web because we couldn’t embed it.

Then there is the new Katharine McPhee song Love Story, which I declared the best song from her otherwise lackluster album. Again here is another song that has gotten zero buzz because UMG won’t let use feature it on out blogs. Granted I wanted to show this video so I could talk about how the further into obscurity McPhee falls, the less cloths she wear. Unfortunately she isn’t attractive enough to make the whole sex sells thing to work. Case in point, she is relegated to the cover of the third rate Men’s magazine Stuff the same month the sometimes moderately attractive Hilary Duff gets the cover of Maxim.

So for those of you that aren’t too lazy to click links here are the previously mentioned videos on YouTube that I am not allowed to embed:

Bubbly - Colbie Caillat (or download the Bubbly video on iTunes)

Halloweenhead (NSFW) - Ryan Adams (or download the Halloweenhead video on iTunes)

Love Story - Katharine McPhee (or download the Love Story video on iTunes)

On a completely unrelated not, to better understand you my audience, I have wanted to create a survey so I can make the 9th Green a better experience for all. As luck would have it, this past week Mike from sent me an e-mail about his site that allows you to create surveys, polls, and quizzes. So I created a survey, The 9th Green Readers Poll, and if you subscribe to this blog or just stop by a couple times a month, please take a minute or two to fill it out and thanks to Mike for the heads up on his site.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

I'm Open All Night and the Customers Come to Stay

Easy Tiger - Ryan Adams

When an artist is able to create three pretty good albums, one of which is a double album, in the span of twelve months, one can only imagine how great an album could be if the artist took a year and a half in between albums. After releasing an album a year since 2000 including the previously mentioned three pretty good albums in 2005, Ryan Adams took a year off in 2006 from recording. Well, from releasing albums anyways and he would post his more eccentric work on his website.

Finally after an eighteen month hiatus, (Don’t Call Him Bryan) Adams has released his ninth album entitled Easy Tiger that almost lives up to the hype. Certainly if you read another review for this album you will get the token, “Best Album Since (insert one of his previous eight albums here)” and I’m game so I will say this is his best work since the album that turned me onto the prolific singer-songwriter, Gold.

But there really isn’t that groundbreaking on the album and you are getting what you would expect from a Ryan Adams’ album, there is some alt-country, the best of which is Tears of Gold, and a good chunk of excruciatingly sad songs headlined by the lyrics, “You and I together, but only one of us in love” from Everyone Knows. The album isn’t as eclectic as some of his best works and is missing some more straight ahead rockers.

He does throw in a few eccentric songs, nothing as head scratching as his online-only hip-hop album Welcome to Ryan Adams Dot Com (Expletives Deleted) but there is the oddly named Oh My God, Whatever, Etc. But that is nothing to Halloweenhead which will induce you to go, “What the frak was that?” after the first listen. But give it a few listens before passing judgment because after a while you may realize how ingenious the song was. And really Adams is the only artist that can pull off a song like that. Now lets hope he doesn’t make us wait another eighteen months for the next album.

Song to Download - Everybody Knows

Easy Tiger gets a Terror Alert Level: High [ORANGE] on my Terror Alert Scale.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Scooter McGavin's Spring Preview part 2

Earlier this week I unveiled Part 1 of my Spring Music Preview (click the link to read it) and here is the second half of the post. Also if there is anything I missed, feel free to drop me a comment and I may add it later.

May 22
It Won’t Be Soon Before Long - Maroon 5: It may not be a good sign that I listed the album in my Winter Preview last year and it still hasn’t been released. Another bad sign is the first single, Makes Me Wonder which is mediocre at best.

May 29
Double Up - R Kelly: The bad news, no new additions to Trapped in the Closet. The good new, R has completed twenty-two new chapters of his opera, eleven of which will show up on DVD this summer. Hopefully the back eleven won’t be far behind. As for Double Up, expect a cavalcade of guest spot including Kanye West, Snoop Dogg, and Mary J. Blige as well as twenty, yes twenty, others.

June 5
Easy Tiger - Ryan Adams: In 2005 Ryan Adams released three albums, 2006: none. So after almost a year and a half without recording an album, he should have a few great song stock piled for this release. No word on how many other albums are scheduled to be released later this year.

June 19
Icky Thump - The White Stripes: After a detour with a more traditional band, Jack White is back with Meg with an album that was recorded within three weeks in Nashville.

Wild Hope - Mandy Moore: Mandy has gone the independent root with an album that is said to sound much like the cover album that was widely ignored four years ago (but featured a version of one of my favorite songs of all time, Have a Little Faith in Me). It will also be the first time Moore co-wrote every song on an album.

July 10
Finding Forever - Common: The Chicago rapper finally had a breakout success with his last album Be thanks to some production from Kanye West. On the follow up West returns behind the board along with and the late J Dilla. You can also expect a guest spot from, wait for it, wait for it… Lily Allen. That is going to be classic.

Zeitgeist - Smashing Pumpkins: It’s been seven years since they have put out an album and twelve years since they put out a good one, can Billy Corgan get back to his nineties heydays?

No Date Announced Yet But Should Be Out By the Time You Go on Summer Vacation
My December - Kelly Clarkson: I’m not sure who the brain trust is that decided to release an album called My December in the middle of summer but this may be a make or break album for the former karaoker. Clarkson has decided to write most of the songs with production from David Kahne (The Strokes). Surprisingly ex-Minutemen bassist Mike Watt shows up on half the tracks. Scooter Update: Just heard the first single Never Again, another done me wrong anthem but it is definitely no Since U been Gone. It is not even Behind These Hazel Eyes or Walk Away. Just on the strength the first single, I am leaning towards break right now.

Songs About Girls - Believe it or not, there was a time when the Black Eyed Peas didn’t suck. This was of course the pre-Fergie era. And not only is his first solo album Fergie-less, there is actually no guest stars. Wow, can anyone remember the last rap album with no guest appearances? (I want to say To the 5 Boroughs)

In the next couple months you can also expect albums from Jimmy Eat World, Garbage, Chris Cornell (which I also on my Winter Preview), Velvet Revolver, Fabolous, Paul McCartney, and Veronica Mars favorite Spoon. Like I stated in my Winter Preview, all the heavy hitters are being held off until the forth quarter, which will also include new disks from Coldplay, Eminiem, Foo Fighters, and, oh please no, Britney Spears. Still no word on Chinese Democracy yet.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Can You Still Have Any Famous Last Words if You're Somebody Nobody Knows

29 - Ryan Adams

is the most prolific artist of the decade releasing nine albums so far including two earlier this year. Now he’s back with his third and presumable last of 2005 and the first this year without his backing band The Cardinals, 29. With the band taking this album off, 29 is more sparse and reminiscing of old time country albums that evoke cowboys sitting around a campfire with an acoustic guitar telling tales.

Even though most of the album has that campfire feel to it, 29 starts off with its most rugged track that shares the name of the album which sounds like it would best be performed behind a chain link fence in a southern bar. The later on the album there is The Sadness that sounds influenced by old time mariachi band but without the horn section.

What have always drawn me to Ryan Adams though are his sad songs and there is no shortage here. For those who enjoy their sadness accompanied with an acoustic guitar instead check out Strawberry Wine and Night Birds. While those who prefer a piano there is Blue Skies Blue and Elizabeth, You Were Made to Play the Part where your heart will break when he sings the line, “I'm not strong enough to let you go.” And his storytelling as a whole has improved most notably on Carolina Rain a song about the hardships some people have faced throughout their lives.

Song to Download - Elizabeth, You Were Made to Play the Part

29 gets a Terror Alert Level: High [ORANGE] on my Terror Alert Scale.