Showing posts with label Manifest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Manifest. Show all posts

Sunday, April 11, 2021

57 Channels and Only This Is On: April 11, 2021


Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist:  For the first time this season, maybe ever, an episode filled with all great songs that I actually own them all.  Well, except the Australian’s sex song about Zoey, unless you count Maroon 5’s This Love which they clearly borrowed the guitar lick from.  It also included the greatest Disco song of all time, though I wish it had been more of an ensemble than just Simon singing with everyone else being a back-up singer/dancer.  I would have been fine had they done the full song.  It was easily my favorite performance of the season so far. 


Also my favorite episode of the season, bumping off last week’s episode.  As much grief as I give the guy for living I  San Francisco most of his life yet having a strong Australian accent, I am beginning to enjoy Aiden’s presence,  Though I am not sure how much we will see him after getting rejected by Zoey.  I am also beginning to like the coder chick and her new weird thing with Tobin.  I even like Max’s camp buddy (can’t go wrong if you sing a little INXS).  After a rough start, things are starting to come together this season.


Shameless:  So the chick that may have rapped Carl by not using a condom a couple episodes ago who claimed to be on the pill and had a latex allergy is now ready to pop?  So juts what is she up to?  Is she scamming someone else and pretending it is Carl’s baby?  Has time passed that much since that episode?  More confusing is Debbie hanging out the chick who threatened to kill her daughter.  And I thought Lip was supposed to be the smart one.  It never dawned on him that selling to the other person on the other side of the three was a possibility? 


The Walking Dead:  So before the dead started to rise, Negan was good… but not really… but kind of was?  What a mess of an episode.  Maybe Memento is the only one that can properly tell a story backwards.


Debris:  Oh hey, Cocoon… but they got to actually look young too.  They the two agents came clean about the not so dead father.  This show is kind of boring.


Supergirl:  If there is one bright side of being sent to the Phantom Zone is it somehow got rid of Supergirl’s hideous bangs.  Oh yeah, and she found her not so dead father.  Though he seems like a complete waste of a person now.  But I am not entirely sure just how Lex got off.


The Challenge: Double Agents:  Kam forked up.  They came up with this brilliant plan, but decided against utilizing it when just because Fessy ruined the meaning Leroy would end up with Nany.  But had Kam forced Corey to go in, if Fessy wins and picks Casey, then Kam could pick Leroy as a partner.  But we got our fourth Hall Brawl of the season and second in a row, which makes me wonder if they were being lazy or being really manipulative by benefiting the Big Brother alliance.


The Challenge: All-Stars:  My favorite part of the episode did not actually happen on the episode by the aftershow when Darrell kept complaining that Neiamiah actually got asked to spell “Challenge” backwards with the word plastered all over the rig.  Not sure how that qualifies as ancient Challenge history.  He also complained that Neiamiah got a Wes question and it was just weird to think Neiahaih who has not been seen in a decade started on a season with Wes who has been on almost every season in the past decade.


Manifest:  So the meth heads were in a picture with the chick from the Americans?  That is a bizarre coincidence.  I do not remember anyone having their paths cross like that before.  Kind of ripping of Lost there.


The Falcon and the Winter Soldier:  So Zemo had every chance to escape last week, but just bolts this week?  I guess the Wakanda warriors are that scary is they are coming for you.  But this was the first time I remember anyone dying by being thrown into something by someone with super strength.

Sunday, April 04, 2021

57 Channels and Only This Is On: April 4, 2021


Shameless:  So Kev and V are moving?  Maybe the Gallagher’s are going to sell the house and scatter to the wind.  But I was expecting a fight between Lip and Mickey would be more epic.  I will say Franny putting stickers all over a priceless painting gave me one of the bigger laughs of the season.


The Walking Dead:  I was wrong that this was the season finale as there is another episode next week.  But maybe they should have just skipped this episode because who could possibly want to watch Carol trying to catch a rat for half the episode.  The Darryl half was not much better.


Good Girls:  I am glad Rio called out that the Secret Service would not try to wack him.  Beth giving him the hitman not the Secret Service certainly raised my eyebrow.  I guess maybe that plan works if Rio gets him while he was selling houses.  But I guess that begs the question, just what information did she give Rio?  Did she give Rio the cover story and then followed him to the look out?  I guess now the biggest question, does Rio suspect that Beth hired the hitman and used him to make the hitman go away?


Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist:  Probably the strongest episode of the season but still a weak slate of songs aside from Tainted Love.


Snowpiercer:  Well that was an anticlimactic race to take control of Snowpiercer in enough time to save Melanie since we know it failed.  But did it really take at least three days to separate the front of the train to go back for her?  And did they really need to freeze all those fish to do it?  Maybe it did take a while, otherwise how did Alex go from Big Alice all the way up to the front to separate so fast?  Just how long does it take to go 1,000 cars? 

So Melanie is dead?  I do have the long standing belief that no one is really dead until we see the body and we did not see the body.  Layton even looked inside the rat hole.  Where else could she possibly go without food or heat?  Unless that rat hole goes deeper.


Debris:  Evil dude seemed to let himself get caught too easily.  I wonder how fine he is with this.


Supergirl:  I did not remember any of that from last season: Brainiac 5 almost dying, Lex getting super powers, they found the anti-life equation, Andrea being poor now, Supergirl had hideous bangs.  I even forgot that reporter even existed until he popped up at the end.  But now Supergirl is in the Phantom Zone.  I feel like they already did this storyline.  I just realizes how hideous her bangs are while she is there.


The Challenge: Double Agents:  Okay, Nany picking Kyle was hilarious.  I wonder if she did that thinking he was the best partner or just out of spite knowing whoever she picked was almost guaranteed to go into elimination next week.  Though with only five dudes left, CT safe as Rouge Agent, unless you win next week, you have a sixty-six percent chance of going into elimination.  So not only Kyle, Cory probably really needs to win too.  Or do all the people Fessy screwed over vote for him?  I hope so.


The Challenge: All-Stars:  Wow, I forgot how great the personalities were in the early days of the Challenge.  Now it is just Nany and a bunch of annoying or boring people.  Jissella was someone I completely forgot about but she just came back spitting fire.  But I do fear for these contestants, one challenge in and half needed medical attention.  Then in elimination, Ace just kept on getting picked up and slammed down like he was a wrestler.  Production needs to remember these are mostly people in their forties.  Someone is going to break a hip.  Maybe do some weird challenges like back in the day?


Made For Love:  I really did not need to see Ray Romano fork a sex doll.


Manifest:  Yet another show that I barely remember.  But I guess those guys at the end were the dudes who fell through the ice but their bodies were never found.


The Falcon and the Winter Soldier:  Sharon Carter cannot possibly be the power Broker, can she?  She defied her government to do the right things than five years later she is living lavishly, commissioning super soldier experiments?  There has to be more to this story and all that teasing is just a red herring.  But really, all I really needed from this episode was the two seconds of Zemo dancing.


The Blacklist:  You would think after Lizzie broke out that one criminal earlier this season, the task force would have instituted stronger security.  Yet Park was easily able to slip him the note without anyone noticing it.  She looks like a pretty small person, was she really able to block what she was doing, especially when he started waving the note around?  Do they not record sound?  Someone should really be fired for this lax security.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

57 Channels and Only This Is On: April 12, 2020

Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist: Well that was a very special episode. Nice work adding in the deaf actors signing instead of singing. But of course the one dude learned sign language to get laid.
You can download Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist on iTunes.

Homeland: That was kind of a waste of an episode when it was pretty obvious Carrie would end up getting her hands on the Black Box. The only question would be if the Russian dude would turn on her or not. Oh wait, I forgot option three, she tries to fork another enemy of the state and then he still turns on her. I am going to miss this show.

The Walking Dead: Okay, the show has been a drag since… um, ever, maybe, but the weird purple haired chick is a riot. Hopefully she sticks around to liven things up.
You can download The Walking Dead on iTunes.

Good Girls: Wait, Leslie was not dead. Okay, I vaguely remember him “dying” only to be found hiding in his grandmother’s apartment. But how he ended up in prison is still a mystery to me. Really needed a recap of that. But now he is “dead” again but we do not get to see him die so I am guessing the gangsta has other plans for him.
You can download Good Girls on iTunes.

Black Monday: Boo, I am going to miss Mo’s relaxer hair. That was comedy gold. But Mo being cleared that easily, was a bit of a stretch even by television standards. What could the FBI possibly want that would let him off the hook? Speaking of being left off the hook, it would also be a cheap stretch even by TV standards if Keith going to the Lehman Brothers’ Club Fed and being released early was just part of Mo’s plan and Keith is in on it.

Manifest: I know I should not have expected different, but that was extremely dumb. So frostbite dude comes back to life because he did good deeds? Kind of ruins the suspense of the death date. And now we are stuck with a lame love triangle.
You can download Manifest on iTunes.

Little Fires Everywhere: Last week, Mia’s parents implied that the kid was not hers. I just assumed they meant biologically, but maybe they just meant legally because when you use a turkey baster, you kind of have to the biological mother. This definitely explains why she is so adamant that the co-worker should get the kid back. Hers were by far the more interesting flashback, but boy was young Elena scenes rough. You are certainly going through things if you are driving five hours to see an ex-boyfriend. But I wonder if they are trying to explain Izzy’s problems with the sip of wine Elena had at that dinner?
You can stream Little Fires Everywhere Hulu.

Survivor: Winners at War: So I picked Adam to win solely because he seemed like the most random person who got to speak during the preview last fall. It seemed like I was more and more right as he kept on getting screen time despite being kind of insignificant. And yet, there were a bunch of little scenes made to make him look like a buffoon, like the inability to get his torch in the stand, so I actually kind of thought that weird thing was an Idol, but alas it was not and he was voted out. After all that, can he possibly be the one that comes back from Extinction and actually win? If so, that would be one of the weirdest bits of editing ever.
You can download Survivor: Winners at War on iTunes.

Devs: I really kind of hate the trope of someone predicting the future, someone else says, all I have to do is not do the thing you say I am going to do, but then they always do that exact thing. I kind of hoped what ended the Devs future was the chick just did not go to Devs. Really the last half of the episode was kind of boring.
You can download Devs on iTunes.

Motherland: Fort Salem: Wait, did not one really notice the wicked witch raised the temperature, like fifty degrees? Huh?

The Blacklist: We finally get to learn Agent Park’s deep dark secret, broke a few laws to get to the person she thought was responsible for killing her mother, but of course Red was the one that arranged the meeting. Makes me wonder how long he has been following her.
You can download The Blacklist on iTunes.

Sunday, April 05, 2020

57 Channels and Only This Is On: April 5, 2020

Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist: Is it too soon to call this the best episode of the decade? Of course, who knows when Hollywood gets up and running, we may not get much new television after next month. You start off with a great rendition of Crazy. Zoey trying not to sing I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause was one of the funniest things I have ever seen. Pressure was not far behind. Max was pretty astute that Zoey sang him a love song but sang Simon a lust song. Then they capped things off by making everyone cry. But are they really going to kill off Peter Gallagher? After the first episode I assume they would have him sing every week, but he has sung in less than half of the episode and just sits there bug eyed most of the time. Kind of seems like a waste of his talents.
You can download Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist on iTunes.

Homeland: Last week I predicted one of Max or the Taliban dude would survive, probably both. Oops, wrong on both counts. Although the Talban guy ended up surviving the first round of bullets. Um, Pakistan, maybe it is time to get better soldiers if you can miss the head from maybe ten paces. But I do not understand why the Taliban’s son killed Max that way. Why not do it on camera?

The Walking Dead: Um, where did Carol go? That was pretty cheap to just leave Negan out there like that after he brought your mortal enemy’s head. And what was going on with Beta. Why steal Alpha’s head just to take it nowhere and kill her? Did he just want to show her the new horde he was making?
You can download The Walking Dead on iTunes.

Good Girls: So all that just for the boyfriend to chicken out at the end? Meh. Well at least he got his bird back. Maybe the children can get the chicks after the bird lays the eggs.
You can download Good Girls on iTunes.

Black Monday: I hope we get to see the Rubber Room later this season, it sounds like comedy gold. I hope we do not see Horatio Sanz pull down his pants ever again.

Manifest: Um, why were the bad guys steal the hot cop’s nephew when they could have just as easily taken her instead? It is not like her half dead husband could do anything about it.
You can download Manifest on iTunes.

Little Fires Everywhere: Well that took an unexpected turn. I actually had to rewind the scene a couple times and turn up the volume to make I heard what I was not hearing. So, at least according to her grandparents, Pearl is not Mia’s child? Oh wow. I thought the twist was that the baby daddy was abusive but the real reason is that Mia was a surrogate and really does not want anyone to know where she is because she does not want Pearl taken away. No wonder she feels so strong about her co-worker is the rightful parent because she was the one that gave birth to the child. Now the big question is, what does Elena do with this information? Will she be willing to blow up Pearl’s life just to stick it to Mia? Will she blackmail Mia to stop supporting the co-work so her buddy can keep the kid? Oh yeah, and there is the whole fire business. We see Izzy go pyro this week, but like her name getting thrown out in the first episode, it is so obvious; you have to assume it is someone else. But other than maybe Mia and the co-worker, not many other suspects right now.
You can stream Little Fires Everywhere Hulu.

Survivor: Winners at War: Oh man, we were seconds away from the darkest timeline: Rob coming back in the game with an Idol. Oh wait; the true darkest timeline would be Rob coming back in at five with two Idols after accumulating enough Fire Tokens for more. But I have to say the creepy Nick montage was the greatest bit of editing since Angelina almost died while searching for an Idol.
You can download Survivor: Winners at War on iTunes.

The Challenge Total Madness: It is the biggest twist in the history of the show!!!!! Okay, calm down T.J., I am not sure it is top five. But it will be interesting how the power players who try to avoid elimination like the plague will play this. Do you try to go in early and make sure alliance serves you up a tomato can (and hope it is the type of challenge that favors you) or do you wait until you are near the end for fear if you go in early you may have to go in multiple times if you lose power? Granted this begs the question of if T.J. will even give them a head’s up. I probably would want to get it out of the way early.

Motherland: Fort Salem: What is with all the aging and de-aging? I get that they are witches, but I do not get what ends they are doing it in this episode.

Devs: Okay, when the old dude said to the young kid that got fired last week was nineteen, I was taken aback. The kid’s voice has yet to drop yet. So I did some googling and it turns out that young boy is actually a twenty-two year old woman in real life. That may have been the biggest plot twist on the show so far.
You can download Devs on iTunes.

The Blacklist: Ugg, I forget if the guy that Lizzie was looking for was Red as a younger man or his buddy that her mom abducted. I am pretty sure it is Red, which in case, good luck finding someone who no longer exists.
You can download The Blacklist on iTunes.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

57 Channels and Only This Is On: March 15, 2020

Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist: The cursing into the title screen has becoming my new favorite running bit. But I am sad that dude broke up with the weird baristas. I wish they could find a way to keep her on the show. The place where Zoey works does seem to have an overabundance of bars, how about a coffee bar?
You can download Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist on iTunes.

Dare Me: So we are not getting an ending? Kind of presumptuous thinking it will get a second season. But I have already seen them promoting the Netflix release. I wonder if it will get a bounce similar to You that went from a barely watched Lifetime show to a worldwide smash hit. But this ending was a bit confusing. So the coach and her husband were at army dude’s apartment, and then she came back with the black chick to have an alibi? That does not make much sense. But I did laugh at the completely inappropriate gun theme cheer.
You can download Dare Me on iTunes.

The Outsider: Um, so when did El Cuco scratch Holly. He was never near her in the cave. Did it happen before? They were never close before that scene. But that could explain why trigger happy neck guy decline to shoot her head out when he had the chance. I know it is required for horror movies, after the bad guy is vanquished, to tease that they are still around, but that mad no sense. At least make it the cop that smashed his head in, at lead there was a chance he was scratched first.

Homeland: Is it going to be that obvious that the 80’s action movie supervillain acting Pakistani Defense Minister was behind the president’s chopper being shot down? It cannot be that obvious. It did cross my mind that since the chopper disappeared for a couple minutes that it got swapped out; helping this theory is that the body got destroyed so they cannot confirm that it was him. It also crossed my mind that the Vice-President was involved but he seemed way too shook that this probably cannot be him, maybe he is a puppet and knew but did not think it would actually happen. Hopefully there is some sort of a twist soon.

Supergirl: So Andrea is now just realizing she had a super power? Kind of silly that this show is just kind of rebooting the first half of the season post-Crisis. But I guess I should not expect actual goo storytelling from this show.
You can download Supergirl on iTunes.

The Walking Dead: Was that supposed to be their version of The Long Night? Maybe not try that with tenth the budget. But at least I could tell what was going on.
You can download The Walking Dead on iTunes.

Good Girls: So it was the black chick who recognized the hockey jersey? Sure she did not realize it was a fake. But of course the gangsta wants a part of Beth money scheme more than he wants to kill her. And now it seems like we are right back to season one.
You can download Good Girls on iTunes.

Manifest: So the plane went back in time, freaked out a bunch of pirates, and then went into the future without any one aboard noticing? What the fork?
You can download Manifest on iTunes.

Project Blue Book: They finally caught the Russian spy. Now what? That part of the show was always a drag but know that everything is on the table, maybe it will get more interesting.
You can download Project Blue Book on iTunes.

Survivor: Winners at War: It should not have taken the merge to happen, but thankfully they finally got Rob out. Maybe this could be the best because now he has less time to amass Fire Tokens on Edge of Extinction. But they wasted way too much time on that boring buddy system. What they should have done was give us much more time with the Michelle / Wendell situation. Like, how exactly did that end. Clearly Wendell did something. Then my pre-season pick Adam, looked like a complete buffoon again this episode when he could not close the voting urn thing. Ugg, it is going to be depressing when he ends up winning.
You can download Survivor: Winners at War on iTunes.

Devs: So this tech firm cannot even make believable CGI flames? I get that it was probably rushed and they did not expect anyone to steal it so they could go frame by frame, but c’mon. If you can make a dead guy walk and set himself on fire, flames should be easy.
You can download Devs on iTunes.

Sunday, March 08, 2020

57 Channels and Only This Is On: March 8, 2020

Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist: Well that was the weakest episode so far mostly because the neighbor is the weakest character. Not the greatest song selection either between opera and Miley Cyrus. Okay, I did like the island themed songs.
You can download Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist on iTunes.

Dare Me: Was the dude who date raped the Queen B in the dead guy’s room at the start of the episode? But my theory that the Queen B was involved in the murder was helped by her saying that they both have alibis now.
You can download Dare Me on iTunes.

The Outsider: I caught on pretty early that the boys were in the past, but I thought they said one of their names was the same as neck guy? Granted I a calling him neck guy because I am unsure of what his name is. Speaking of neck guy, he does not really want to do any of the things El Cuco is telling him, is drinking brown liquor, but still manages to shoot the head off the guy who tasted copper in his mouth (should had heeded that sign dude)?

Homeland: One thing the creators of the show said early in its run that really stuck with me was you can no longer surprised an audience with something happening, you can only surprise them anymore with when it happens. That philosophy had them burning through a season’s worth of plot in two or three episodes early on, but now, there are not many surprising developments anymore. After everything was going so well in the first part of the episode, my inner voice said, okay something bad is going to happen at the end of the episode. And there we have at the end of the episode with a chopper going down with two presidents inside. And I am just going to go ahead and say the Pakistanis were involved.

The Walking Dead: So Beta just dug a tunnel into Alexandra? Okay, that was pretty cool. But very uncool to be taken down by a child.
You can download The Walking Dead on iTunes.

Good Girls: I guess that is one way to avoid getting killed by the dude who you just shot, imply he knocked you up. But what exactly did his really baby momma say to convince the doctor to lie?
You can download Good Girls on iTunes.

Manifest: Wait, what happened to the college dude? Did he just fall through the floor? Did he crawl to the sewers? But I guess that kind of helps the idea of a death day if he can avoid what really looked to be certain date.
You can download Manifest on iTunes.

Project Blue Book: That was probably the most X-Files episode so far. Although I doubt the X-Files would had ended it as the government torturing a new family. So what was up with the bear guy? Was he in on it or just a crazy dude? And the government finally caught the lady Russian asset. The question is will they find out what she is up to?
You can download Project Blue Book on iTunes.

Survivor: Winners at War: They really need to change these sit out rules. It just really disadvantages the losing tribe if the other tribe gets to sit their weakest member every week.
You can download Survivor: Winners at War on iTunes.

Devs: Um, did they really spoil the big twist they played very coy about in the “This season on”? The chick who looks more like the daughter from The Middle with a bad haircut more than any Chinese person I ever met seemed to out the whole thing to Alison Pill in a future scene. I hope that was just a huge misdirection. They certainly implied they could see the past later in the second episode.
You can download Devs on iTunes.

The Bold Type: So Jaqueline has a brunette friend and a black friend? Kind of looks like the older version of the three leads. Except Jaqueline would make more sense as the Jane so it does not quite work.
You can download The Bold Type on iTunes.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

57 Channels and Only This Is On: February 16, 2020

Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist: Finally watched the premiere because I did not want to wait six weeks to watch the second episode. It was really good. It is nice to have Jane Levy back doing something fun after spending most of her post-Suburgatory years being a scream queen.

Dare Me: There are fewer things I need to see in my life than a bag full of used tampons. Then I saw a promo for next week claiming someone might die. “Might?” Gee, that is really going to get me to turn in to see if someone might die. I have thought that the mean girl was going to die at the end but after she sort of got date raped, I am a bit unsure.
You can download Dare Me on iTunes.

The Outsider: What a great scene with the private investigator giving her boogieman theory. But the thing is, it is the only theory that makes sense. How else do explain one person being in the same place at the same time? But that was not even the best scene, which belongs to the neck guy getting beat up by his dead mother. Just pure Stephan King right there. Now the PI is in big trouble diving to the middle of with the neck guy. Granted the last guy committed suicide by cop so he might just do the same to himself before he does anything to her.

Manifest: Really, this disappearing thing dates back hundreds of years and for some reason it involves magical tarot cards. This show just gets sillier and sillier.
You can download Manifest on iTunes.

Sunday, February 02, 2020

57 Channels and Only This Is On: February 2, 2020

Dare Me: Just when you thought it was not going to get more gross than someone biting their own lip last week, someone gets their teeth kicked out this week. Except I guess it was implied this week that Beth did not bite her own lip, but that she was sexually assaulted. But was the pool of mouth blood on the mat the same pool of blood from the season premiere? I kind of assumed that someone died. But without actually looking back at that first scene, it did look similar.

Shameless: So the Frank storyline did not amount to anything but to add a car to Ian’s wedding? And was that car always a convertible? But the big news is that Debbie is about to be arrested (and Carl may be right behind her). Although what exactly is the law in Illinois? Most states have a grace period so kids a couple months older but just slightly above the adult line do not get in trouble for this kind of thing. I believe my state has a five year rule which Debbie would be easily inside. But that is it, just one more season left… until the inevitable reboot in ten years.

The Outsider: So that random prison storyline last week was the nurse at Jason Bateman’s father’s hospital? If that was expressed last week, I missed it. Then he opens this week again as we see how he got the “virus.” But the whole pain demon thing that feeds on destroying whole families make it just seems worse than just child murder. So how did the lady in jail survive?

Supergirl: Just when you thought it could not get worse than multiple Brainiac 5’s last week, this week we got multiple Toymen Jr.’s. Ugg. Now if only we could get multiple Saturn Girls.
You can download Supergirl on iTunes.

Manifest: So if that college student ends up forking the daughter who a year ago to him was just ten, would that not be kind of creepy?

Vikings: I thought the Resurrection episode title was going to be a huge spoiler that Floki would finally return after being trapped in a mountain for the last eight episode, instead we got an even more shocking return of Athelstan. Or, I guess someone who claimed to kill him. I had to look it up since it has been so long, but it was Floki who actually killed Athelstan. Umm, whatever that means. Another thing that I am not entirely sure what it means, Ivar brother does not think the queen looks like his dead wife. But he is crazy so maybe that may not mean anything.

The Good Place: So the suicide door turned out not to be a suicide door… but kind of still feels like a suicide door? Sure Eleanor turned into stardust that got Michael Realman’s neighbor to get him his lost mail, but it still seemed to endorse suicide to me. And Michael Realman kind of got a short shrift getting sent to earth in his current form of an old dude. How about giving him a baby skin suit and let live a full life? But I guess even with the suicide door it ended up being a solid finale but I feel like a great finale was sitting right there. Instead of a suicide door, make it a reincarnation door and have the final scene being the soul squad unbeknownst to themselves just happening to bump in to each other.
You can download The Good Place on iTunes.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

57 Channels and Only This Is On: January 26, 2020

Ray Donovan: So OG Bridget was pregnant and knocked up by Succession Daddy when she jumped off the roof? Somehow that death got even darker. But no one asked the question I would have asked, did she actually jump or was Succession Daddy getting rid of two problems at once? But after two or three seasons, is the show going back to California? Bridget says she wants to go home. Ray did follow her there. Terry was just there to train a boxer which faded away. Mickey and Bunchy just came to this coast to avoid the law. The whole Donovan tribe could migrate back west. Hey, maybe Connor is just hanging out in the house alone this whole time. I would not mind the move back because the setting was much better there.

Dare Me: Oh wow, finally an entertaining scene with the two half-sisters in therapy with their daddy. More of that please. Less lip biting, too, please. Really more proof, she dies by the end of the season, probably by her own hand.

Shameless: Wait, is the chick would go through great lengths to set up Frank because he got her boyfriend and just casually mentions she is taking a vacation? I thought for sure that was another ploy by her to get back at Frank. Maybe that will come next episode. But if going on two dates at once, a big sitcom clichéd plot, is the best the show can come up with now, maybe it is a good thing they announce next season will be it last (until it is inevitably rebooted in five years). Okay, Mickey as bridezilla was pretty funny.

The Outsider: If you are a super prestige show that does not want its characters to devolve into a caricature, maybe should not introduce your character on the spectrum with a Sheldon Cooper bit. But she did shout out my doppelgänger theory even though it seems to be already debunked as it seems like we are dealing with a shape shifter. Then what was going on in prison? Dude implanted a shiv, but had to craft a shiv to get the other shiv inside him. Then used it to kill himself. Did I miss an episode?

Supergirl: So Crisis gave us a soft reboot which you think would have fixed one of the bigger flaws of this season in Lena’s irrational hated of Supergirl but instead Lex somehow gave her all of her memories. Meh. Even worse, Crisis gave us multiple Braniac 5’s. Ugg. But why were they talking about there only being one Earth now? We saw at the end of Crisis that Doom Patrol et al were still on different Earths? Are they just being self-centered that now that Supergirl is on the same Earth as The Flash and Black Lightning that there are no other Earths out there? Where do they think all those people went? Just were not brought back after they rebooted the timeline? And what happened to Miss Tessmacher? Lena essentially killed her last season turning her into a robot? Is she still a robot? Is she dead? Is she back as a secretary at CatCo? Since Lex never was “evil” in this timeline, does she not become evil? Is she with Leviathan? It was weird that she ran into Leviathan is the season finale, but that really was not brought up this season.
You can download Supergirl on iTunes.

Manifest: Really, all that to get cave boy out of prison after he pleads guilty? Just seemed like they need to fill and extra episode. And I missed the connection between yoga mom and the university guy? Are they plotting something together?

Vikings: Well the episode title, Valhalla Ca Wait turned out to be a huge spoiler. Though I did think the skies would open up and put out the flames, instead it was his brother who would save him. Then with three episodes left (at least until the end of the half season, I kind of hate when they block off episodes like this, just call each ten episodes a season if the next ten will not air for months) we finally go back to Iceland. I wonder if we will finally get any definitive proof of Loki, dead or alive.

The Good Place: I did not like all the Best Show of the Decades that came out late last year, I thought it was silly to rank The Good Place with five episodes remaining which no one is not going to be considered when ranking the Best Shows of the 20’s. What is the show had a Game of Thrones type ending that knocks it down five to ten spots? Really, if the door they came up with this week, which sounded very pro-suicide to me, turns out to be suicide, this show might sink more than ten spot on my list which I hope to have out before the end of the year… I hope.
You can download The Good Place on iTunes.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

57 Channels and Only This is On: January 11, 2020

Ray Donovan: Oh snap, Smitty was wearing a wire. Although it is not like the first time Ray got caught by law enforcement. I believe the FBI owned him for a couple seasons so I am sure he will somehow weasel his way out of this even though he is on tape admitting to shooting a cop. Maybe he will finally give up his father. But I do not see Smitty making it to the end of the season, but will it be Ray or Bridget who does it? But I was surprised that that one dude implied that Succession daddy had something to do with Ray’s sister’s death and Ray did not go straight to the source. Did the guy stage the suicide? Did he do something that made Bridget so guilty to commit suicide? I guess they are saving that for the finale because obviously Ray will not be going to jail or at the very least will not be staying there long.

Dare Me: So in the dead of night, shooting into two headlights from maybe twenty yards away though a windshield, that chick’s camera phone could clearly show the faces of two people in the cab of a truck? My camera phone is not good with some bomb lighting. Granted I do not have a sugar daddy who will buy me a new one whenever I lose one. I know ads like to hype how well their cameras are but I have yet to actually see one that good.

Shameless: Frank went to college for ten years? Where did he get the money? Was he just making that part up and the lady did not smash the Oxy because she just did not know? And just how did Frank end up in a car with a college football player and crack?

Manifest: Oh, wow, I kind of actually remember the black dude at the end. I believe he was a federal agent that got blew up. Of course, that begs the question, how the fork is he still alive?

Stumptown: So Dex is this army-trained soldier that we have seen take down multiple dudes at a time, but she has trouble with an old Asian dude? Unless that was Mr. Miyagi, it should not been that hard.
You can download Stumptown on iTunes.

Vikings: Stabbing someone with your barely still there shield and then finishing them off with their own sword had to be one of the greatest ways to kill someone. But to put up that kind of fight only be killed by a crazy person trying to kill a serpent was a sad way to go. But then again, she did kill his mother if I remember correctly. Then what is the Russian dude up to? It is still hard to believe that Ivar’s dead wife looks like his betrothed and he would mount her in front of him, but how could he know and how could he make her look like the dead wife?

The Good Place: So when Timothy Olyphant popped up, I commented on social media that this will already be the best cameo of the year, unless of course Scone Cold Steve Austin shows up in the finale. Then someone pointed out that Blake Bortales would beat them both. I am an idiot.
You can download The Good Place on iTunes.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

57 Channels and Only This Is On: February 24, 2019

Supergirl: This season is just dreadful, but I did get a good laugh at The Dreamer’s outfit. So stupid.
Supergirl on iTunes.

Shameless: Fiona has done some horrible things in this back half of the season, but you cannot blame her for letting an alcoholic have some of her drink when she did not know he had been sober for a hundred days. Same with the social services guy. Really, Lip should have gotten her to rehab or at the very least take her to an AA meeting with him.

Black Monday: Weird that the show pointed out the two shows with short black kids living with rich white people and then in the very next scenes it reminds us that this is the second show in the eighties with a robot butler. Although the other show did not murder the robot butler. But wow, I never realized just how racist Teen Wolf was.

The Walking Dead: I am sure being a horny teenager in the zombie apocalypse must be hard on the libido, but how about not let the bad chick out of her cell? Same they just did not do a full on flashback episode because we did not get to see just how crazy bald momma went from an underground bunker to wearing a dead man’s face. A pretty big jump. And there have been plenty of dumb plans on this show, but waiting until nightfall to look for your buddy in a zombie apocalypse with people posing as zombies out there is high on the stupidity list. Although that bears the question, just when do the Whispers sleep? If you are hiding among the zombies and presumably they do not sleep, at what point do you break away from the heard and catch some shut eye and not get eaten by the heard you are with?
You can download The Walking Dead on iTunes.

The Passage: Finally someone is smart enough to kill all the death row inmate vampires. Oh wait, they care about one girl. Okay, first off, didn’t they kill the vampire that turned the scientist so why is he even still alive? Maybe it is because they killed the old vampire before the scientist turned and that is some grey area. Even if that is it what it is, how about then kill all the other death row vampires and just keep the scientist alive to save the little girl. And why does it take so long to kill a vampire in the sun?
You can download The Passage on iTunes.

Manifest: What a stupid forking way to end the season. They just told us that the returned die the exact time for when they were gone so if the new guy was gone for a year, he clearly is not going to die. I guess there is the question of if the cop got shot. Not that I really care, I am fine with the show not returning.
You can download Manifest on iTunes.

Survivor: Edge of Extinction: Kind of a giant “meh” of a premiere. Did not help that it was only an hour. Usually we get ninety minutes or back to back episodes. Which gives us better idea of who these people are. We only continued the streak of annoying people is the ones that find advantages. And the Advantage Menu is a stupid name. Really, unless you are confident you are getting the boot, you gotta go with the steal reward. As predictions go, I will say Lauren will win. And I am not just saying that because she kind of looks like the hot chick from the Baywatch movie.
You can download Survivor: Edge of Extinction on iTunes.

The Challenge: War of World: Yeah, it was pretty obvious from the promo that Bananas would be the “legend” that goes home early and then Bananas gets the boot from the first round of the challenge pretty much made it a lock. So when Bananas calls out Zach it took out all the suspense because c’mon, calling Zach a legend would be a bit of a stretch. Watching Bananas leave this early should have been great but the Promo Monkeys just took all the fun out of it. And are they going to do the same next week? It seems like either Paulie or Kyle will be going home. But since next week is a double elimination, at least the other boot will be a surpise… unless they both end up going home.
You can download The Challenge: War of Worlds on iTunes.

Gotham: Sure Jim, you may have saved Gotham from that gas, but you just polluted the river worse than The Cuyahoga in the seventies when that caught on fire. So yeah, probably smart for the government to keep the city quadrated off for a little longer.
You can download Gotham on iTunes.

Doom Patrol: I was a bit down on the premiere because there were a bit too many origin stories to get through and way too much naked Encino Man. But this episode was much more enjoyable. And I do hope we get an episode inside Jane’s Underground.

The Blacklist: I hate arguing with the simple minded like those who think that spending billions of dollars putting up a wall would even slow the drug flow into the country. I have to tell these people that I have seen a lot of movies and shows on the subject and have seen drug smugglers dig tunnels under existing barriers, walk around the wall in low tide, pay hot chicks to put it in the car and go through customs (most recently they payed Clint Eastwood to do this), I have seen them bring in drugs through the post, I have seen them swallow condoms full of heroin, get on a plane, then crap out the condom and clean it up, but one thing I have never seen is anyone trek drugs across the desert so a wall there would be a complete waste of billions of dollars. Now surgically implant them in woman to make them seem pregnant is a new one. And I have to wonder just how would that work? Like do you have to find a former pregnant chick because it seems like it would be hard to grow that skin into a pouch.
You can download The Blacklist on iTunes.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

57 Channels and Only This Is On: February 17, 2019

Shameless: Oh no, Fiona got fired. But long overdue, she has been constantly drunk since learning her boyfriend was married. Now I am wondering if she is actually going to die and that is how she leaves the show. It is certainly not going to be her going away for very long for that petty assault. Or she could go to rehab and be back a season later like Ian who was just revealed to be returning just two months after announcing his departing. But that was kind of a random intro with Frank recapping what happened during the first season of Homeland which was about eight years ago. I guess it is nice he is finally getting caught out. I cannot wait to hear his take on the bad second season.

The Walking Dead: When they lingered on Jesus, I thought they were actually going to act like a sword through the heart was not fatal. Would not have been the most absurd, oh dude is dead moment, only for them to recover the next episode moment. But then you have Negan who escapes, goes back home, and then decides he rather be a captive? Is that actually what is happening?
You can download The Walking Dead on iTunes.

The Passage: Oh snap, the main vampire forked the other doctor’s wife and then turned her into a vampire herself? Now with all the mind control going on, they have to kill all the vampires now, right?
You can download The Passage on iTunes.

Manifest: Let me call it now, all of these new people with lost time are going to be the evil version of the flight passengers. Although it would be quite on the nose that the good people lost time in the air while all the bad people lost time underground / under water.
You can download Manifest on iTunes.

The Challenge: War of World: How silly how they played up Hunter sending home the person who took a half a million dollars (pre-taxes) from him as if they are even now. Smashley can go home to her million dollars (pre-taxes) while Hunter is stuck in a house where most people are against him. I do wonder if anyone has won a Challenge after being sent in first. But the big news was the promo for next week hyping a Legend goes home. Has to be Bananas right? Really only him and CT qualify even though CT went out early last season so that really would not garner a tease like that. I guess there is an outside chance that it is Cara Maria or Wes.
You can download The Challenge: War of Worlds on iTunes.

Deadly Class: How very Fear and Loathing of them. Though I guess Hunter S. Thompson never ran into a talking Ice-T slot machine. I kind of want to play that. But was the headmaster really there or was white boy just tripping?
You can download Deadly Class on iTunes.

Gotham: Of course Leigh was a secret agent, she “died” with The Riddler. But why didn’t Bane deploy her at the same time?
You can download Gotham on iTunes.

Doom Patrol: The Doom Patrol episode of Titans was the best one of that show so I had high hopes for the spin off. Unfortunately it dragged a bit because there were so much origin stories. Yet somehow at the same time not enough because I was left wondering how Elasti-Girl and Negative Man met the Chief and then we got nothing of Crazy Jane. And it was a bit weird Beast Boy did not even get a mention despite being part of the team for a while. Here is hoping now that the introductions are out of the way, things pick up next week.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

57 Channels and Only This Is On: February 10, 2019

The Passage: Some of these death row convictions just seem absurd to me. Last week the hot vampire is to be put to death because she murdered her child rapist and his protector, even if you do not particularly believe that defense, it should be enough to avoid the death penalty. Then this week the black dude is to be put to death because he drowned his lover? Again, that is a bit harsh. I understand the writers want them to come off as a little sympathetic, but c’mon can theynot be accused of something a little more gruesome than that?
You can download The Passage on iTunes.

Manifest: The Church of The Returned? Just when you thought the show could not get any dumber. Plus did none of the writers see that horrible show The Returned? Not really something you want to compare yourself to.
You can download Manifest on iTunes.

The Challenge: War of World: With Road Rules not airing for over a decade and Real World finally ending two years ago (on MTV anyway, supposedly there is a Facebook Watch reboot already in the works) and the show slowly working in MTV's other reality show, Are You the One before also including British shows and Big Brother, it is not surprising we are finally getting a full blown The Challenge vs. Other MTV shows. Though it is weird that one fourth of the vets started out on another show so MTV Americans are actually outnumbered ten to six. It is nice to finally have Nany back for the first time in four seasons, which is actually only a two and a half year absence. But the school yard pick was weird. In what world does Pauli get picked first and Zach gets picked last?
You can download The Challenge: War of Worlds on iTunes.

Deadly Class: I had a theory that hot Asian chick was going to be related to the Asian headmaster and when they ran into each other while the cousins were taking her to her bother, I thought that was going to be the twist. But I kind of missed the layout of everything. Why go through a random restaurant while kidnapping someone. Is that were the secret entrance was. I vaguely remember a secret entrance.
You can download Deadly Class on iTunes.

Blindspot: Finally, they cured Jane. That went on a little too long. Maybe should have found a cure by the midseason finale. Of course, this begs the question, now what? Is the Zapata storyline really going to carry the show for the rest of the season? Although, kind of annoying that the promo monkeys spoiled what they needed the hacker for.
You can download Blindspot on iTunes.

The Blacklist: Uh oh, Lizzie got caught. Although Ressler just let it slide despite being the boy scout of the group. But will he just let it be or try to figure out just what Lizzie was doing with the fake Red tip? Well, obviously it will have to be the latter.
You can download The Blacklist on iTunes.

Sunday, February 03, 2019

57 Channels and Only This Is On: February 3, 2019

Supergirl: Well that was one of the worst hours to ever air on television. You have the sister being the only rational person on the episode pointing out The Dreamer was not really a woman and therefore should not receive any gift passed on the maternal line.
Supergirl on iTunes.

Shameless: Sextuplets? Those will double Frank’s output in children. Although does he actually take responsibility for them unlike his current children or does he just inform Carl he was the actual sperm donor. Although Peg Bundy does have a history of having fever dreams of being pregnant before.

The Passage: Finally a ration person who thinks they should actually kill the death row vampires. Oh wait; moron stopped the execution because she hijacked his brain to give him a sob story. You know what, when a death row vampire hijacks your brain, that is even more reason to destroy it.
You can download The Passage on iTunes.

Manifest: Jus when I thought this show could not get any worse; somehow the new hiker guy is making the show even dumber. So did he and the hot cop get stuck in another time jump thingy? Am I supposed to assume that bad CGI was what that was?
You can download Manifest on iTunes.

Vikings: Sometime the “Previously On” section can be a bit spoilerly and boy did I get a very Igar’s bride was going to be the one that murders him vibe from this week’s “Previously On.” Okay, I got that a bit backwards since Igar killed her but I did get it a bit right in that she tried pretty hard to get her killed by telling Bjorn about the secret passage into Kattergaurd. Of course this begs the question, when did Kattergaurd become that fortified? We always see the port but I do not remember ever seeing walls. But in the end, Bjorn was able to exile his brother… I think. That was a weird ending with Bjorn questioning things and the quick change of scenes of him holding a bloody blade his mother gave him. Are they saying that battle was just a dream? I am guessing seeing a fleeing Igar afterwards means that it happened.
You can download Vikings on iTunes.

Gotham: Wait, so Walker (who I just hear as Waller, as in Amanda, which would actually make sense) put a chip in The Riddler’s head so they could have him blow up a building full of civilians. Then tried to get Gordon to kill The Riddler threw his army buddy and when he did not, the army buddy sent The Riddler to kill Gordon. I feel like we are missing something.
You can download Gotham on iTunes.

Blindspot: I kind of wish more of the episode was written by the dead writer, it was great to see overexaggerated versions of these characters. What I do not need more of is sick Jane. Now that her organs are shutting down and she is on her death bed they can finally cure her.
You can download Blindspot on iTunes.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

57 Channels and Only This Is On: January 27, 2019

Supergirl: Why is Kara acting as if Alex is not going to remember her at all? She is not losing the information that Kara is Supergirl. Presumably Alex will still remember Kara and still remember Supergirl, just not that they are the same person. Although, just how long until Alex realizes Kara is Supergirl? I cannot imagine it will take her own sister too long to figure out her secret identity.
Supergirl on iTunes.

Shameless: So no one took over Fiona’s room while she was livening in her apartment building? With that house over crowded, you would think someone would move in especially when I believe the three boys were still sharing a room. And I am starting to think that Fiona exits the show maybe going to rehab. Or could they possibly kill her off? It would be weird if she OD’s and yet Frank is still somehow managing to cling to life.

The Passage: Well, I was not expecting Zach Morris to get caught this quickly. Though where do they go from here? The shady organization had a shoot to kill order on him. They cannot let him go. Are they just going to try the cure on him too?
You can download The Passage on iTunes.

Manifest: So last week the pilot presumably found another cloud to make him go into the future again and now this week we find another dude who lost a year in the woods of New York? This show is getting dumber by the episode.
You can download Manifest on iTunes.

Vikings: What a horrible troll to have Floki taunted by the Christian Cross in what he though was the Viking hell. So now he is caved in and covered in ruble. Is this it for Floki? I guess he could just go out the way he came but that is if his torch did not go out. It is about time to close out this plotline, no need to spread it over the final season.
You can download Vikings on iTunes.

Deadly Class: Would it be racist to ask if the hot Asian chick and the Asian head master dude were related? They had that moment at the end where she spilled all the secrets of the new guy. But he did poison her for that test so maybe not.
You can download Deadly Class on iTunes.

The Good Place: Well I was sort of right in that The Bad Place would pick people who would torture the Soul Squad. Got Simone completely right. But odd that of all the time they have spent on how Tahani has lived in her sister’s shadow that instead of Kamila, they bring in a blogger to torture Tahani. And that guy got really annoying real quick. I guess they still bring her because you can say Simone can torture both Chidi and Eleanor. I just hope Donkey Doug is one of the final two..
The Good Place on iTunes.

Gotham: I made an offhand comment that maybe it was The Riddler that blew up the building but I never actually thought it would be him because mass destruction was never his M.O. Or he would at least let someone solve a puzzle first to allow Batman to stop mass destruction.
You can download Gotham on iTunes.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

57 Channels and Only This Is On: January 20, 2019

Ray Donovan: I appreciate whenever shows try something new and it was interesting how this season the show tried something new with the “Previously On” segments with very little dialogue. Though what that said to me was, none of what was said really matters. I am not sure that the new location worked either because what made Ray Donovan work in Los Angeles is the City of Angels is a bright town and it was interesting the juxtaposition of the dark things Ray did in the shadows. Moving Ray to New York, a dark town, just made this season extra dark.

I am talking Bridget copping off the head of a cop with a chainsaw dark. How did we get here? And why was she so comfortable with doing something like that? Smitty kills a dude and is throwing up but Bridget is handing out sandwiches to people with blood splatter on him. Speaking of death, I understand why Lena killed that dude with a rope considering what he did to his girlfriend, but that certainly was an interesting way of going about it.

And was that Susan Sarandon hanging at the end of the episode? I cannot imagine someone that rich and powerful killing them self after one bad scandal. So was it Ray who did it? Weird they left that ambiguous. Unless that is a plot point next season.

Manifest: Um, so what happened to the Pilot? Did he really get shot down? Will he show up in season five? Ha, like there will be a season five.
You can download Manifest on iTunes.

The Passage: So this scientific group is really just going to keep all those death row inmates turned vampires in their basement in perpetuity? Yeah, that is not going to end well. Seriously, when you realized your new treatment has not worked, cut off their head and burn the body and move on. I guess this is why The Walking Dead started a year or so into the zombie apocalypse. And why Fear the Walking Dead sucked at the beginning.
You can download The Passage on iTunes.

Vikings: I predicted that Floki would end up killing Edge at some point and after this week it looks like I may be right sooner than later. Then you have Ivar’s brother selling him out only for the other king not to bite. It is weird that no one has been able to easily over through some guy named Ivar the Boneless. Didn’t we start the show with Ragnar challenging the leader to a duel to see who would rule Kattergaurd? No one is going to challenge a guy who cannot even stand?
You can download Vikings on iTunes.

Deadly Class: No one does high concept but boring more than Syfy. But the promos for this show actually made it look kind of fun, something I would not call any Syfy show ever. And it actually was fun but I am not sure if they could have picked a less interesting character to focus on. The dude’s inner monologue may actually drag on more than the dude from You. I really came away from the first episode wishing the show focused on the hot Asian chick.
You can download Deadly Class on iTunes.

The Good Place: So season four is just going to be a soft reboot of season? I will be fine with that as long as the new humans are even half way as entertaining as Jason Mendoza. Oooo, what if Sean picks people the original four know: Donkey Doug, Kamilah Al-Jamil, Donna Shellstrop, and the chick Chidi dated earlier this season? That would be a way for Sean to torture everyone even though they are not in The Bad Place anymore. Whoever it is, I have a feeling the latest experiment will go as well as Michael’s soft reboot to start season two.
The Good Place on iTunes.

Gotham: Wait, Jim and Penguin are friends already? Penguin just had a price on Jim’s head at the start of the episode. But I guess the bigger question is who blew up the Haven? The Riddler? Or one of his personalities? The list of suspects is not very long unless it is someone new. Isn’t Bane supposed to show up this season?
You can download Gotham on iTunes.

Blindspot: I thought the son was going to turn out to be evil because the cameras lingered on him after he asked if he could call his fiancée. And despite being told no, he still did which of course caused the cure to be destroyed. And why is the mother just able to go back into the world? She was alredy almost killed twice, are the evil guys not going to try a third time?
You can download Blindspot on iTunes.

Sunday, December 02, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 12/2/2018

Supergirl: I knew Manchester Black was a bad guy from the comics, but pretty cold to sell out Supergirl like that. And it did not even work, Captain Liberty was somewhere else. Although I kind of hope Manchester does exact some revenge because am ready for the Make Earth Great Again storyline to be over. Whatever happened to Soviet Supergirl?
Supergirl on iTunes.

Ray Donovan: You would think after getting blackmailed with a sex tape the mayoral candidate would not be so quick to fork another dude she just met even if he helped her out. And just what exactly is Bunchy up to? But is this the end of Conner? He finally gets out to New York with the rest of the family only to ship out by the end of the episode. Granted he is the least interesting Donovan so itt would be fine if he stays in Afghanistan or wherever he is going.

The Walking Dead: Way to spoil who survives that graveyard Promo Monkey. Geez. But is it really that hard to scale five foot wall? With Eugene pulling and two dudes pushing him over should not have been as hard as they made it out to be. And did Maggie really die in the time jump? She has only been vaguely mentioned and her kid has been whole absent. Maybe they just sent her away assuming her ABC show gets quickly canceled and she will be back next season.
You can download The Walking Dead on iTunes.

Manifest: Wait, they killed off the Homeland Security guy? Or at least hot lady cop was told he did not make it. Of course my number one rule of television is, if you do not see someone die, they probably are not dead. Me thinks he was taken by the shady government agency.
You can download Manifest on iTunes.

Survivor: David vs. Goliath: Wait, Probst offered up extra rice for exchange of someone sitting out an immunity challenge? Lame. Dude’s taken everything before. Should have at least made multiple people sit out. But Angelina is just that keeps on giving this season. She could have been booted that week after the jacket incident and still would have been an all-timer, but lack of self-awareness is just pure entertainment. She finally thinks she is in with the David’s and the look on her face when she realized that Carl was getting more votes than expected was just priceless. She is almost the second coming of Eliza.
You can download Survivor: David vs. Goliath on iTunes.

Blindspot: So Kurt finally realized Jane was not who she was pretending to be and… they ended up having to still work together because they got caught up in a home invasion. But now that she has escaped, it should make things a little more interesting as the FBI will now be chasing two rouge agents. So how long until Jane hooks up with Zapata? Although doesn’t Jane need the FBI and their information? Patterson did find another file this week.
You can download Blindspot on iTunes.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 11/25/2018

- Supergirl: I spend the summer catching up on Game of Thrones and after all that time looking at Drogan and his brothers, I audibly laughed at how cheesy the dragon looked on this show.
Supergirl on iTunes.

Ray Donovan: Yeah, Bridget’s fiancĂ© is adding nothing to this show. Those I did get a laugh out of Bridget talking about how her last relationships went. Too bad beau number three may actually not be much better. But when will Micky realize that Ray is smarter than him? So where do Micky and Bunchy go from here? They still have their ID’s so they can still get to Canada but they do not have the money to get to Vietnam or any other country without an extradition treaty. Shouldn’t Daryll still be worried about retaliation though if Micky does not have the money to go anywhere? I cannot imagine Ray turning Micky in if Bunchy is still with him. Although even if his baby mama has not called the cops, Bunchy still killed a guard?

Manifest: Wait, why is the brother at the same school as his sister? Shouldn’t she be in high school and him still in elementary school? Did he get socially promoted because he should be in high school?
You can download Manifest on iTunes.

The Challenge: Final Reckoning: Last week I predicted that Joss and Sylvia would win and I should have gotten that right except those morons stupidly stepped down for some deal that the other team had no obligation to keep. Just lost five minute there. Had they just lasted to second place in that challenge, they likely win. Well, unless Cara Maria and Maria would have agreed that Joss and Sylvia gotten their grenade too. Speaking of stupid moves, how does Hunter let Smashley win? Clearly he could have out run her but chose to stay with her. And even I was against taking the money, Smashley’s excuse of Hunter threatening her family was a worthy reason to screw her over. You just do not treat people that way. It will be interesting how Hunter reacts to the tape of him saying what he swears he did not say. The tape does not lie.
You can download The Challenge: Final Reckoning on iTunes.

Survivor: David vs. Goliath: I had a pretty big eye roll when Carl found the Idol Nulifier. I thought there was no way that thing would be used correctly and really, I doubted it would be used at all. But oh I was wrong and in a big way. When the Davids were talking about all their advantages, I thought it was too good to be true that they would actually play all their advantages and actually do it correctly. The stealing of Alison’s vote did kind of raise my eyebrow but maybe that was the decoy to get the Idol out and through the scent off of who they were actually targeting. But the David’s pulled it off without a hitch. Kudos to Christian who managed to get a Goliath out and hold on to his Idol even though before the vote I thought he should had played it just in case. You found that one, go out tomorrow and find another.

So what now? We are actually back even, five each. Do the three Goliaths who were keen on flipping last episode still try working with the David even though they pulled two over on them two Tribals in a row? Does Angelina go rouge after getting voted for by Goliaths? Would it be wise for any Goliath to flip because it would be pretty obvious now they would be on the bottom? Can the Goliaths pull together and get the upper hand back with all the Advantages sans Christian’s Idol out of the game? It should make for an interesting final stretch since Dan was the least likable of the bunch this season. Hopefully it keeps ping ponging back and forth because one tribe dominating post-merge is always boring.
You can download Survivor: David vs. Goliath on iTunes.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 11/11/2018

Supergirl: Wait, The Real Eleanor did not die in the season premiere? I thought she got stabbed in the back of the head. Oh well, I guess she is dead now since her fiancĂ© just bought a shirtload of guns. And why is Manchester Black, um, actually black now? Isn’t making a football hooligan black kind of racist? At least Russian Supergirl is back. That storyline seems much more interesting than the anti-alien one is. Granted Commie Supergirl will likely do something evil and everyone will think it is American Supergirl which will only enflame the racists old white dudes on the show.
Supergirl on iTunes.

Ray Donovan: Oh Bunchy, you have never been the smartest of the Donovan children (which says a lot) but murdering a prison guard to break out your father who is on death’s doorstep (though being a television show, Micky will undoubtedly make a full recovery) is the dumbest thing you have ever done. It is hard to imagine even Ray can fix that situation for you, but being a television show, he probably will. I guess that will involve a cross country trip to New York.

The Walking Dead: Wow, Rick got out of being gored by a metal rod pretty quickly. I guess the only way they could end an episode that the show heavily promoted as Rick’s last episode would be to not actually kill him off. Instead he was taken by the mysterious helicopter people whom will may never learn about on the show because the flash forward almost ten years. But it seems we may actually learn what was going on there with a big budget Rick movie. So will he die in that because I cannot image Rick would not do everything to get back to his daughter.
You can download The Walking Dead on iTunes.

The Last Ship: I joked last week they were killing off all the minority cast members in the final season, but c’mon, another one gone this week. But the Columbian dude killing all his generals because of Tarot card was wild even if they were planning a coup.
You can download The Last Ship on iTunes.

You: I have spent most of the season thinking the season would end with Joe killing Beck with the outside chance of her joining him and his murdering way. Now that she knows, it kind of has to end that way. Or maybe she gets shipped off to Rome with Candice. Is that really happen to Candice? On the cusp of being signed only to move to Europe and completely cut herself off from everyone, including not learning her brother died? Sounds fishy.
You can download You on iTunes.

Kidding: I knew the show was always dark, but I would not have ever guessed that is was slit Tara Lipinski’s throat dark.

Manifest: The little kid can speak Bulgarian now? I did not think the show could get much dumber. And why him? Is there were like eight people being experimenting on, why did no one else feel it? This show is so stupid.
You can download Manifest on iTunes.

The Challenge: Final Reckoning: Yeah, doing the math before you actually start plugging in the pegs seems pretty obvious. Should have been obvious for the stronger males, but they clearly got outsmarted. Unfortunately the other battle was just pure strength with the two bigger dudes winning in a blowout. But it will be interesting if the other teams can get Bananas out before the final, which looks may start next week.
You can download The Challenge: Final Reckoning on iTunes.

Survivor: David vs. Goliath: Kind of a bad strategy from Elizabeth to wait until Tribal to stir up things. I almost thought it worked though when people started to get up and talk which has not been a good sign in the past. Though now I wonder what there were talking about because no one seemed to change their vote.
You can download Survivor: David vs. Goliath on iTunes.

Superstore: Weird to see Sue Heck play someone who is not Sue Heck. Good thing there is a spin off in the works for her. But since her replacement urinated in the middle of the store, she may be hired back next week.
You can download Superstore on iTunes.

The Good Place: The Real Eleanor is back! I was wondering why she was in a blink and you miss it first flashback and then did not appear in any more (the actree did say she was in the animal fair but she was cut). But then she shocking popped up in the present after the demons figured out how to get to Earth without going through the Judge’s door. This should be interesting. Hopefully she last longer than Trevor.
The Good Place on iTunes.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 10/28/2018

Supergirl: Ugg, they are really going to lay on the illegal aliens are the actual aliens allegory pretty thick this season aren’t they. And as an old white dude, I am kind of offended how old white dudes are portrayed this season on the show. C’mon, we are not all alien (illegal or actual) hating people.
Supergirl on iTunes.

Shameless: Wait, crazy Peg Bundy is a shrink herself? I guess it takes one to help one, maybe? But poor Fiona, she seemed to finally get her stuff together, only for everything to completely fall apart right before she is about to leave the show. I wonder if she will end up going out the way it almost happened back in season one in that she does run away with Steve in her final scene. And is Lwna really that oblibious that Supergirl showed up seconds after Kara left?

The Walking Dead: Okay preacher guy, when you’re crazy girlfriend asks if you are with her or will you report her, maybe not admit you are going to tell Rick.
You can download The Walking Dead on iTunes.

The Last Ship: They have killed off a bunch of cast members in this final season and those all of them survived this episode (except for that one dude’s leg), did they really need to kill that child that helped the Americans? But how very Red Reddington of the Florida traitor. What shadiness does she have up her sleeve? But c’mon, military, be smarter, you had to know the ambulance was a scam all along. I sniffed it out from the moment they arrived.
You can download The Last Ship on iTunes.

You: So Joe is really going to be okay with Beck breaking up with him? Is he just going to start obsessing over that new chick? Well, at least he was able to last more than a minute the first time with her.
You can download You on iTunes.

Manifest: So is the kid going to be some sort of messiah? First he just happens to find the Jamaican dude by when he claims was a feeling, no voices or visions like everyone else. And then he is apparently the only person in the plane to see the weird lights. So what is his connection, did he do this or did some other force (aliens) do it because of him?
You can download Manifest on iTunes.

The Challenge: Final Reckoning: The producers really do have a floating scale when it comes to giving people the boot. I was a bit surprised when it was not even discussed Sylvia head-butted Marie and after giving Cory a deserved boot, how did Tony not go with him? Putting your arm around someone tightly and asking multiple times, “are we gonna fight” seems like grounds for being sent home. Also, that had to be the lamest trivia challenge ever. Two wrong answers I think? Just too many Challenge related questions. Trivia should be common knowledge questions.
You can download The Challenge: Final Reckoning on iTunes.

Survivor: David vs. Goliath: Oh my goodness, Angelina asking Natalie multiple times for her jacket after being blindsided is the greatest moment on the show since Andrea told Zeke he sucked at this game. I am not sure if she was being sincere or trolling her, but either way it was awesome.
You can download Survivor: David vs. Goliath on iTunes.

Superstore: Weird that the day after Megyn Kelly suggested that blackface is fine if done out of respect, and a day before her show was canceled for those comments, this show had the exact same discussion. And the anti-blackface side was only doing that so they could win the costume contest.
You can download Superstore on iTunes.

The Good Place: Did we really need to leave Jacksonville so soon? They could have spent the whole season trying to save the souls of Donkey Doug, Pillboi, or even Blake Bortles and I would have been perfectly fine with that.
The Good Place on iTunes.

Blindspot: So Jane explained the syringe that Kurt caught her with as what she wants to kill herself with. Um, Kurt, you are a moron. Are you not a little suspicious that she already had the poison in a syringe and not keeping it in a vile until it was time. But I really like these Patterson-centric episodes where we only get glimpses of the mission which is clearly done to keep costs down but are always well done.
You can download Blindspot on iTunes.