Sunday, February 16, 2020

57 Channels and Only This Is On: February 16, 2020

Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist: Finally watched the premiere because I did not want to wait six weeks to watch the second episode. It was really good. It is nice to have Jane Levy back doing something fun after spending most of her post-Suburgatory years being a scream queen.

Dare Me: There are fewer things I need to see in my life than a bag full of used tampons. Then I saw a promo for next week claiming someone might die. “Might?” Gee, that is really going to get me to turn in to see if someone might die. I have thought that the mean girl was going to die at the end but after she sort of got date raped, I am a bit unsure.
You can download Dare Me on iTunes.

The Outsider: What a great scene with the private investigator giving her boogieman theory. But the thing is, it is the only theory that makes sense. How else do explain one person being in the same place at the same time? But that was not even the best scene, which belongs to the neck guy getting beat up by his dead mother. Just pure Stephan King right there. Now the PI is in big trouble diving to the middle of with the neck guy. Granted the last guy committed suicide by cop so he might just do the same to himself before he does anything to her.

Manifest: Really, this disappearing thing dates back hundreds of years and for some reason it involves magical tarot cards. This show just gets sillier and sillier.
You can download Manifest on iTunes.

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