I am a changed man. I am not sure if it is for the better or worse, but changed nonetheless. I am changed because I have seen things I cannot unsee and both were seen on the season premiere of The Incredible Dr. Pol. First up is the hoof first birth of a cow. The other is a horse getting castrated. Both very graphic and neither involved the camera cutting away. You see everything, and by everything, I mean everything. You have been warned.
Some less graphic patients Dr. Pol and his team (including his wife, the office manager, and son, another budding veterinarian) see this season include a dog who literally eats his owner’s and then gets the spiral notebook stuck in his gums, a rabbit with a bloody ear, a hairless Holstein calf, and many more. The guy does have 19,000 patients across rural Michigan and routinely puts in fourteen hours a day. And sometimes he even has to duck a tornado while treating his patients like in tonight’s premiere.
The Incredible Dr. Pol airs Saturdays at 10:00 on Nat Geo Wild. And if you cannot wait to see a horse get castrated, you can watch the clip over at NationalGeographic.com.
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