Even though they were never huge successes when they first came out, it seems like mot artists from the Golden Age of Rap have gotten their due as great artist from A Tribe Called Quest to Gang Starr. But one group that seems to have fallen through the cracks from that time period is due Nice and Smooth. Greg Nice and Smooth B had great repore, playing off each other, creating some humorous lyrics (they once sampled The Partridge Family Theme) and beats made for the boombox. But their best song was the anti-drug Sometime I Rhyme Slow which featured Tracy Chapman’s Fast Car as the hook. Sadly the song got bastardized by Diddy years later (at least they did not have hamster lip-syncing their song while trying to sell cars), but the song, and the duo’s catalogue is a must for any hip-hop head. And if you wondering if there is a reason why I have mentioned the Golden Age of Rap twice in two days, yes there is, you will find out in a couple weeks.

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