For anyone who like fishing or listening to Boston accents, I have a show for you: Wicked Tuna. (Full Disclosure Notice: I hate Boston, I hate Bill Belechicken, I hate the roided up Red Sox, I hate Ben Affleck, I hate Marky Mark, I hate Mitt Romney, I hate Jimmy Fallon, I hate the Boston dude from The Voice, I even hated the Boston season of The Real World; Boston is one step above Jersey Shore on the annoying places scale) The series follows around five boats (only three are shown in the premiere episode) sailing out of America’s oldest seaport, Gloucester, Mass looking to hook them a bluefin tuna.
Stakes are high because every time they head out to sea will coast them about $3,000 between fuel and other costs of fishing so if them come back without a catch, they are out a lot of money. But catching just one bluefin can bring you into the black on the trip and you may need to catch multiple fish just to make money on your trip. Keep in mind that catching bluefin tuna is not as easy as throwing out a line and coming back empty-handed is a real possibility especially when you are fighting against the other boat and other dangers at sea.
Even though the fisherman are the main focus of the show, Wicked Tuna does touch on the very real realities of overfishing that have dwindled the bluefin tuna over the year to the point one scientist called them the bison on the sea. National Geographic has even set up a website for Wicked Tuna that features an in-depth article on the history of how bluefin got where they are today (they are currently classified as a “species of concern” by the government), as well as information and links to the many different stakeholders in the survival of this species.
Wicket Tuna airs Sundays at 10:00 on the National Geographic Channel. But who cares what I think about the show, you can actually watch it yourself over at natgeotv.com or on the National Geographic Facebook page. For those that want to wait to watch it on your television, check out the trailer below:
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