Teenage girl fanaticism has been highlighted for years, from Justin Bieber today all the way back to the days of The Beatles and Elvis Presley. Over time, the girls either go onto someone else (remember the Jonas Brothers; it has only been three short years since they were on top) but eventually they grow out of the pin up boys, getting job and marring guys who would never date a girl with the Backstreet Boys plastered all over their walls. Sure us guys had our own obsessions in our youth that we had to grow out of from baseball cards to Garbage Pail Kids to Playboys (okay, some have not grown out of that last one).
But there are a very few select adults who never grow out of their obsessions. I cannot confirm nor deny that a member of my family has an entire room dedicated to My Little Pony. Seriously, wall to wall, shelves completely fill with nothing but little plastic toys and other memorabilia. Naturally that is straight to where my mind went I heard TLC created a show called My Crazy Obsession which premieres tonight at 10:00.
The first episode features a married couple with over 5000 Cabbage Patch Kids. Let that number sit in for a while. The addition to their mobile home that houses their dolls (excuses me, they consider them their own kids on par with their own biological daughter) is as big as the mobile home they live in. They have figured they have spent over $1,000,0000 on their kids in the past twenty-five years and about $1,000 a month in malignance.
Then there is a woman who is obsessed with the color pink. Seriously, her entire apartment is shades of pink. And when I way everything I mean everything down to her dog. The only non-pink I was able to spot was the beak of a pink flamingo and the keys of her mini pink piano. That not crazy enough for you? Well she takes pink food dye with her to restaurants so she can order pink egg salad just in case the restaurant does not have any on hand. Throughout the episode, there are no confrontations or innervations about their obsessions from family, friends, or professionals (are you telling me Dr. Drew was not available?) and any comments of how crazy the people are by acquaintances are done confessional style away from the crazy people.
At the end of the episode it tells you to head over to tlc.com/casting if you know anyone with a crazy obsession who would like to share their story, but after watching the episode I no longer think the family member who may or may not have a My Little Pony room is not nearly crazy enough to be on this show. In fact I am ready after one episode to declare My Crazy Obsession the scariest show on television. Yes, even scarier than The Walking Dead
My Crazy Obsession airs Wedensdays at 10:00 on TLC. Check out a clip below:
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