Quote of the Week: You’re just coitusing with me aren’t you? (Penny, The Big Bang Theory)
Song of the Week: Come on Eileen – Dexy’s Midnight Runners (Parenthood)
Big News of the Week: NBC Already Picks Up Four Shows: We are two weeks away from networks officially announcing their schedules but for the second year in a row, NBC has jumped the gun, last year they had an “in front” and earlier this week they greenlit four programs. First came word of Undercovers early pick up. The show is from J.J. Abrams which I am going to pass on because I am tired of all his high concept, low reward projects.
Later in the week NBC also picked The Event is “is an emotional high-octane conspiracy thriller” starring Jason Ritter (Joan of Arcadia
Outsourced is about an American transferred to India and hilarity ensures. I don’t think anyone in the cast was in Slumdog Millionaire
Can’t say I am exited excited about any of these though I may change my mind when I actually see some sort of promo that will presumably come during the upfronts.
Gratuitous Token Hot Chick Picture of the Week:

Free Download of the Week: Merge Records 2010 Digital Sampler
Deal of the Week: Save up to 58% on Blu-ray Discs
Video of the Week: For those that cannot get enough Betty White this weekend between her hosting gig on SNL and the WE Golden Girls marathon will want to check out the trailer for You Again, also starring Kristen Bell, Kristin Chenoweth, Victor Garbor, Jamie Lee Curtis, Sigourney Weaver and that hot chick from the Weezer video.
Next Week Pick of the Week: Survivor, Thursday and Sunday at 8:00 on CBS: We have hit the home stretch with the final six that have out witted, out smarted and out lasted the likes of Boston Rob, Amanda Kimmel (who was voted off for the first time in three tries) and two previous winners, Tom Weston and J.T. Thomas. Can Parvati Shallow or Sandra Diaz-Twine manage a repeat win? Will remaining Heros Rupert or Colby, who even checked out of the game even before the merge, pull out a win? Can Russell weasel his way into the final tribal just to lose to a lesser player like Jerri because he is the dumbest player in Survivor history? Will The Dragons play the reunion show? If you do not know who The Dragons are, you much watch their music video.
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