Tool Academy: Another anticlimactic season finale from the show. They really need to figure how to make the last episode more interesting. And the whole marriage onsite is gone too. You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download Tool Academy on iTunes.
Chuck: I really do not understand why one of Casey’s conditions to giving over the director of The Ring was to deputize Morgan. Does Casey not realize he will be the one who has to deal with Morgan? Morgan going on missions really doesn’t get me that excited for the rest of the season. Here is hoping he gets hit in some crossfire. But at least we got rid of Superman. And I never got his endgame, if he was going to kill Sarah in retaliation for his wife, why not do it in the warehouse, or when they were in the The Ring headquarters? Why fly all the way to Paris? Just for the symbolism of killing her where Sarah shot his wife? All it did was extend the episode thirty minutes more than it should have. At least Casey taking down The Ring in the background was pretty cool. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Chuck on iTunes.
Castle: Aw, curses. Even though I loved how the gang rigged thing to break around Castle to make him think he was under it. Fun times. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Castle on iTunes. Also be sure to check out my chat with Stana Katic.
Lost: I really hope they were not insinuating what I think they were insinuation, that the flashsideways are all happening inside Desmond’s brain. That would be autistic kid looking at a snow globe lame. And if this is some mindjumping by Desmond, isn’t Penny his constant? If so, why did he not leap back until he met Penny? And speaking of Penny, who is her mother? Is there a Mrs. Milton out there somewhere? She seems a little older than the scientist formally known as Faraday, did Charles cheat on Eloise? Did they meet just after she was born? Is this a Time Traveler’s Wife situation? But of course, the time for questions is over! You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Justified: I am not sure who was more entertaining, the moron girlfriend, or the moron driver. Wait, definitely the driver simply because Raylan gave him the option to drop his gun or use it and he made the wrong decision. And that was just after his Raylan told his buddy that he would shoot him if he took one more step, only to take another shot. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Justified on iTunes.
Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains: Considering it was a lackluster episode, they should have cut five minutes and just made the promo featuring the dumbest moments that much longer, granted they forgot this season’s own Tyson blunder that got him voted off. Or could we just get a full special devoted to dumb Survivor moments? Although I sure hope JT doesn’t join that list by giving Russell the hidden immunity idol. That makes no sense. Even if you think there is an all girl alliance, if the Heroes lose the immunity challenge (assuming there is no merge), he would safe. And if they win, they would have even numbers, and if they merge after that, they could use the idol to break a potential tie. You can stream recent episodes over at

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