Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Previewing Rebel Monkeys

Want to watch a show that features a group that stealthily steals to make their way and causing havoc on their city while trying to avoid people trying to lock them up, fight with other gangs for territory and the leader has even more problems with members of his group are gunning for his title as leader. Nope this isn’t the latest offering from HBO (but the leads show plenty of skin) but this is Rebel Monkeys, the first offering from the new network Nat Geo Wild premiering tomorrow at 8:00 with back to back episodes.

The show plays like an urbanized version of Meerkat Manor as they follow a pack of Macaque monkeys in Jaipur, India. The monkeys are considered sacred and can usually rely on visitors to their Galta temple give them food as an offering o the Hindu monkey God, but a dry monsoon season is making food scare leading the monkeys into town hoping to find some unattended food while avoiding the monkey catcher and even finding some time to have a little fun while they navigate the power lines above the city. Check out a preview below:

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