I have gotten a plethora of cool press releases have been flooding my inbox recently that you may find interesting. This post will include blurbs on Califiornication, Big Love, Chuck, Parenthood, and Life After Film School.
- Today at 3:00 (Noon PT), log onto sho.com to chat with Californication star David Duchovany about this Sunday’s season three finale which sees the return of Madeline Zima.
- It’s that time of the year and even the folks of Juniper Creek are getting into the Christmas spirit with their own eight song album of holiday classics. Head over to HBO.com to download them and listen to them in the widget below. And don’t forget Big Love season four starting up January 10 at 9:00 (and for those of you like me and catching it on DVD, season three is being released January 5).

- Here is a five minute “Super Preview” of Chuck (also premiere in January 10 at 9:00)featuring interviews with the cast. If that is not enough Chuck for you, TVGuide.com has an interview with Zach Levi.
- Parenthood was relegated to midseason to give time to recast Lauren Graham on the show and here is a first look at her on the show coming sometime after the Olympics finish:
- In other NBC news, NBC.com is getting into the Christmas spirit letting stream popular shows during the holidays. Look below for details:
All the episodes of the current seasons of Heroes, Trauma and Mercy are online!
30 Rock – Every 9 days, 3 more episodes from Season 4 will go live between December 11 and January 14
The Office – Every 9 Days, 3 more episodes from Season 5 go live between December 11 and January 21
Chuck – Starting now, 5 episodes from Season 2 will go live every 13 days until the January 10 premiere of Season 3
- Coming this Sunday to Fox Movie Channel on their Life After Film School show is Avatar producer, Jon Landau.
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