Quote of the Week: Physicians still do pretty well, we’re not murdering it like we used to. (Mick – Survivor)
Song of the Week: Someday Never Comes - Billy Valentine and the Forrest Rangers (Sons of Anarchy)
Big News of the Week: Scooter Commandeers a Wii: For whatever reason, my sister has left her Wii with me until she comes back for Christmas so that is a month of Mario Kart practice so the next time I play my cousin’s six year old, I’ll be the one doing the victory dancing. Anyone interested in getting beat like a red-headed stepchild over the next month, my ID is 2922-9425-4913.
How I Met Your Mother: Did anyone know the Slap bet was still going on? Just get it over with and get the final slap done. And let’s get Chris Elliott, who seemed to be playing the same character from Get a Life, back on the show soon and often. You can stream recent episodes over at cbs.com. You can also download How I Met Your Mother on iTunes.
The Big Bang Theory: What a silly sub-plot with Sheldon giving up, as we all know he is one lab accident from becoming a super-villain. But at least his revenge was worth it. You can download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.
Castle: There is nothing I dislike about the show than seeing an actor I know because much like when the chick from Everwood showed out, as soon as the principle from Buffy, I knew he would end up being the murderer. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Castle on iTunes. Also be sure to check out my chat with Stana Katic.
Sons of Anarchy: Well we finally found out what happened to Tommy two fingers who added some decent comedic diversion for the episode. Now if we can find out what happened to Skinner. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Sons of Anarchy on iTunes.
Gary Unmarried: I am not suer what was less realistic, that Marissa Miller would hit on Jay Mohr or he would turn her down for his boss? You can stream recent episodes over at cbs.com. You can also download Gary Unmarried on iTunes.
Free Download of the Week: Sampler Claus
Deal of the Week: You can still find plenty of Black Friday deal (which I assume will turn into Cyber Monday sales tomorrow) just click the banner below:
Video of the Week: This has been floating around the interwebs for the pasty week, but for the few of you that may have missed it, The Muppets doing Bohemian Rhapsody:
Next Week Pick of the Week: Sons of Anarchy, Tuesday at 10:00 on FX: After a season where many of sparks have flown, there is sure to be more in the season finale even if Henry Rollins and the Zobel clan out of reach of SAMCRO behind bars, of course will they have separate cells?
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