Quote of the Week: You put the Evil in Knievel lady. (Emerson Cod, Pushing Daisies)
Song of the Week: I Want to Live – Shawn Garrity and a Choir of Angels/Nurses (Rescue Me)
Big News of the Week: Big Head Sammy and the Monsters: In a the least surprising news of the week that just beat out Sun Rises in East, it was revealed that Sammy Sosa was another of the 104 names on the same list that Alex Rodriquez whose name was leaked earlier this year. I guess at this rate we will get the last name on the list by 2025.
In other morally questionable athlete news, I am glad the NBA playoffs are finally over so we stop hear the talking head talk about Kobe Bryant cementing his legacy with another title even though he cemented his legacy in Colorado in 2004. Not that he really deserved another ring because he was a goal tend and an elbow throw call away from being down 3-1.
Now if want to talk about an athlete who legitimately cemented his legacy, look to the NHL with Sidney Crosby who went into Hockey Town and won a game seven after winning a seven game duel with Alex Ovechkin in Washington.
Coalition Links of the Week:
Will you watch four additional hours of The Real Housewives of New Jersey? Come on, be honest. (BuzzSugar)
"It's the end of the world, Cappie. What are you going to do?" If you missed the season finale of Greek, check out our recap. If you've never seen the show, now is a great time to get caught up. You won't be disappointed. (Give Me My Remote)
It's summer so all Vance can talk about is So You Think You Can Dance! This week, his take on the Top 18 performances. (Tapeworthy)
As we say goodbye to Pushing Daisies and prepare to say goodbye to Kings, Marisa has just one question: What the heck is wrong with you people? (TiFaux)
Raoul wrote HawthoRNe a Dear John letter. Yes, already. (TV Filter)
This week, the TV Addict crafted an Open Letter to Dawn Ostroff, CW President of Entertainment. (The TV Addict)
He's no Robert Pattinson, but Ian Somerhalder looks smokin' in The Vampire Diaries. (TV Fanatic)
Kings: So if the Prince wasn’t happy that Mr. Boston saved his like when he was captured by Gath, I can’t imagine he will be thrilled that he saved yet again this week from certain death. You can stream current episodes over at NBC.com. You can also download Kings on iTunes.
Pushing Daisies: A strong ended considering it was extremely rushed. Really can’t complain about the open resolution of Papa Piemaker and Charles Charles thanks to the premature cancelation, but I was a little disappointed we didn’t get an explanation as to why Charles Charles and the aunts had the same last name despite having intimate relations with each other. Oh well. You can stream current episodes over at ABC.com.

Greek: I really hope that last scene was a sign that Frannie won’t come back next season. Hopefully Casey is stupid enough to let her move in for her final semester. Or maybe she could move in with Rusty and Dale because certainly they could come up with some great storyline with her and Dale butting heads. You can stream current episodes over at ABCFamily.com. You can also download Greek on iTunes.
Charm School with Ricki Lake: Why is everyone so eager to leave this show. There are very few things that would get me to drop out of a competition for $100,000 but we have already had two people quit and now there are two people fight over who wants to be sent home. You can also download Charm School with Ricki Lake on iTunes.
Rescue Me: Why couldn’t we have gotten a full episode of singing Shawn? When his brother showed up I was laughing hysterically. Hopefully he sticks around to nurse his brother back to health. But then again the episode was filled with plenty of non-musical hijacks like Black Shawn getting the hose turned on him adn Tommy and Janet getting caught. You can stream current episodes over at Hulu.

Free Download of the Week: Arrested Development – Pilot (iTunes): iTunes is offering up a bunch of comedy episodes for free. If you download just one, get Arrested Development.
Deal of the Week: Save up to 47% on HBO
Video of the Week: I hate it when you hear about a movie and instantly know it is going to suck and then you see the trailer and think to yourself, “That just may be watchable.” Case in point: Bandslam. Yeah, there is no way this will be any good, but the trailer makes it look like it may be enjoyable. Plus it has Jason Street as an antagonist rival singer. And what is it with Vanessa Hudgens and cheesy seventies songs? First she samples The Players Baby Come Back for her debute single and in the movie she tackles Everything I Own by Bread. And surprisingly the pseudo-ska version in the trailer actually sounds listenable. Luckily I have until August to completely forget the movie ever exists.
Next Week Pick of the Week: Eli Stone, tonight at 10:00 on ABC: Last week we saw the end of Pushing Daisies and tonight starts the three week reprieve of Eli Stone before it heads off to DVD for all eternity. Or at least until networks start recycling late ’00 show ideas in ten to twenty years.
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