Quote of the Week: It would be (expletive deleted) stupid if we made an alliance, gave it a name, bandied the name about, talked about ourselves being warriors and then chickened out at the last second. (Coach – Survivor)
Song of the Week: Creature Fear – Bon Iver (Chuck)
Big News of the Week: Draft Day: One of the great commercials ever in the history of advertising is the NFL’s “Everybody’s Undefeated Tomorrow” ads they run during the Super Bowl. This gives fans of the other thirty teams hope for the next season. And that hope usually sticks around until draft day where some teams lose their season before the first play is ever ran. Unfortunately the draft this year will be without the most entertaining character from the past decade, Matt Millen. And what would have been better if he would have taken Michael Crabtree with the number one overall pick. Oh well.
As for my hometown Browns I would like to see them take with their number one pick… nobody. My dream scenario is for Sanchez to still be on the board and Washington throwing all their picks at the Browns to trade up for the pick. But as long as the Mangenius era doesn’t start like the Butch Davis era (wasting their first two picks on Kellen Winslow Jr.) I will be happy.
Gratuitous Token Hot Chick Picture of the Week:

Coalition Links of the Week:
Buzz took a look back at some midseason replacements (Dawson's Creek! The Wonder Years!) she's loved over the years. (BuzzSugar)
Going to use this time as a last minute plea to watch Chuck on Monday at 8pm EST. That's all. (Give Me My Remote)
Vance enjoyed Kris Allen's disco schtick on American Idol. (Tapeworthy)
This week, Jace reviewed the final three episodes of Pushing Daisies and had exclusive interviews with showrunner Jane Espenson about next year's Caprica series and former Veronica Mars writer/executive producer John Enbom about the hilarious Starz comedy Party Down. (Televisionary)
Time for a mid-season wrap-up! Marisa gave all the new shows an evaluation, from Demitri Martin to Surviving Suburbia. (TiFaux)
It's early, but after seeing the series premiere on DVD, Matt is willing to give Caprica a chance in the fall. (TV Fanatic)
Free Download of the Week: Barsuk Records Digital Sampler
Deal of the Week: Horror DVD BOGO
Video of the Week: We are still a couple months away from the start of Star Gate Universe, but here is a first look at the latest
Next Week Pick of the Week: Chuck, Monday at 8:00 on NBC: In a cruel twist of fate, my local NBC affiliate here in Northeast Ohio pre-empted the penultimate episode of Chuck this season, this just a week after pre-empting the season finale of Friday Night Lights. But on the bright side, I ended up watching the episode on Hulu so I got to watch it on the only LCD screen in the house and unlike my television, NBC knows I watched the show (but I’ll save my ire of the Nielsen ratings for another post). Maybe I and everyone without a Nielsen box will want to do the same for the finale, or just watch them both live on TV and on Hulu the next day. Here is a behind the scenes look at the finale:
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