Quote of the Week: I think Dick Cheney gets a bad rap. (Jeremy, Cupid)
Song of the Week: Hungry Like a Wolf – Duran Duran (Chuck)
Big News of the Week: A New Millennium Tea Party: Nothing more entertain when people make grand gestures but end up looking like idiots. Case in point when a bunch a yahoos littered the White House lawn with tea bags to protest the escalating taxes and all the bailouts. Now I am all for civil disobedience, but throwing individual tea bags lacks the gravitas of dumping crates of the stuff into the Boston Harbor.
Of course the irony of the whole thing is that original tea party wasn’t about high taxes. Remember the slogan: “No taxation without representation,” the people wanted to pay taxes, it is just they wanted the representation that should come along with paying it.
But that doesn’t top the most stupid tax related idea of the week. No, that goes to Texas Governor Rick Perry who suggested his state could secede from the Union because of the current tax situation. Yes, because the last time the state seceded when really well.
Gratuitous Token Hot Chick Picture of the Week:

Coalition Links of the Week:
Buzz took a look back at some of the best engagements (some broken, some still going strong) of the past TV season. (BuzzSugar)
This week, Sandie spoke with Eric Lange better known as Radzinsky on Lost about what is coming up for his character, his career, and more. (Daemon's TV)
Vance seriously can't get enough of the trailers for the new FOX musical TV show Glee. (Tapeworthy)
This week, Jace took an early look at HBO's Grey Gardens, a dramatized version of the cult 1973 documentary film, which stars Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange as Big Edie and Little Edie Beale. (Televisionary)
Jesse took issue with the tired old re-hashed formulas employed by the SNL folks on the most recent Zac Efron-hosted debacle. (TiFaux)
This week, theTVaddict.com is your source for Paley Festival '09 coverage with reports from Dr. Horrible, The Big Bang Theory, The Mentalist, Desperate Housewives, Pushing Daisies Battlestar Galactica and Caprica. (The TV Addict)
After listening to the latest music on 90210, Matt knew he had to include a section for it on TV Fanatic. (TV Fanatic)
Free Download of the Week: Funny the Way it Is – Dave Matthews Band (RCA Records): The new trend these days is to give your first single off your album for free as it has been used recently by Bruce Springsteen, Coldplay, Counting Crows, Keane, and Michelle Branch. You can add DMB to that list as for a limited time you can download their first song off of the upcoming Big Whiskey and the GrooGrux King due out June 2nd. Granted all these “free” songs require joining their mailing list, by hey, it’s free and you can always unsubscribe.
Deal of the Week: ABC TV: Pre-Order the Latest Season and Save on Previous Seasons
Video of the Week: We are heading into wedding season and if there are any Bridezillas in the Scranton, Pennsylvania area that still needs musical entertainment, take a look at the ad below for Here Comes Treble:
Next Week Pick of the Week: Locked Up Abroad, Wednesday at 10:00 on the National Geographic Channel: When the press release was sent out for this season of Locked Up Abroad, each episode was accompanied with a quote and two stood out above the rest. I already talked about the season premiere when one of the people uttered, “Sarah’s not only destroyed my life, but she’s also destroyed my faith in humanity.” This week features my other favorite, “I was the only American in jail and I was wearing a dress, and that’s probably not a good combination in a Mexican jail.” If that doesn’t make for Must See TV, I don’t know what will.
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