Quote of the Week: You’re like the poster child for friendly fire. (Casey - Chuck)
Song of the Week: Africa – Toto (as performed by Jeffster; Chuck)
Big News of the Week: NBC May Bring Back I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here!: It may just be a coincidence, but interestingly enough word leaked a day after I posted my interview with John Lehr about his tenure hosting I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here! that NBC is considering resurrecting the show for the summer. Maybe NBC agreed with me that the show was before its time. And hopefully the network agrees with Lehr that the show shouldn’t be taken as serious an d let the host mock the contestants. Hopefully the show doesn’t become too successful because we may end up with weekdays of the Jay Leno 10:00 hour preceded by Celebrity at 9:00 next with only 8:00 for scripted shows on the Peacock. Check out our full discussion of Lehr’s involvement in the show:
Gratuitous Token Hot Chick Picture of the Week:

Coalition Links of the Week:
Does Nick "Normund Gentle" Mitchell deserve another chance at the American Idol crown? (BuzzSugar)
Vance loved the season finales for Privileged and Leverage. While Leverage has been picked up for Season 2, here's hoping Privileged returns too. (Tapeworthy)
This week, Jace was thrilled by Lost and Damages but also admitted his secret love for animated series like Batman: The Brave and the Bold and Wolverine and the X-Men. (Televisionary)
What's a hipster to do? Marisa pre-emptively fought back against those who would ridicule her devotion to American Idol. (TiFaux)
After watching the Grey’s Anatomy-Private Practice crossover, Jennifer came to one conclusion: Addison Montgomery needs to go back to Seattle Grace. STAT. (Tube Talk)
Raoul talked to Charlie from Hell's Kitchen about making sauce, hitting the sauce and everything Ramsay. (TV Filter)
Free Download of the Week: Barenaked Ladies (Amazon MP3): Amazon is offering up five free songs from those quirky Canadians but keep in mind the songs all come from the Ladies’ children’s album.
Some Fantastic
I Can Sing
Off The Hook
Maybe Not
In The Car
Deal of the Week: TV Blowout Event: Save up to 60%
Video of the Week: In a story I broke a couple months ago, Ben Silverman is batting .000 over at NBC (see: Your New Most Inept Executive Is…) but he may of actually found something watchable to put on his network that may get him close to the Mendoza Line in Kings. Being a history buff (the story is a reimagining of David and Goliath) the show looks epic and appropriately enough premieres on the Ides of March at 8:00 (that is the 15th for those not up on your Shakespearian plays). Here’s a clip:
Next Week Pick of the Week: Tool Academy, Sunday (March 8) at 10:00 on VH1: It has been a fun ride so far and the final three of Matuflex, Shaun and mini tool will get cut down to two for the Tool Academy finale on next week. And if NBC is reading the 9th Green, hopefully VH1 was poking around when I suggested Celebrity Tool Academy featuring Ashton Kutcher, Terrell Owens, Sean Hannity, Pete Wentz, Spencer Pratt, Al Gore, Sean Avery, Donald Trump, and Alex Rodriquez.
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