Tool Academy: VH1 has some weird scheduling. No Tool Academy or Rock of Love Bus tonight because of the Academy Awards yet Confessions of a Teen Idol is a go. Versus the Super Bowl No Bret Michaels but the Tools and Teens were new. Yet there were no repeats against the Grammy’s, the biggest night in music for a once music channel. It is odd to think that airing against the Academy Awards would bite into their viewers but I bet repeating an episode twenty times in a week hurts more than any special programming it goes against. In other VH1 news, Ricki Lake has been tapped to be the head master of the next Charm School featuring rejects from Rock of Love Bus and Real Chance of Love. I cannot wait. You can also download Tool Academy on iTunes.
Chuck: Just what is chuck’s brain made of that he can store all these Intercets in it? Bryce uploaded two (although the second time seemed to get dropped from the storyline because it hasn’t been mention since as to why and what was uploaded) and now he has FULCRUM’s up there too. Hopefully this eliminates the silly plot points where he doesn’t flash on FULCRUM agents on sight even though they are in the Intercet. You can also download Chuck on iTunes.
Trust Me: The Sarah storyline this week really encapsulate why the show isn’t picking up steam, the writing is really subject. I have no clue is she actually realized she is now a lesbian, was she joking, was she just trying to talk herself out of hooking up with the dude? I have no clue. And they really need to work the daughter into the show more because she was the only redeeming quality of this past episode. You can also download Trust Me on iTunes.
Gary Unmarried: Is Jamie King even on this show anymore? I cannot even remember the last episode she was in.
Lost: There are very few things I hate more on television than those silly “Thirty-Six Hours Eariler” beginnings. What the text should read is “The First Act Is Boring So We Are Going to Start in the Third Act in Hopes That You Don’t Fall Asleep or Turn off the TV. Plus We get to Write Less Because We Will Just Show the First Couple Minutes of the Episode When We Get to it in the Story. Oh, and Spoiler Alert: Kate and Hurley Will End Up on the Plane.”
Maybe this was to distract from the gaping plot holes like if the conditions had to be as close to original crash then 1) why were they flying West, not East 2) why did they all get to sit in first class? 3) and most important, where the frak was Walt? And about the “crash” how did they warp to the time Jin was stuck in and how did they warp to the ground? They can either crash and warp or warp and plummet to their deaths; you don’t just warp to the ground safely.
As for some predictions: Kate gave Aaron to Sawyer’s baby mama; Charlie was the one who told Hurley about the plane (which is also why he had the guitar); Jin, Myles and Faraday have been living amongst the Dharma Initiative for the past three years (although Sawyer and possibly Juliet have not unless he has been bribed with enough Dharma Beer); Ben had Syiad extradited to Guam; the people in Coach did not warp in time and are the people that shoot at Sawyer at. el. when they stole their pontoon; Ben killed (or at least attempted to kill) Penny. You can stream current episodes over at

Friday Night Lights: I was waiting for Rigging to get a hold of JD. And his tour of Dillon certainly disappoint. But nothing this episode beat Billy staple gunning his hand to the wall. And I cannot believe Tyra was that stupid to believe the cowboy. And thanks to the Promo Monkeys who spoiled what was coming up with their relationship, it looks like she shouldn’t have. You can stream current episodes over at

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