It is apropos that Lost would launch a new season the day after Barack Obama was sworn in because fans of both are very similar in they rely a lot on hope. Hope that the most inexperience president ever to take the oath of office doesn’t get overwhelmed. While fans of Lost hope not to be underwhelmed when the show wraps it up after six seasons next year. Being a man of science, as opposed to faith, I am cautious of both actually happening while hoping they don’t.
The new season started like every season before it, with an ambiguous person starting their day listening to old music. This turns out to be the informational dude before he loses a limb which we don’t find out why that happened. But luckily Faraday makes it back in time so maybe we will learn more about the Dharma Intuitive. I really have disliked the whole time travel aspect, but if it is a devise to tie up some lose ends surrounding some back-story like Rousseau, the Black Rock, the four-toed statue, I will get over that (although I’m sure they will sooner reveal who Adam and Eve from the caves are then everything else).
Unless of course the time travel somehow brings Locke back to life despite Faraday insisting that nothing can be changed by going back in time, breaking from the main time travel rules that I learned from Back to the Future. I fear this might happen because Faraday implied that Desmond is the one person, for whatever reason, that can change history. And if the old chick turns out to be the anti-Desmond I will be equally upset.
As interesting as the first half of the premiere was, the second half was equally as boring as it turned out just to be a devise to put up major obstacles in Ben’s way to get everyone back to the island, most time consuming being Hurley’s path to jail (holy Ana Lucia sighting! Breaking my prediction of the writers forgetting that Shannon, Boone, Nicki, Paulo and the Tailies ever existed). The only redeemable parts of the second half were Hurley’s coming clean to his mom and the red shirt getting shot with a flaming arrow.
I really hope that it doesn’t take the whole fifth season to finally get everyone back to the island and they drag out the seventy minutes the old chick mention over the course of the twenty episodes (or whatever this season number is). That is what drug down season four from me, sitting and waiting for the Oceanic 6 to get off the island, not know when it was going to happen, just know that it was at some point. And if there is something Lost excels at is waiting to the point no one cares about the reveal, then waiting another season to finally reveal it. So at this point I have lost hope. But I do hope I’m wrong.
You can stream current episodes of Lost over at ABC.com. You can also download Lost on iTunes or head over to Amazon's Lost Store
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