Quote of the Week: You’re a rebound for Jesus. (Billy Riggins - Friday Night Lights)
Song of the Week: You've Got It (The Right Stuff) - New Kids on the Block (Tool Academy)
Big News of the Week: Class of 2009 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductees Announced: Run-DMC, Metallica, Bobby Womack, Jeff Beck (who gets in for the second time, the first as a member of the Yardbirds seventeen years ago), and Little Anthony and the Imperials all get in this year. This year’s ceremony should be extra special for Womack because for the first time in twelve years, the induction will actually be held in his hometown of Cleveland where the Hall is located. Of course I am within driving distance to the ceremony so if anyone has an extra ticket or press pass, shout me a holla. I have the date cleared on my calendar.
Also going in this year are Rockabilly queen Wanda Jackson who is being inducted as an early influence as well as three sidemen: Elvis Presley’s bassist Bill Black and his drummer D.J. Fontana, as well as Dewey Lyndon “Spooner” Oldham, who has played piano with everyone from Neil Young to Aretha Franklin to the Drive-By Truckers.
Coalition Links of the Week:
From the Gossip Girl spinoff to Chuck's dad to the rise of Adrianna on 90210, Buzz scooped up some news at the TCA press tour. (BuzzSugar)
Sandie watched for the first time and fell in love with The Biggest Loser. (Daemon's TV)
Despite some flaws and some overly Diablo Cody-speak, Vance really enjoyed Toni Collette's new show The United States of Tara and can attest that the episodes get better from there. (Tapeworthy)
This week, Jace posted an advance review of Season Three of Skins and interviewed series co-creator Jamie Brittain. (Televisionary)
Marisa had long since given up on The Real World, too, but the show's new setting of Brooklyn lured her back. This week she compares the MTV BK with the real thing. (TiFaux)
Heather got to sit on a darkened screening room and watch the first two episodes of the fifth season of Lost and mighty fine she says they were, too... (TV Spy)
Confessions of a Teen Idol: Sadly Time Warner still hasn’t dumped VH1 so I was stuck watching the second episode (but that wasn’t the worst, check the next item for that). I am just glad that the guy whose name I can’t remember called out the stylist for wearing that hideous green shirt. And how does having Marilyn Manson and P!nk on your résumé make you a credible stylist? You can also download Confessions of a Teen Idol on iTunes.
Tool Academy: Just when you think no one could limbo under the bar Ryan Seacrest set with Momma’s Boys, somehow VH1 slithers under that bar for the lowest reality show of the year. With that said, I enjoyed every minute of it. And they couldn’t have done better job casting the Tools. The fashion show where the Tools thought they were competing for Mr. Awesome was the highest of high comedy. The only drawback, much like the Charm School series, is the show is completely rigged where the more interesting people get to stay even if they are much bigger Tools. There is no reason the chair throwing Tool should not have gotten booted for that. As for a prediction, I may have to go with Matsuflex because he seems to be only one that is self aware that he is a humongous Tool. And his girlfriend is definitely the hottest out of all of them. You can also download Tool Academy on iTunes.
The Big Bang Theory: Yeah, that was enough Walowitz-centric episode for, like ever. You can stream current episodes over at Innertube. You can also download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.
How I Met Your Mother: Is it really that hard to think of stuffing the magazine in your pocket like I always do? Of course the only problem I run into is a bathroom in the break room and I tend to come out to a dull house that all wonder what I was doing for half an hour. But when you have yet to read about Obama getting elected, you have to get some extra reading in sometime. You can stream current episodes over at Innertube. You can also download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.
Leverage: Is it every episode where someone says, “This isn’t a typical job we do.” It is only six episodes in, they don’t have a typical job yet, let alone one ever week. Still an enjoyable episode. And they lucked out with next week’s ripped from the headlines story even though the episode was filmed months ago as the gang gets on a plane that may have to make an emergency landing complete with Sheldon’s last girlfriend, Sara Rue, as someone who isn’t very good a flying. You can also download Leverage on iTunes.
Gary Unmarried: There was really nothing more predictable that the art teacher to actually turn out to be hot because she really had a Rachel Lee Cooke in She’s All That quality to her where you’d still hook up with the ugly version. You can stream current episodes over at Innertube.
Don’t forget to check out my First Impressions of Friday Night Lights or my sit down interview with John Lehr part 1 and/or parts 2 and 3.
Free Download of the Week: The Fear - Lily Allen (iHeartMusic.com): It is a little cumbersome to get: you have to give them your e-mail to which they will send a link to for you to download; but it is a great song and in MP3 format so it is worth the extra minute out of your day to get.
Deal of the Week: Buy Two ABC Family DVDs and Save $10
Video (Game) of the Week: Instead of the usual video this week, here is a game you can play. Based on last night's episode of The Office, The Duel, where you can choose to play as either Dwight or Andy, choose various weapons of attack and defense, and see what the outcome is! There are tons of scenarios so be sure to try them all!
Next Week Pick of the Week: Lost, Wednesday at 9:00 on ABC: I always find the fandom around Lost puzzling, its like people latch onto things they don’t understand in the hopes to not look dumb or out of the loop. I personally resigned myself not to be hugely let down by the inevitable end that I stopped really caring somewhere during third season and just went along for the mind numbing plots: mental time travel, sure, moveable islands, why not, frozen donkey wheels, why not. I’m not sure what is in store from the penultimate season (see what you learn by watching Gary Unmarried), but I’m sure it will result with a bunch of fanfare by people that have no clue what is going on but want people to think they do. And if you cannot get enough Lost, tune in at 8:00 that night for a recap hour where they will most likely forget Shannon, Boone, Nikki, Paulo and the Tailies ever existed.

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