Quote of the Week: Now, let me be your mother. That is my job. (Mama Smash - Friday Night Lights)
Song of the Week: Freedom ’90 - George Michael (Trust Me)
Big News of the Week: Networks Party Like it’s 1989: Since Bionic Woman, Knight Rider, 90210 remakes bombed miserably (I have a feeling we will be able to add Cupid to that list soon enough), all the networks are going to try it again this time by recreating the short lived movie to television show Parenthood (NBC), The Witches of Eastwick (ABC), DC Comic turned failed ABC show Human Target (FOX), and Americanized version of Absolutely Fabulous (FOX), and the two times mini-series turned failed series V (ABC) which gave us the first lizard/human baby ever. And for those that cannot get enough of the 80’s there is Lost in the 80’s from ABC set in the time period. CBS, I assume, will just recycle CSI with another different name. Wake me up when they get around to remaking Sledge Hammer!
Coalition Links of the Week:
With tons of pilots in the works for next Fall, Buzz wondered if you could tell the real ones from the fakes. (BuzzSugar)
Vance discusses Degrassi:TNG, Lie To Me, Bones, Scrubs and Lost this week. (Tapeworthy)
This week, Jace took an early look at next week's episode of NBC's Chuck, presented in box-busting 3D. (Televisionary)
Who's the next to die on Battlestar Galactica? Dan made a graph to help try to figure it out. (TiFaux)
This week, the TV Addicted posted our exclusive interview with Buffy, Angel, and Dollhouse mastermind Joss Whedon. (The TV Addict)
Tool Academy: Note to self: if you ever run in to Cameron, never, under any circumstance piss her off. And is it too soon to cast the (hopefully) inevitable Celebrity Edition of Tool Academy? If not, here are my suggestions: Ashton Kutcher, Terrell Owens, Sean Hannity, Pete Wentz, Spencer Pratt, Al Gore, Sean Avery, Donald Trump, and the dude you’re getting a Dell guy. I would have also suggested Ryan Seacrest but the show involves having a girlfriend, so he may have to wait until Beard Academy. You can also download Tool Academy on iTunes.
Leverage: An interesting Whedon-verse reunion Lindsay and the father/son tandem of Jonathan and Holland even without any wink-wink connection to their pasts. But when did Nathan become a raging alcoholic to the point random cops knew this? You can also download Leverage on iTunes.
Lost: Let me be the last person to predict that Faraday’s mother is the old chick last seen talking to Not-Henry and only other time seen in Desmond’s dream/flashback/mind trip. There in lies one of many problems with the show is they build up these big reveals that everyone sees coming, and then pays I off a couple episodes too late. Hopefully I am wrong and it turns out that it is really Jack mom.
As for the twist I don’t think anyone saw coming, we got a double dose of Charles Whitmore. And in true Lost fashion, that is all we got, a glance, no explanation of how he become an Other, why he had a falling out with them or how he got off the island. I have a bad feeling that Whitmore is going to turn out to be Biff Tannen who became rich thanks to knowing what happens in the future. But does that make Not-Henry Marty McFly? You can stream current episodes over at ABC.com.

Friday Night Lights: Poor Matt Saresen, if only they had instant replay, they could see he clearly had possession when the ball crossed the plane, and that is all you need no matter if it gets loose (assuming that Texas football has they same rule as the pros, college, and intramural flag football). And nice swerve by the promo monkeys that made it looked like the Riggins Boys get caught. And if Mama Smash is looking for some extra income, I wonder if the Taylor’s could use a nanny for baby Grace. You can stream current episodes over at NBC.com.

Free Download of the Week: Fritz and Dizzyspells - Andrew Bird (Borders)
Deal of the Week: Take 10% off all Battlestar Galactica: Visit SCIFI.com and click on the shop tab. Then use Coupon code: "BSGFAN". Excludes QMx items and Cylons.
Video of the Week: The second episode of Trust Me is a little stronger than the first even though it gets into Studio 60 skit territory where you wonder why they are so behind their tagline. But anyways. Here is a clip for the upcoming episode (and be sure to check out my Preview of Trust Me):
Next Week Pick of the Week: I Love Money 2, Monday at 9:00 on VH1: This should go to Chuck
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