Quote of the Week: You don't want to get into it with Sheldon, he is one lab accident away from being a supervillian. (Leonard, The Big Bang Theory)
Song of the Week: Cats in the Cradle - Harry Chapin (as sung by Barney, How I Met Your Mother)
Big News of the Week: Get Ready for Black Friday/Cyber Monday: The recent economic crisis is basically a combination of the greedy and the stupid (see: Pay off Your Debts You Morons). The result for the rest of good and smart people will be harder to find credit, higher taxes, and inflation. But if there is a bright side for those smart enough to diversify and manage our money wisely, there looks like there will be an overabundance of great deals out there. After doing my shopping for friends and family, I may find good enough deals where I can pick up an HDTV, PS3, computer, and other goodies to stuff my own stocking. What does this have to do with all the TV watchers out there? Well Amazon
1) The TV Holi-Daily Deal
2) TV DVDs as low as $6.99
3) Save at Least 42% on ABC TV shows
4) Save up to 55% on Wonderfalls, Buffy, and More
5) Save up to 60% on over 900 DVD Boxed Sets
6) Save up to 60% on Over 550 DVDs and Blu-ray Discs
7) The Big DVD Sale—Great Entertainment as Low as $5.99
8) Up to 50% Off over 200 Movies—from Shirley Temple to Juno!
9) Over 445 Sci Fi DVDs as Low as $5.99
10) Save Up to 50% on Kids' DVDs and Toys
Gratuitous Token Hot Chick Picture of the Week:

Coalition Links of the Week:
From the curmudgeons at House to the sex-crazed residents of Grey's Anatomy, which medical show's staff would you most want treating you? (BuzzSugar)
This week, Sandie came up with a cool Twilight TV series: The Cullens. (Daemon's TV)
Looking for happy thoughts to hold of the grey and dreary days of winter, Jody came up with a list of her Top 5 Happy TV Moments like Buffy not letting The First keep her down in Chosen or the series premiere of Lost. (RTVW)
The set ups are getting a bit obvious but Vance still likes Desperate Housewives, Brothers & Sisters and Degrassi:TNG. (Tapeworthy)
This week, Jace interviewed Chris Lilley, the creator/writer/star of HBO's new comedy series Summer Heights High, about what it's like to play Jonah Takalua, what's next for him and the characters, and those rumors that he refused to sell the format rights for Summer Heights High. (Televisionary)
The TiFaux gang bid adieu to Total Request Live (and, in a way, their youths) by each giving their top five videos ever. (TiFaux)
This week, theTVaddict.com used Twitter to snag an interview with Ugly Betty's David Blue (Cliff St. Paul). (The TV Addict)
Kate talked to Tom and Padma from Top Chef. (TV Filter)
Heather got to see a sneaky preview of 24: Redemption. Her verdict? “Jack-tastic”, whatever that means… (TV Spy)
The Big Bang Theory: This past episode reminds me a lot of last season’s Sheldon is sick one in that it should have been much better than it actually was. This once again can be attributed to having a B-storyline that doesn’t add much to the episode. And I am extremely disappointed that we didn’t get a glimpse of Sheldon’s forgiveness test. If you can take it online, why doesn’t the show post it there? You can stream current episodes over at Innertube. You can also download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.
Chuck: Did I miss where Chuck got all the questions answered that he wanted like he told Ellie he did? I certainly didn’t get the answers I wanted like why she shacked up with Bryce Larkin so quickly after dumping Chuck. I guess I was distracted by Casey and Sarah’s disguises in the restaurant. You can stream current episodes over at NBC.com. You can also download Chuck on iTunes.
How I Met your Mother: As someone who has seen the Spice Girls without their makeup on up close, I completely agree with Barney’s Spice Girls Paradox because they are all Scary Spice without a heavy layered makeup (sans Baby Spice). But I have to disagree with the Cheerleader Theorem. What makes cheerleaders hot is not they are in a pack it is the uniform that makes them hotter than without it. You can stream current episodes over at Innertube. You can also download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.
Heroes: Yet another example of why Heroes has way too many cast members. I can’t imagine anyone out there was interested in any of the back stories except Pap Petrelli’s, and yet we get the rest of the episode bogged down by boring origins of Sylar (why did Noah leave after he started killing instead of bag and tag him?) or the return of Eric Roberts. Please start killing people off and let the list start with Peter. You can stream current episodes over at NBC.com.

Eli Stone: I have a fear going into the second season the network said we are going to renew you but cool it on musical numbers. The Katie Holmes is the only one I can think of so far this season. Now the show seems to be morphing into Boston Legal, where weirs things happen in a legal setting, which is not a good thing. As a straight dude, I am surprised I am saying this, but bring back the singing and dancing. You can stream current episodes over at ABC.com. You can also download Eli Stone on iTunes.
Survivor: As I predicted, Corrine’s face was priceless when learning that her buddy got voted out. Loved how the video game nerd shot back what made him more deserving to stay than everyone else. And in one episode she went from being in the driver’s seat to on the chopping block. And to think I was ready to give up on this season. You can stream current episodes over at Innertube.

My Name Is Earl: Did I miss where Earl put a hole in the bar? Did it happen when he stabbed the bee? And would that have been big enough to make hole? I really hope I haven’t gotten so old I start falling asleep while watching TV at 9:00 at night. You can stream current episodes over at NBC.com. You can also download My Name Is Earl on iTunes.
Free Download of the Week: A Lovely Way to Spend Christmas - Kristin Chenoweth (Borders): It is still a little too early for me to get excited for Christmas yet considering I haven’t sliced any turkeys yet, but I will just file away the song in iTunes until at least December because it stops being free on Tuesday. And of course you should know Kristin Chenoweth from her role as Olive Snook on Pushing Daisies.
Video of the Week: Another week, another Chuck webisode. Check it out below:
Next Week Pick of the Week: Expedition Week, All Week at 9:00 on National Geographic Channel: For more on this special, check out: Previewing Expedition Week which starts tonight. Here are a couple more pictures, this time from Shipwrecked: Captain Kidd, Tuesday at 9:00, and Lost Cities of the Amazon, Thursday at 9:00 (also click on the name for videos of the specials):
Hey, you'll be thrilled to know that the upcoming ep of "Eli Stone" has singing and dancing, ala Victor Garber. Check out this vid:
Thanks for the heads up, looks like the show is getting back to its roots.