Quote of the Week: It is not okay for a grown-(expletive deleted) man to weep in public with a bunch of happy families enjoying pie. If you can't hold it, you take your (expletive deleted) to the men’s room and cry in private on the toilet… like a man. (Emerson, Pushing Daisies)
Song of the Week: Hip to Be Square - Huey Lewis and the News (Chuck, Everybody Hates Chris)
Big News of the Week: Congress Passes the Bailout Plan: So what happens when Congress fails to pass the $700,000,000,000 bailout package? Apparently to raise that number $850,000,000,000 and add some pork directed at those that rightfully opposed the original bill. And for those that wonder where that extra $150,000,000,000 is going to, the new plan includes tax breaks to toy wooden arrow makers, stock-car race track owners, Virgin Island rum makers, and Hollywood producers. Wait, Hollywood producers can scrounge up enough pennies to pay Charlie Sheen $850,000 per episode but they need more money? I really cannot write any words that can properly express how I feel about this without my censors going through and deleting every third word.
Gratuitous Token Hot Chick Picture of the Week:

Coalition Links of the Week:
Buzz visited the Pie Hole of Pushing Daisies and found it even more scrumptious in person. (BuzzSugar)
Daemon's TV took part in a Q&A with Amanda Tapping about her new show, Sanctuary. (Daemon's TV)
GMMR is begging and pleading with all of you to please watch Pushing Daisies. It's the best show only 6M of you are watching. A newbie? I will personally bring you up to speed. Just call. (Give Me My Remote)
Marcia decided to streamline her viewing schedule and actually watch less TV. No one is more shocked than she is. (Pop Vultures)
Rae's kinda in love with Chuck Bartowski and she doesn't care who knows it. (RTVW)
Vance is currently drooling over the hot Top 20 dancers on So You Think You Can Dance Canada. (Tapeworthy)
This week, Jace took an early look at the first three episodes of Season Two of ABC's Pushing Daisies and loved what he saw. He also took an early look at the new pilot for ABC's Life on Mars remake and was less than thrilled once again. (Televisionary)
I can haz McDreamy? Dan finally stopped worrying about thinking of things to say about Grey's Anatomy and launched his first series of LOLGreys. (TiFaux)
This week, the TV Addict wondered why more Browncoats aren't tuning in to Summer Glau on Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. (the TV Addict)
Kate realized that Battlestar Galactica is her sad lonely spinster Friday night show of choice. Good luck to The Ex Files, though. (TV Filter)
The Big Bang Theory: Nothing better on television these days (at least for those without DirecTV) than verbal showdown between Sheldon and the Token Hot Chick and the two debating on whether Sheldon should go out instead of stay on the steps was another classic. You can stream current episodes over at Innertube. You can also download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.
How I Met Your Mother: Note to all executive producers out there: if your writers pitch you the dumbest storyline ever, just ask Regis Philman to do a guest spot to make the episode great. You can stream current episodes over at Innertube. You can also download How I Met Your Mother on iTunes.
Heroes: Oh my God, they killed Weevil! And yet they let there be two Osmosis Dudes roaming around? I have gotten to the point where I am openly rooting for them to kill Elle too so I can officially take this show off my list. Maybe then she could score a reccuring character on Cupid. You can stream current episodes over at NBC.com. You can also download Heroes on iTunes.
Greek: The attempt to sway the council will hopefully just a sample of what is to come when Frannie and Casey go head to head for the presidency with plenty of lipsticks and pigs to go around. But one wonders if either candidate has any ties to a dude that bombed the Capitol. You can stream current episodes over at ABCFamily.com. You can also download Greek on iTunes.
Survivor: Nothing really interesting this week except the toss out the two hottest chicks in two week as apparently all the excitement happened last week when apparently someone’s Mr. Happy popped on screen which is odd because they seem to be extremely alert with the ladies and all the flimsy clothes throughout the season. I guess they may need to start hiring some gay homosexuals editors to make sure the guys stay decent. You can stream current episodes over at Innertube. You can also download Survivor on iTunes.
My Name Is Earl: Old dudes fighting: now that is high comedy, but I may have nightmares about Joy’s toe for awhile. Luckily the show is down to a half an hour next week because I do not my Earl in hour long segments. You can stream current episodes over at NBC.com. You can also download My Name Is Earl on iTunes.
Vice President Debate: I could talk about how Sarah Palin won the debate or how Joe Biden talked to us as if we were morons (seriously Joe, we heard you the first time, you don’t need to repeat everything twice and slow like you are teaching a special ed class), but my thoughts are best summed up by this video:
Everybody Hates Chris: How did I know that the white teacher would show up this season somehow? I was a little worried we wouldn’t see Carouse this year but luckily he showed up. But I wonder how they are gonna fit in Greg all season if he is at a different school? I guess it is safe to assume he will be back in public school before Thanksgiving. You can download Everybody Hates Chris on iTunes.
Also check out my First Impressions of Pushing Daisies and The Ex-List as well as my Preview of Chuck.
Free Download of the Week: Kath and Kim (iTunes): When I first saw a promo for Kath and Kim I thought “This is gonna suck.” Then after being innidated with ads for the show during the Olympics I thought, “This is gonna suck massively.” For you those of you that are still curious, you can download the first episode before it even airs in HD or SD on iTunes.
Promos of the Week: I had to scratch my head when VH1 announced I Love the 70's because really, what is there to love about the decade? Which makes me wonder why the guys who created Life on Mars choose that decade. Why not choose the 80's for that Miami Vice feel or the 60's to bust all the hippies? But on the bright side it does star the moderately attractive Gretchen Mol. Here is one of ABC’s Starter Kits on the show to get you interested in the show that premiere this Thursday at 10:00.
Next Week’s Pick: Hip Hop Honors, Monday at 10:00 on VH1: Maybe my favorite night of the year but why is the show on so late this year? Did they really need to have it on after I Want to Work for Diddy? Why didn’t they move that up an hour, it is not as if they won’t re-air it ad nausea for the next month if someone misses it. But anyways. Again VH1 took my suggestion of Slick Rick as an honoree, joining him are Too $hort, Cypress Hill, De la Soul, and Naughty by Nature.
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