Quote of the Week: Of course you don’t. It is a literary reference anyone with a high school diploma would understand unless of course you are a dumb jock who eats his way through a public education system with an eighth grade reading comprehension. And you, what are you like forty-five now? The war is over honey. No more hiding at college to dodge the draft and miserable future of a minimum wage paying job. (Frannie, Greek)
Big News of the Week: A Melancholy Happy Trails to Tim Russert: For my political news, I always turn to NBC and Tim Russert was a big reason for that. I treat election night like a big game, picking up a six pack on the way home, and enjoy the back and forth as the results trickle in. And there are few lasting imagers from the quadruple overtime of the 2000 elections with Tim and his dry erase board which it looked like he just ripped off the door of a local college student. Sadly, I know just heartbreaking it is to know such a political junkie as Russert was that he won’t be around to see the outcome of this historical election. But it says a lot about him, in this time when most newsmen are as fair and balanced as an NBA ref that it wasn’t until watching the coverage of his death that I knew his political leanings. You could also tell that he was one of the few newsmen who, when you heard him talk that he truly enjoyed talking politics and it wasn’t just a job for him. If only news had more newsmen, or people like him. Election Day this year will not be the same without him. For more information on the life of Tim Russert, check out the coverage on MSNBC.com.
Coalition Links of the Week:
Katherine Heigl made waves with her statement about Grey's Anatomy while pulling out of the Emmy race this week, but Buzz wondered if perhaps she had a point. (BuzzSugar)
We finally found out just who PJ's mystery date was on the premiere of My Boys. Did she bring along the right guy? If you're a fan of My Boys and in the Boston area, join GMMR & Jamie Kaler (Mike) next week for a My Boys party here in Beantown and watch the second episode with fellow fans. (Give Me My Remote)
Still reeling from her great day on the set of Burn Notice, Rae's got a recap of what happened as well as some visual aids. (RTVW)
Woohoo! It's the Top 20 Dance-Off on So You Think You Can Dance! Vance is super excited and the high level of endorphins from the excitement is probably causing him to love all the dancers so far! (Tapeworthy)
TiFaux was a regular Bloggers Clearinghouse Sweepstakes this week as we gave away all sorts of stuff. But you can still enter to win things like Jackie from Work Out's DVD by e-mailing us. Click the link and enter! (TiFaux)
The casting department at Brothers and Sisters can stop looking for Ryan Walker. Jennifer has found the perfect guy. She also mourned the loss of Men in Trees and celebrated that the Smurfs are coming to the big screen! (Tube Talk)
The TV Addict answers all your TV related questions in his new weekly column Ask the Addict. (The TV Addict)
Raoul talked to Bobby from Hell's Kitchen about Gordon Ramsay, Tourette's Syndrome, and what's next for him. (TV Filter)
Greek: As you can tell by the Quote of the Week I got catch up somewhat with the show thanks to the marathon. Unfortunately thanks to the marathon cutting out two episodes, the Greek website still having weird streaming rules, and my Time Warner Cable rearing its ugly head again, I only got five and a half of the eleven episodes I missed. Hopefully now that I have gotten to the point where Frannie has been reinstated she can go back to her Republican spouting ways and drop at least some of the niceties. Because not only is Nice Frannie not as interesting as a character, as seen from the flashback, Mean Frannie is actually more attractive too. Not sure if that says anything about me. You can stream select episodes on ABCFamily.com or download the whole first season of Greek on iTunes.
Also be sure to check out my Previews of The Bill Engvall Show and My Boys.
Promo of the Week:
Pick for Next Week: The Middleman, Monday at 8:00 on ABC Family: This looks to be one of those shows that will either be the greatest things ever or the worst thing ever put to film (actually do they even put things to film anymore and should I start saying worst thing put on a hard drive?). When watching part of the Greek marathon, I stopped on one commercial in a fake PSA that had me on the floor laughing (see promo above). I should have a preview of the show up on Monday, but who cares what I think when you can preview the show yourself and download the first episode of The Middleman free on iTunes.
Also be sure to check out the Big DVD sale at Amazon.com
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