Quote of the Week: Everything I know about women you can stick in this damn coffee cup. But I do know you got to have trust and honesty and without trust and honestly it is not gonna work. (Coach Taylor, Friday Night Lights)
Song of the Week: Freddom '90 - George Michael (As performed by Victor Garber and a childrens choir, Eli Stone)
Big News of the Week: Ben Silverman Is a Humongous Tool: Back when I was a freshman, the varsity soccer coach said to me, “Hey you.” Apparently I had a deer in the headlights look because my JV coach said, “Don’t worry, if you were in trouble, he’d know your name.” I bring that up because until Thursday I wouldn’t have been able to distinguish Ben Silverman from Ben Stein or Jonathan Silverman. That was until Jo pointed me to this article from Radar Online (which name dropped my brother Shooter) where a reporter asked about Friday Night Lights to which NBC President Silverman said, “Start watching 30 Rock.” Then proceeds to say no one watches FNL. Um, I’m sorry Benny Boy; I totally missed how 30 Rock was this ratings juggernaut. And most of its few viewers are ones that are just too lazy to switch the channel between My Name Is Earl and The Office. I bet if you put 30 Rock in-between 1 vs. 100 and Las Vegas it would have even less viewers than Friday Night Lights.
In fact I would like to point out that Friday Night Light outsells 30 Rock in Unbox Downloads and FNL season 1 is outselling 30 Rock season 1 in the Amazon DVD store (currently 144 to 407 respectively in overall sales to put things in perspective). And keep in mind Amazon numbers are actual hard numbers of people buying unlike the Neilson Ratings which is a glorified poll that is so shady it doesn’t even release its margin of error.
So everyone out there that watches Friday Night Lights be sure to boycott the Knight Rider movie that comes on sometime soon because if it does well they will be making it into a series for some reason even though the debacle that was resurrecting Bionic Woman should still be fresh in their heads. Do not watch My Dad Is Better Than Your Dad whenever that premieres for the same reason (not to mention it will most likely lower your IQ). You can also sign the Best Week Ever petition. And if you want to express to Silverman why he should keep on the Lights here is address (although you may want to avoid calling him a humongous tool even though he is):
Ben Silverman c/o NBC Studios
3000 W. Alameda Ave.
Burbank, CA. 91523

Coalition Links of the Week:
Buzz wonders how many '80s TV references you can pack into one little Ben Lee music video. (BuzzSugar)
Araya tells us why Friday Night Lights is number 2 on his Top 10 TV Shows list. (Daemon's TV)
Mikey was relieved to see Ricky finally get auf'd on Project Runway, but he still has considerable beefs with the current season. (Mikey Likes TV)
Pop Vultures interviewed writer Eric Estrin and got his perspective on the WGA strike. (Pop Vultures)
To explain her love for Anna Fricke, Rae channeled her Dawson's Creek fangirl of television shows gone by. (RTVW)
Vance skipped The Super Bowl but loved all the super bawling on Friday Night Lights which deserves a bit of that 97 Million Super Bowl football audience. (Tapeworthy)
Jace was all about advance looks at British telly this week, with reviews of new series That Mitchell and Webb Look and Last Restaurant Standing on BBC America. (Televisionary)
Dan interviewed Tonight Show writer Michael Jann about the WGA strike as part of the Adopt a Writer project. (TiFaux)
Jennifer questioned whether Nip/Tuck should be renamed “Nip YUCK,” after the latest developments. (Tube Talk)
Kate picked the five best and five worst looks from this season of Project Runway. (TV Filter)
Welcome to the Captain: Not really the funniest thing I have seen in a while but then again that is what I thought about The Big Bang Theory and it turned into the second funniest thing on television. And a show with George Bluth Sr. and some Hispanic dude named Jesus who pronounces it the Anglo-Saxon way, not the Spanish was has to get better right? You can download Welcome to the Captain on iTunes.
Super Tuesday:It is funny that for months the pundits have been suggesting that the Republican nominee would be decided by a brokered convention but now it is the Republican that have the nominee all but picked and the Democrats are heading for a brokered convention. Not only that, it is plausible that Barak Obama wins more delegates but Hilary Clinton gets the nomination because of the superdelegates (you know because Hilary is pimping out her daughter by making Chelsea call these superdelegates looking for support).
Then all day Saturday, the pundits try to make a big deal out of Mike Huckabee beating John McCain in the Nebraska primary. They all talked about this was conservatives sending a message to McCain but never talked about the real reason: if you are a McCain supporter why bother voting? It is the middle of winter and your candidate is basically a lock why leave your house. I’m not bothering to vote in March in the Republican primary opting to vote in the Democratic one because it will actually mean something.
Lost: Finally got around to watching the first two episodes of the season, but they really deserve their own posts. Look out for that later this week. You can catch up on Lost on iTunes.
Friday Night Lights: Wait, Jason Street nailed that waitress? How did I miss that? And if there were a reason to have another season it is because of his miracle baby. Seriously, only Friday Night Lights can pull off a miracle baby and not make it seem lame (yes I’m talking to you Lost and The X-Files). Anotyher reason there has to be another season is so we can follow Smash down to Whitmore. The scene with him and the two coaches ranks up there as one off the best this season. I’d like Silverman point out any specific scene from 30 Rock better than scene. Check out the latest episodes over at NBC.com.
Promo of the Week: Thanks to the writer’s strike, CBS is importing the Showtime killer drama Dexter to network television premiering next Sunday at 10:00. The show is actually less gruesome so I’m not sure what exactly is going to be cut because the show has a longer runtime than network shows. Below is a promo for the show:
Next Week’s Pick: Flavor of Love 3, Monday at 9:00 on VH1: Okay, to be honest the only reason I am excited about this is because it may mean more contestants for a possible second season of Flavor of Love Girls: Charm School. Although I am really hoping for a Flavor vs. Rock version of Charm School or possibly a Battle of the Sexes with the dudes from I Love New York.
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