Quote of the Week: If you ever look at her, even tonight again, at school, anytime, I swear to God I’ll end you. Are we cool? No, seriously, that way. (Riggins, Friday Night Lights)
Song of the Week: Short Skirt/Long Jacket - Cake (Waitress
Big News of the Week: Scooter McGavin Endorses Joe Biden Who Promptly Drops Out: Yeah, that didn’t work out well. So I guess I need another Democrat to back. I think I’ll go with John Edwards if only because his daughter Cate (click to check out her blog) is what I like to refer to as moderately attractive. Speaking of potential first daughters who I would like to salute, John McCain’s daughter Meghan (seriously, do you have to be a bad spell you’re kids weird to run for president) started up her own YouTube account, here is one of her vlogs:
Coalition Links of the Week:
BuzzSugar: This week, we were disappointed by Cashmere Mafia, challenged you to recast The Nanny, and wondered which late-night host grew the best strike beard.
Glowy Box: It was a relatively quiet week at Glowy Box (and on TV), but Liz still managed to enjoy this week’s challenge on Project Runway, and be preached to by “Model4Jesus” on Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency.
Daemon's TV: Sandie posted the new midseason 2008 premiere TV schedule and interviewed the cast and crew of the new Knight Rider TV movie. Eric reviewed the first two episodes of the new season of Medium.
Mikey Likes TV: In an attempt to carefully straddle the line between good taste and bad in 2008, Mikey reviewed the season premiere of The Wire and the most recent episode of Gossip Girl this week.
Pop Vultures: We ignored those silly New Year's resolutions in a celebration of television's most vice-ridden characters. We also explained why the television blockbuster is doomed to failure and wondered why Kylie Minogue's face never moved in the Doctor Who Christmas special.
RTVW: Spads wrapped up her three-part series about her time on the Chuck photoshoot. Saying goodbye to 2007, Rae shared her top seven memorable moments of the year and, ringing in the new year, wondered about the 2008 New Year's resolutions of some of her favorite TV characters.
Tapeworthy: It's the new year and everybody seems to have a best of list and Vance LIVES to make Best of Lists as if they actually mattered. So here are his picks for the Best Movies, Best Music and Best Television of 2007! Happy New Year!
Televisionary: This week, Jace--ecstatic about Televisionary being named one of ten "Must Click" TV websites by Entertainment Weekly--took a look at the new Doctor Who Christmas Special entitled "Voyage of the Damned," bemoaned the loss of Goth contestants Kynt and Vyxsin on The Amazing Race, and offered his television-themed New Year resolutions.
TiFaux: This week's highlight was our take on the Top Five and Bottom Five TV deaths of 2007. We also did a before and after on Gossip Girl's Penn Badgley and his various incarnations (and his poor hairstyle choices) and pondered the similarities between Dexter and Sweeney Todd.
Tube Talk welcomed back the boys of late night, beards and all, pondered why Rosie O’Donnell was voted the most annoying celebrity of 2007, and shared a first look at the new Knight Rider TV movie and KITT’s voice.
TV Filter: We have some awesome Anthony Bourdain swag to give away - you can still enter. Raoul interviewed the Goths from The Amazing Race and Kate was ecstatic over the return of Gossip Girl.
The TV Addict: Picked his favorite shows of 2007. Made some outlandish predictions for 2008 and started the craze that's sweeping the nation: TV Addicts Anonymous. Only together we can survive the WGA Strike!
Sunday Night Football: It is already cheap when you pull your starters like the Indianapolis Colts did in the last game of the season, but it is done right immoral to just lay down like Kerry Collins said Tony Dungy did against the Tennessee Titians when he conceded to Jeff Fisher. If Bill Belichicken gets a fine and loses draft picks for cheating, so should Dungy in this blatant example of collusion. In fact Peyton Manning and all the other Colts that sat should have to give up one game’s salary and have it divvied up everyone in the stands who actually paid for what ended up being a glorified exhibition game with a bunch a scrubs playing the game.
Adding insult to injury, the Cleveland Browns lost a playoff spot due to a tiebreaker to the Titans even though they barely even beat what boils down to a replacement team. What makes thing worse is that this shouldn’t have even been a tiebreaking situation because the Browns got jobbed twice this season with the cheap time out call at the end of the Oakland Raiders game and the Arizona Cardinal game was decided by the only person on God’s green Earth who didn’t think Kellen Winslow Jr. wasn’t pushed out of bounds.
Friday Night Lights: I don’t think it is a coincidence that the best episode of the season came after the finally wrapped up the Landry murder plot line. So much to enjoy this week: Riggins fixing the cable to get porn, attacking the dude who urinated in his locker, Aunt Shells lusting over him, the cheesy 80’s Garrity family montage, Buddy and Coach at the Laundromat, Landry starting a brawl, Tyra pulling Richard Simmons by the hair, her dress at the formal, drunk Julie, ping-pong, Coach threatening Other Coach. The only misstep was Landry’s speech at formal which was basically the exact same speech he gave to Tyra at the Roast last season. But seriously, can they work out some deal like Worldwide Pants to get the Friday Night Lights writer their own deal so they can get back to work? Check out the latest episodes over at NBC.com.
New Hampshire Debates: I’m not sure if this was the best or worst debate ever. It was good because Charlie Rose just let the candidates talk over each other and it almost seemed like Rose wanted to debate more than be an actual moderator. It was bad because I don’t think it really accomplished anything although the candidate’s postures were telling. Mitt Romney looked beaten down, John McCain’s reaction shots were hilarious especially whenever nut job Ron Paul was allowed to talk, and Chelsea Clinton looked about as bored as I did whenever Hilary started to talk. As for winner, on the Republican side I’d go with Fred Thomson if only because he looked alive for the first time in his campaign and on the Democrat side, I’d like to say Bill Richardson won, but I fear if nominated they might bring Horatio Sanz to Saturday Night Live, so I’ll say John Edwards won. Don’t forget to check out who I, Scooter McGavin, Endorsed earlier this week.
This week I uploaded all of my pictures from my set visit to Veronica Mars to my Facebook and MySpace accounts, so if you want to see them you will have to befriend me. Also don’t forget to check out my preview of When Weather Changed History. And don’t forget to check out tomorrow when I announce a big contest.
I would also point out the Blogger recently allowed Open ID commenting so now if you have an AOL/Aim, LiveJournal, TypeKey, Wordpress or any other Open ID account, you can now comment using those. So feel free to give it a test run if you have one and would like to comment on the 9th Green.
Promo of the Week: Not only did Biden drop out of the presidential race right after I endorsed him, I didn’t come across this campaign ad until after I mad my endorsement which may have changes who got mine:
Now there is a Bubba I could vote for.
Next Week’s Pick: My Name Is Earl, Thursday at 8:00 on NBC: Earl and the gang returns for the first episode of 2008 and possibly the last one we will see for awhile as it was the last episode they filmed before they ran out of scripts due to the writers strike.
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