Longtime readers to the 9th Green may not realize it, but the astute reader may notice the occasional political reference I try to drop into my otherwise pop culture reference heavy posts. Even though I rarely talk about it at lengths here, I am a big time political junky to the point that I would much rather hook up with Holly Bailey than Jessica Simpson, Jessica Alba or Jessica Tangy (if you don’t know who Holly Bailey is it is time to turn off E! and work in MSNBC every once in a while).
Of course the only problem with being a political junky these days is the politicians that get elected seem to get worse and worse with the last two presidential elections instead of voting who I thought would be the better leader, I was forced to instead vote for the dude I thought would mess up the country the least. This lead me in recent years to realize that all politicians cannot be trusted and the longer they stay in office the more corrupt they become (look at the two-term presidents since the institution of term limits, each had a major scandal: Scooter Libby, Monica Lewinski, Iran-Contra, Watergate, Tea Pot Dome).
And so I started my anti-incumbent stance when it came to election in that I would never vote for any candidate with that big (I) next to it. The only problem this time around is that there won’t be an incumbent to vote against in the presidential race. And the primaries, starting tomorrow, are extra important this year because there is an overabundance of horrible candidates this year which could lead to another Douche vs. a Turd Sandwich type showdown between Rudy Giuliani and Hilary Clinton.
So if you are an independent like me, is it very important this year, if your state has open primary elections (i.e. you do not have to be registered to either party, you just go in and say which ballot you want), that you make your voice heard so us in the middle, as in the vast majority of the country do not have to again choose between the person who we think will suck the least. Considering I won’t be able to vote until March, I’m not sure which primary I will be voting in, mostly likely the one that isn’t already predetermined at that point, but here are the two candidates, from both sides of the aisles that I am officially endorsing and hopefully you will be taking a look at more closely are your primaries near closer:

Another plus to McCain is that he, unlike virtually every other candidate is above pandering, as he is the only voice of reason in Iowa who doesn’t try to get votes by promising biofuel subsidies to the state when he knows that that grain being converted to fuel is better used to feed the world and that biofuels are not that much more efficient than oil based fuels. Speaking of fuel, he is also one of the few republicans that admit that global warming is a real thing, and since he isn’t in bed with oil complains he can make it easier to wean ourselves off the stuff and make the country more energy efficient.
Again on the pandering, unlike every presidential campaign that all the sudden is a lifelong hunter, John McCain, when asked if he was a gun owner, gave the best response in that he knows how to use a gun, have used them in the past, but no longer has a need for them. A much better stance than Mike Huckabee who’s solution to inner city gun problems is right to carry permits. That’s right, to lower the murder rate, more guns are needed. Gee, how about increasing the availability of cold medicine to curb the meth problem? And let’s not forget Huckabee’s ethics problems he faced as governor. (An Arkansas governor with questionable ethics, where have I heard that before?)
(Scooter's Update: Um, yeah, just ignore this part)

When it comes to actual experience on the democratic side, Joe Biden tops the list. While Clinton and Obama knock each other foreign policy experience, Biden is currently the chairman of Foreign Relations Committee while spending thirty-two years total on it. And much like McCain, Biden isn’t beholden to big corporations and unlike the last two presidents who were, we won’t have to wonder how many criminals that will be pardoned because they or family members were big contributors (Norman Zhu anyone?).
Also like McCain, Biden is that candidate that candidate that can appeal the center. Seriously, isn’t twenty years of Bush-Clinton partisanship enough? You really don’t want to extend that to twenty-eight years, possibly thirty-six if Jeb eventually throws his hat in the ring in one of the next races. In fact a Biden-Obama ticket would be the best chance for the Democrats as long as they do not face a Repuiblican ticket headlined by McCain.
Most importantly Biden is foursquare (Scooter’s Note: For Christmas I received a Word of the Day calendar and that was today's, so if you see large words in the months ahead, that is most likely the reason why). And here is a fun fact for you The Office fans out there: Joe Biden, born in Scranton, Pennsylvania.
For those who still need more research on these and other candidates, check out the YouTube video below with question from both YouTube debates:
I'm not even touching this one.
ReplyDeleteWell that's no fun.