Certainly some of you have already threw a shoe at your radio for playing All I Want for Christmas Is You for the hundredth time or are completely sick of you’re a Very Special Christmas collection, but luckily I have stayed away for those stations and stick primarily to my Holiday playlist that is currently up to four and a half hours worth of cheer. So before you break your radio, here are some suggestions to start your own playlist (feel free to hit me up with suggestions in the comment section):

Ever wanted an island flavored holiday song? Well here is one from Jack Johnson. As an added bonus he even adds a new verse.

A nice little ditty if only because it’s not the song with Sarah McLaughlin.

For you pretentious types there is Sufjan Stevens who has put out an insane amount of Christmas songs. Here is my favorite of the bunch which isn’t as depressing as the title suggests.
Less of a Christmas song than just a wintery song (duh) but if are enjoying a white Christmas or just dreaming of one, this song will do the trick. Unfortunately the EP it is on i not currently available on iTunes.
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