Quote of the Week: If you get rid of the butterfly, how’s everyone gonna know you’re a stripper from Reno with daddy issues? (Lily, How I Met Your Mother)
Song of the Week: Canceling Christmas this Year - Michelle Featherstone (Smallville)
Big News of the Week: Your Chance to Influence the 9th Green: Just before Thanksgiving I announced The Second Annual 9th Green Readers Favorite Songs of 2007 poll and mentioned it again yesterday. Hopefully you have been thinking about it over the last couple weeks and now it is time to put those songs in list form as we inch closer to the deadline of Christmas Eve at midnight. All you have to do is e-mail you ten favorite songs of the past twelve months in order to ScooterKSU(at)aol(dot)com (subject: 9th Green Readers Poll). You can think of your list to be your Christmas present to me and as an added bonus, whoever sends me their favorite songs will be added to the Scooter McGavin Christmas List and will be getting something come next week.
Classic Gratuitous Token Hot Chick Picture of the Week:

Coalition Links of the Week:
BuzzSugar: This week, we questioned ABC's Thursday scheduling choices, wondered about television's best platonic duo, and made a gingerbread (Dr.) House.
Daemon's TV: This week, Sandie talked about the day she and Araya spent with the cast of Chuck and took a first look at the revamped K.I.T.T. for the new Knight Rider movie. Araya talks about Christmas with 30 Rock.
Glowy Box: It was a fashion-heavy week as Liz (along with the rest of the nation) was outraged by the season finale of America’s Next Top Model, enjoyed the manufactured drama on Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency, and loved this week’s challenge on Project Runway.
Mikey Likes TV: Mikey celebrated Pushing Daisies' well-deserved Golden Globe nominations with a run-down of the show's pseudo season ender. If you're up for a play-by-play of Sunday's Extras finale, be sure to check out his liveblog of the night's awkward and hilarious festivities.
Pop Vultures: Marcia counted down the 5 best TV theme songs ever and somehow forgot to include The Love Boat. She also sent her television wishlist to Santa and contemplated the depths of Victorya’s passive-aggression in a recap of last week’s Project Runway.
RTVW: Continuing with our series of behind-the-scenes videos from the folks over at WB, we got our first peek at what goes on inside the Supernatural Writers Room. Spads began her three part series on the Chuck photo shoot she attended, including getting all fangirl-y over Zachary Levi and what Adam Baldwin and Yvonne Strahovski talked about during lunch.
Tapeworthy: Vance thinks 30 Rock and Friday Night Lights are NBC's two best shows right now. He's a little behind on Project Runway but recaps the disaster episodes (the one with male models and the one with shoulder pads), and wraps up the last How I Met Your Mother of the year. Still no mother...hmm.
Televisionary: This week, Jace was beyond thrilled to see Damages, Pushing Daisies, Big Love, and 30 Rock among the nominees for this year's Golden Globes, intrigued by the news that Will Arnett would be providing the voice of KITT in NBC's new Knight Rider backdoor pilot, and heartbroken while watching the last filmed episode of Pushing Daisies.
TiFaux: Dan was thrust into an identity crisis after coming to terms with his crush on the gal who plays Nick George’s wife on Dirty Sexy Money. We also discussed the new Gap ads featuring some of our favorite people: John Krasinksi, Amy Poehler and Will Arnett. Maggie abandoned the television for one night and went to the theat-uh – to see Aaron Sorkin’s new play The Farnsworth Invention (which is based on the invention of the television).
Tube Talk: offered a sneak peek at the new Knight Rider and unveiled photos of the new KITT. Jennifer interviewed Moonlight’s Jason Dohring, and he dished about upcoming episodes. Tube Talk Girl continued her insane obsession with ‘90s TV stars, as she posted a vintage Doritos commercial with some familiar faces and pondered the fact that Scott Baio is no longer 45 and single.
The TV Addict: With the holidays fast approaching, we offered up some early Christmas gifts for TV Addict's everywhere. An interview with Moonlight star Jason Dohring, some Supernatural spoilers a first look at the new Knight Rider and a partridge in a pear tree.
TV Filter: Kate wished Bonanza City had been a little more Lord of the Flies after all and decided that 30 Rock is the new The Office. Raoul talked to Azria and Hendekea from The Amazing Race.
TV With MeeVee: We talked to the new "Knight Rider" driver and pit crew. We talked "American Idol" with producer Nigel Lythgoe. And we liveblogged the "Project Runway" finale.
How I Met Your Mother: You know that annoying dude at the party that tells a joke and when someone knew joins the group tells the joke again as if he doesn’t realize that 90% of the people just heard the joke which can happen up to five times over the course of the night? That’s how I felt about this episode with all the “That’s what I said” and the like. Man, I really miss The Big Bang Theory. Check out the latest episodes over at Innertube. You can also download How I Met Your Mother on iTunes.
Everybody Hates Chris: Holy Phylicia Rashād sighting! But the bigger story was that Chris Rock just completely destroyed Kwanzaa. Like your token white dude who respected the holiday without actually bothering to find out what is all about was surpised to learn the thing was a complete sham thought up by some dude who would go on to commit a felonious assault. How is this considered a legitimate holiday by people?

Journeyman: The show is really at its worst when Dan messes with his own past. It doesn’t make sense that his brother knew that their father came home the night he left and Dan didn’t. And wouldn’t event like that (much like when Dan visited his attacker a couple weeks ago) had more effect on present day that we would have to believe. It seems like whenever he changes something it just changes memories, nothing else. Check out the latest episode over at NBC.com. You can also download Journeyman on iTunes.
Pushing Daisies: Maybe my least favorite episode despite the two big m(p)aternity twists. It may stem from the fact that Pee Wee is just too creepy. The show does a great job make the macabre seem whimsical and Pee Wee just seems out of place. With that said they really need to introduce Emerson’s daughter sooner than later. As for the other, I’ve been wondering for a while where Chuck’s mother was during all of this and I just got to wonder how they are going to spin this as to why she thought her mother was actually her aunt. Check out the latest episodes over at ABC.com.
Survivor: Well after a decent season, it looks like it is going to end on a boring note. If only Pee Gee had gotten immunity. I guess we are going to get a Todd vs. Courtney finale. Yawn. Check out the latest episode over at Innertube.

Smallville: Well that was a pretty shocking twist with Julian turning out to be a clone (maybe). I always thought it was weird that they bring him up know after he supposable died a couple seasons back and the whole cloning definitely explains that. As for the other big shock, yeah having Bizzaro Superman apparently still around was shocking, but why exactly would he care enough to save Chloe?
Best Year Ever: After watching this special I have come to the realization that when VH1 unveils the inevitable I Love the ’00 that they will only have nine hours of programming because there was really wasn’t enough about 2007 to love that can fill an hour unless they just do an hour of the best Chris Hansen ambushes (which was the only entertaining part about Best Year Ever this year). Otherwise we will be stuck with Hal Sparks and Michael Ian Black making semi-ironic jokes about Britney Spears, Cavemen, Ringtone Rappers, Don Imus, Big Head Barry and the Monsters, Sanjaya, a second Fantastic Four flick, and our government not knowing what does and doesn’t constitute torture even though anyone with internet access can read the Geneva Convention online. Seriously, they should just rename that hour, I Hate ‘07.
Next Week’s Pick: Journeyman, 10:00 on Monday and Wednesday on NBC: What looks to be the last two hours of the show is basically the only thing on next week. I mean you don’t expect me to watch Clash of the Choirs with music “superstars” Nick Lachey and Michael Bolton or The Duel?
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