Quote of the Week: Um, you know what, don’t even try to show me that Screech porn again, ‘cause a little part of me dies every time; thank you very much. (Jason Street, Friday Night Lights)
Song of the Week: Christmas in Hollis - Run-DMC (Chuck)
Big News of the Week: Oprah stumps for Obama: I’m not entirely sure how much impact the Big O can have on the little o considering the bored housewives that make up the Oprah army are pretty conservative in nature which doesn’t help that much in a Democratic primary. Giving bumps to book and record sales in a time we not many people are buy either is completely different than endorsing a presidential nominee. Of course unlike Barbara Streisand, an Oprah endorsement won’t hurt and if it turns out to be a close race she may factor into the race. But then again Barbara and Oprah are certainly no Chuck Norris.
Gratuitous Token Hot Chick Picture of the Week:

Coalition Links of the Week:
BuzzSugar: We got all pumped over these prequels to The Wire, debated whether Showtime shows could work on CBS, and asked for votes on the best new TV character of '07.
Glowy Box: Liz celebrated a new season of crazy (Expletive Deleted) with Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency, reveled in a fantastic episode of Scrubs, and tried to keep up with all the action on this week’s sweeps-worthy Desperate Housewives.
Daemon's TV: This week Sandie shared some promo posters for FOX's new show, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Araya shared some of his thoughts on the finale of Heroes, and is wondering if he spoke too fast about 30 Rock being back on track.
Mikey Likes TV: Desperate Housewives' über cliffhanger made Mikey wonder how long he'll have to wait for a conclusion. He is far less concerned with the return of Heroes.
RTVW: 'Tis definitely the season if our posts this week are anything to judge by. We introduced a new daily holiday feature, a TV related advent calendar, for everyone out there counting down to Christmas. Then Rae gushed over the Food Network's 12 Days of Cookies daily enewsletter and we closed the week talking about the Psych and Top Chef holiday specials.
Tapeworthy: Vance definitely wants more "Cabo in the pants" on Friday Night Lights (and in his own life :P)! Which is certainly happening with Blair on Gossip Girl . It's not wrong to go to the gym in an effort to get more "Cabo in the pants" (health shmelth, let's be honest here, we're all shallow to a degree or else no one would be watching Gossip Girl) but maybe watching the Food Network while working out isn't the best plan of action.
Televisionary: This week, Jace ecstatically celebrated the return (albeit brief) of Bravo's Top Chef, bid a sad farewell to NBC's Chuck for the time being, and laughed his butt off while watching this week's typically hysterical episode 30 Rock.
TiFaux: Kind of a sleepy week on TiFaux, but we managed to talk about some international programming (that Dan watched on the plane across the Atlantic). We also reminisced about the greatness of Sifl and Olly and told the producers of the next Top Design to keep that crazy dame Kelly Wearstler.
TV Filter: Raoul interviewed Heather from ANTM. Kate wondered why almost all of the Christmas specials were made in the 60s and decided who she'd be friends with at Constance Billard.
TV With MeeVee: In additional to vaccuming up all the strike news, we talked rock with ousted NGAB runnersup Tres Bien, talked "Life" with stars Damian Lewis and Sarah Shahi, and sniffed the manly odors of "Project Runway."
(Scooter's Note: I know there are a lot of things talked about by the Coalition that I have absolutelty no understanding of because I do not watch many of the shows but should I know what NGAB means?)
The TV Addict: This week, We figured out how to Save Heroes, slammed TVGuide's Michael Ausiello for comparing Dexter to October Road and gave kudos to FOX's marketing savvy with regards to Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.
MTV/MySpace Presidential Dialogue with John McCain: During the YouTube debate I complained how there were no questions that dealt with education, health care or the environment and this forum dealt almost exclusively on those subject and on the latter two McCain did a great job addressing the subjects. I wasn’t thrilled with his pro-voucher stance, but I really can’t expect much on education from a man who back No Child Left Behind, which has turned out to be a bad idea to end all bad ideas. And Curt Shilling is certainly no Chuck Norris (see below). You can watch the full forum on the MySpace Election page.
Chuck: Did they seriously start off the episode with Pimp Juice? Whoever thought that was a good idea should be fired. And then they proceed to misquote an actual great song, the Dr. Dre classic (Expletive Deleted) Ain’t (Expletive Deleted). Yeah, so they really can’t use half of the lyrics on network television, but I’d like to think they could come up with something cleverer than they did. And can I call that the cliffhanger will be a letdown of Heroes proportions. If Casey really takes care of Chuck like they are insinuating (i.e. kill him) and go back to the spy vs. spy between him and the Token Hot Chick that got old by the second episode, it would be a horrible mistake. Now if on the other hand, if Chuck, Casey, and the Token Hot Chick all go rouge and retreat to the Los Angeles underground and even though they are still wanted by the government, they would survive as soldiers of fortune. Then if someone would have a problem, if no one else can help, and if one can find them, maybe they could hire The Token Hot Team. Seriously, how cool would that be? Oh, and of course they would need to kill Morgan in the process too. Check out the latest episodes over at NBC.com. You can also download Chuck on iTunes.
Heroes: After starting to write this I realized it needs its own post, check back tomorrow for that. Check out the latest episode over at NBC.com.
My Name Is Earl: By far the funniest episode of the season, but sadly I think I may miss Coach. The second biggest laugh of the week was when the best excuses he could come up with for being in his underwear was that he was engaging in self love. But on the bright side hopefully this will mean no more Michael Rappaport. Granted Camden Country isn’t the best at keeping their prisoners their whole sentences. Check out the latest episodes over at NBC.com. You can also download My Name Is Earl on iTunes.
Survivor: Can we please get Courtney’s dad on the next Survivor? Check out the latest episode over at Innertube.

Friday Night Lights: Hopefully this puts to rest the Landry murder case. But then I thought last week was the end of Riggins and his meth lab buddy. And is Coach really going to let him sleep in his garage? I’d like to think he would be able to talk him into moving back in with his brother or at the very least put him in Santiago’s top bunk at the Buddy current dwelling. Oh, and for the biggest laugh of the week would go to Jason’s date who asked for him to go R. Kelly all over her. Check out the latest episodes over at NBC.com.
Last Call with Carson Daly: Just when you thought Carson Daly couldn’t be less funny he comes back without his writers and instead of extended interviews or extra musical performances he actually tries to still do bits. Of course the only reason I checked this out was because Alicia Keys and the Token Hot Chick from Chuck made appearances this week. There is something to say that, unlike Michelle Ryan who got more attractive when she broke out her native British accent on Bionic Woman, Yvonne Strahovski’s Australian accent is kind of a turn off. I would also like to take this time to commend Carson for running over the writer from Two and a Half Men and Standing Still. Something that gets lost in this writer’s strike is there a whole lot of crappy writers certainly don’t deserve any more money, and are so bad they should be paying us to watch their crap.
Don’t forget to check out my previews of Oprah Winfrey Presents Mitch Albom’s For One More Day and Holiday in Handcuffs. Speaking of ABC Family’s 25 Days of Christmas (see the full schedule here), I was watching Snow earlier this week which got me wonder how can the improbably hot Ashley Williams not get steady work? She made the unwatchable Good Morning Miami almost watchable and I am beginning to think it isn’t a coincident that How I Met Your Mother hasn’t been consistently entertaining since her character went off to Paris. Can we please get her a new show ASAP? And if it involves her Snow co-star Tom Cavanaugh that would be an added bonus since the premature cancellation of Love Money was the biggest crime against humanity that didn’t involve Fox. I can even live with the bad continuity if they bring her back to HIMYM and reveal she is indeed the mother and add her to the cast. You can catch the reairing of Snow Christmas Day at 4:00.
Next Week’s Pick: Survivor, Thursday and Sunday at 8:00 on CBS: One of the more entertaining seasons in a while thanks to the incompetent contestants. And then you have three of the weakest contestants physically ever making it into the top five with Todd, Pee Gee, and the disappearing Courtney. As for a winner, I picked at the beginning of the season for Amanda to win so I’ll still put my money on her if I were a betting man. And let us not forget the fifth finalist, the mullet rocking Denise.
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