Quote of the Week: Are you asking me on a date Williams? (Tim Riggins, Friday Night Lights)
Song of the Week: Lucky Man - The Verve (Journeyman)
Big News of the Week: NBC’s Green Week: Boy, was that annoying especially the solid green logo instead of the regular transparent one. And it looked like the shows themselves didn’t care for being forced to have an environmental show either with Chuck openly mocking it twice this week. The best though, and by best I mean worse, was when Sylar said something like, my character tries to destroy the world but I want to save it. This is what happens when the writers go on strike, folks. But on the bright side, NBC wants you to dave some green too so you can currently buy all the episodes from Green Week at $0.99 on Amazon Unbox.
Gratuitous Token Hot Chick Picture of the Week:

Links of the Week:
BuzzSugar: We wondered about the worst television shows ever, wondered if the writers' strike would make us watch more Web-only programming, and got creeped out in a good way by Dexter's Dark Defender webisodes.
Daemon's TV: Sandie offers a first look at pictures from Battlestar Galactica "Razor". Eric talks about "twisted couples" on CBS' Numb3rs and wonders if Tony and Ziva are about to hook-up on NCIS.
Glowy Box: Liz explained why she supports the WGA, and discovered that The Daily Show is still filming despite the strike. She also debated the difference between being a model video ho and a hoochie video ho on this week’s America’s Next Top Model.
Mikey Likes TV: Trying to ignore the traumatic effects of the writers' strike, Mikey reviewed the two most recent issues of the Buffy comic series and welcomed a speedy end to NBC's green week.
RTVW: We imagined the perfect Dollhouse by playing casting directors for Joss Whedon. Just Jody finally fell for Avatar: The Last Airbender and P-C did a hard-hitting head-to-head comparison of Chuck and Reaper.
Tapeworthy: Vance wants to give a big Marc-styled "bravo" to the fantastic writers at Ugly Betty for turning Victoria Beckham intentionally funny, giving Christina a plotline and giving Vanessa Williams a career again. He however dislikes another Vanessa for intruding on his pretty friends Dan and Serena on Gossip Girl. And as supportive to the WGA as Vance wants to be, he was still super excited about the new season of The Amazing Race!
Televisionary: Jace kept the masses up-to-date on the WGA strike happenings, took an exclusive first look at the script for NBC's Knight Rider pilot, thought this week's backstory-laden installment of Chuck was a significant improvement.
TiFaux - Last week, Dan took his fetish for all things Canadian to a new level by talking about the brand new, maple-smelling Project Runway Canada. Kyle reached an oasis in the desert of Battlestar Galactica by seeing (and reviewing) Battlestar Galactica: Razor. Meanwhile, Maggie mulled all things Heroes-related, including the fact that Kensei/Adam Monroe is immortal, evil and totally awesome.
The TV Addict: Not surprisingly, this week, The TV Addict is all strike talk 24/7. First, we suggest more creative sign ideas for the striking writers. Then take a break from strike news to post exclusive interviews with Bones star T.J. Thyne and House stars Omar Epps and Jennifer Morrison.
TV Filter: Raoul interviewed Sarah from America’s Next Top Model. Kate did a play-by-play of Kenneth Parcell’s last party ever.
TV With MeeVee: We're pretty heavy on WGA strike talk, including this fabulous post with Mr. Ed! We love the new Playboy show that's like "The Office" for porn! And then there was the immortal Ro-Ro A No-Go For MSNBC-O.
Chuck: After this episode I have come to the realization that I don’t care about the Bryce backstory. Every time they went back I fell asleep. And I know it seems like every week I complain about the music selection on the show, but they did a really great job selecting songs this week. I know whenever I think back to 2003 I instantly think of Don’t Look Back in Anger. Okay, enough sarcasm. What’s worse even, when they replayed it in 1999, it was still a good four years off. Just off the top of my head how about Hurt (Johhny Cash), The Other Side (David Gray) or if you really wanted an Oasis song, why not the more era accurate Stop Crying Your Heart Out? Check out the latest episodes over at NBC.com. You can also download Chuck on iTunes.
How I Met Your Mother: Here’s to hoping that the show doesn’t ever bring back the “That’s what he should have said” thing. Check out the latest episodes over at Innertube. You can also download How I Met Your Mother on iTunes.
Heroes: Well it took them about five too many episodes but Hiro is back in the present and we learn the least surprising plot twist that the white samurai was the dude under the hoodie. At least that is what I think they were telling us. That is the big problem with this season, they set up the big whodidit and there was no big reveal, I’m not entirely sure if it was him, Matt’s dad or if we haven’t really learned who it was. But anyways. Now that the least surprising plot twist has been revealed, who long until they have the next two least surprising plot twists in that Bob is Elle’s father and it is Elle kissing some dude over Noah’s dead body. Check out the latest episode over at NBC.com.
Journeyman: Dan is a recycler, how Green Week of him. I think of all the forced storylines, this was the most forced. It was interesting to follow Olivia to present day, but I am still wondering were she goes when she in’t with Dan. Is she holed in hiding somewhere in present day? Is she in a future holding tank like the bodies from Quantum Leap when Sam has taken over their bodies. The show is seriously due for a huge reveal soon. Check out the latest episode over at NBC.com. You can also download Journeyman on iTunes.
Bionic Woman: Wow, two straight strong episodes in a row. I’m not ready to say the show has turned around yet because there are still plenty of things I could fix when I am hired as a scab. First off, get rid of the CIA dude. I was kind of hoping Jamie wouldn’t go back for him. But it was nice to see Jamie’s sister actually was included in more than a half a scene this week. It is frustrating that they made a lot out of her being not allowed to use a computer yet hasn’t been brought up since. At first I thought she would eventually hack into her sister but now I just wonder if they just dropped that all together. Check out the latest episode over at NBC.com.
My Name Is Earl: Great poster of the week: “Friends Don’t Let Friends Shiv.” And of all the NBC shows that shamelessly promote Greenness, this show definitely did it the best when Coach forced the Scared Straight to add environmental friendly themes into their act. My favorite was when the big dude said he was sorry for littering when he dumped a body on the side of the road. Plus it was yet another shot at NBC for forcing them to add Green themes themselves. Check out the latest episodes over at NBC.com. You can also download My Name Is Earl on iTunes.
Survivor: Two straight highly entertaining tribal councils. Seriously, these have got to be the dumbest contestants ever. I used to think Todd was the only competent player, but he just went off the rails this week. It now is Amanda’s game to lose. The only way the tribal council could have been better if Erik had made Jean-Robert believe what he found was indeed the immunity idol and he played it leading Jeff Probst again to throw it in the fire. Check out the latest episode over at Innertube.

Smallville: I have to say I much preferred bad-Lana better when she was possessed by a fourteenth century witch. Vengeful, bad-Lana is just not doing it for me. Well not as much.
Friday Night Lights: First off, I would like to thank the show for plucking Kim Smith out of obscurity (fun fact: Kim graduated from Permian High School, the school that Friday Night Lights the book and movie are based on). I don’t expect Saracen will be going back to Julie anytime soon. Speaking of hook-ups, is there anyplace we can bet on when Riggins nails Julie’s aunt? It really bugged me that they instinctively though of the ex-con as a TE. If he has all that athletic ability but can’t catch a football, why not make him a DB? He would be able to blanket any receiver and wouldn’t be required to catch any balls, just knock them down. Can’t the defense get any love on this show?
But this episode had some head scratching moments, like what is Jason going to do now? Quad Rugby looks to be done and he is not going back to the team. But the worst was Landry’s dad burning the car. If the car shows up on the list of potential cars and it happened to go missing, doesn’t it just make him more of a suspect? I wonder if Daddy is eventually going to take the rap for the crime. Oh, and it was nice to see Smash’s mom do something more than just reaction shots. Check out the latest episodes over at NBC.com.
Promo of the Week: Here is an exclusive clip of episode three of Nip/Tuck:
Next Week’s Pick: Pushing Daisies, Wednesday at 8:00 on ABC: Don’t ask me why last week ABC replaced the smartest show on television with an award show whose audience’s IQ added together still isn’t as high as the combined IQ of the guys from The Big Bang Theory, but Pushing Daises is back on this week. And if I am not mistaken, this episode starts an arc featuring SNL vet Molly Shannon (although if she doesn’t actually show up, it may be the week after she starts).
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