If you missed last night’s season finale of Lost, be sure to head over to ABC.com to stream the episode or download Through a Looking Glass at iTunes.
The people behind Lost got a lot of grief after the season one finale because it was slow moving and at the end, we didn’t get to see what was down the hatch and they actually seemed to take note of that. Yet oddly, the season finale have the same feel as the first one as Jack takes a Rousseau led trek through the island but instead of The Black Rock we get the radio tower. Charlie goes on a suicide mission this time with Desmond instead of Sayid in tow (plus he actually succeeded this time). To their credit, the things they did different were great as in Hurley playing bumper cars with one of The Others.
Since most everything in the first one hundred and fifteen minutes were ho hum (possibly thanks to what seemed like a commercial break every five minutes) let me flash forward to the last five (yes, the cheap pun was intended). I have been against Jack flashbacks since around the second season because there are many Other (again, cheap pun intended) flashbacks I would rather see and once again the ones in this episode was boring to the point of tears. At the end when someone pulled up, I said to the person next to me, “That has to be Penny, no one else it could be.”
Holy frak I was wrong. My first thought when Kate came into the light was, “they must have been brainwashed, and that is why they didn’t recognize each other on the flight.” Well actually my first thought was actually “just like many of the chicks from Survivor, she looked a lot better when she hasn’t showered in weeks,” but anyways. And with the reveal that this was a flashforward, we got three major questions that won’t be answered in a long time:
- Whose obituary led Jack to almost commit suicide and be the only one to show up at the viewing hours? (My lead candidates are Sawyer, Locke, Ben, and Michael but really you could make a case for almost anyone we have met)
- Who did Kate have to get back to? (Sawyer would be the easy choice but that would be too easy, and almost as big a question is why isn’t Kate locked up? I doubt the statute of limitations is up and murder and fleeing the country would keep her in jail long after her looks have gone)
- Is Jack’s dad still alive or be alive in the future? (Jack trying to get drugs with his dad’s prescription could be easily discounted, but when he told the chief of surgery to go get his dad and if he was drunker than him, he could fire him isn’t as easily explained. I long believed that Jack’s dad was behind this all and this may once again help my theory)
Elsewhere in the previous one hundred and fifteen minutes, Charlie dies. Yawn. A poor ending to a lame storyline. What makes it worse was there was no reason for Charlie to lock himself in the room. And why would he, in his final moments be so worried that Penny didn’t know the name of the parachuter? Plenty of bosses don’t know the name of their underlings. But it did pretty much cemented that either she wasn’t who she said she was, not that we would find out because Locke killed her (although the last person he “killed” didn’t stick), or she was mislead by whoever was really in charge of her search team (Penny’s dad? Dharma?) Speaking of the person whose death didn’t stick, Eyepatch dude is one creepy dude. He come back from getting thrown into the forcefield only to say the voltage must night have been high enough, then he takes a spear to the chest only to swim around with a grenade. And I’m not even sure if that will be the last of him we see.
Even though most everyone else was morning the demise of Charlie, I was most sad to see Zeke take the bullet, I was always hoping for a Zeke flashback, not that we won’t see one in the future just because he died. Interesting though that Sawyer told Zeke the bullet was for taking the boy, not for shooting him back at the end of season one. I wonder with the Others getting depleted, if Ben is once again switching sides to the winning team and that is the real reason he trekked to the radio tower.
Of course no question asked last night will be answered for at the very least eight months because of the new deal the show made with ABC which is the dumbest idea that ends all dumb ideas as I bet the show will hit yet another all-time low much like it did when it came back from hiatus this year. If there were ever a show that shouldn’t take long breaks it is Lost. But again, what do I know? If I were to run a network, Veronica Mars, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip and Let’s Rob Ray Ramono would have been on the fall schedule.

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