Quote of the Week: “I’ll take care of Julie for you, don’t worry about it. I’ll give her a nice call and tell her there's a new girl in town. And that girl is me.” (Jason Street, Friday Night Lights)
Song of the Week: Um, none really stuck out this week. Any suggestions?
Friday Night Lights: A bunch of twists and turns in the world of Tandry (or should I say Landra) this week. You knew once Tyra told Landry not to tell anyone that wasn’t going to end well. And I can’t believe Landry grew a pair and told Trya off about getting back with Riggins while she was trying to apologize (and dare I say Landry/Tyra/Riggins: best love triangle ever).
Elsewhere, Coach and Mrs. Taylor continue the “If we don’t get an Emmy nomination, they no longer have any credibility” Tour ’07 with more great scenes between them including the fight at the roast (on a side note, even though no one there laughed, Riggins’, “How about Saracen sleeping with the coach’s daughter” had me on the floor) and what a final scene with Mrs. Taylor telling the coach she wasn’t leaving Dillion then asking him to go to bed without missing a beat.
Next week we get the season finale but I’m really not ready for the season to end. And I’m certainly not ready for the series to end so hopefully NBC keeps the show around. Check out the latest episodes over at NBC.com.

Lost: After the dreadful Locke-centric episode two weeks ago, Lost is really doing its best to keep me from jumping ship since. Last week they opened the show at a strip club and this week we have a Skinamax style catfight in the rain. But despite all that I could care less about this episode because I stopped caring about Kate’s back stories two years ago. They really need to put a moratorium on Kate and Jack back stories because they are really bring the show down. Give me Other-centric or Rousseau-centric episodes. Those may actually be entertain or at the very least fresh. Check out the latest episodes over at ABC.com.

Survivor: Ooo, so we get another Idol this week. I wonder what the rules are about them both getting played at the same tribal council. Of course the only thing better would be if Yoa Man’s fake Idol gets played too. I really hope someone finds that. Thanks to Dreamz we have the most entertaining tribal in recent mwmory. And it was funny that Lisi talked about it time that Dreamz gets a grown up name considering she calls herself Lisi. Check out the latest episode on Innertube.

Two of my favorite bloggers got to visit the set of Supernatural last week (my invite must have gotten lost in the mail, not that I'm bitter as I was too busy bombing a quiz last week). Check out the recaps from Ducky (No longer available) and Raelee (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4)
Promo of the Week: I posted an earlier version of this fan made Veronica Mars promo on my sister site Scooter McGavin Takes Pictures, but here is the latest version. If you have never seen the show, just take two minutes to take a look at the video coutesy of YouTube and if you like what you see, be sure to check out the show when it returns from giatus May 1st.
I also champion the “If we don’t get an Emmy nomination, they no longer have any credibility” Tour ’07! My god they'd better get a sh#tload of nominations...