A quick programming note: The Knights of Prosperity, or as I like to call it Let’s Rob Mick Jagger will be on tonight following the Presidential Address at 9:25 so set your alarm clock, VCR, or if your cool enough, your Tivo. If you end up missing it, you can always check it out at ABC.com. And don’t forget to check out my contest on how to win a Knights of Prosperity T-Shirt.
But today I don’t want to talk about entertaining shows like Let’s Rob Mick Jagger or Ego Trip’s The (White) Rapper Show which I’ll be talking about tomorrow. Earlier this week I summed up In Case of Emergency as the least funny show since Four Kings. But there are some shows debuting this year that are so bad that there is no way you can get me to watch them. Topping that list is the Jennifer Lopez driven Dance Life. Just when I think the J-Lo era is finally over they give her and her uber-lame husband their own reality show. Thanks MTV, this better not lead to another crappy album from her.
Next up on the now way I’m ever watching list: Gay, Straight or Taken. What’s worse is this is on Lifetime. So this is what woman do for entertainment? Not only that, wasn’t this a Fox reality show called Playing it Straight at one point? Speaking of ripping off other show, there is I Love New York. What brain trust thought this was a good idea? Didn’t these people learned form The Bachelorette which killed off The Bachelor franchise? Not to mention Flavor Flav is a star, New York, not so much.
Which leads me to tonight’s premiere of another show you won’t ever catch me watching: Armed and Famous. Yeah, why not in the middle of the War on Terror deputize a bunch of publicity seekers who will only mock the profession of protecting us? I have a sinking suspicion that this was the very reality show Jordan McDeere passed on for NBS. But surpisingly it wasn’t picked up by Fox, nope this stinker will air on CBS. And the cast makes the Surreal Life Fame Gamers look like actual A-Listers: Erik Estrada looks like he is trying to beat his Surreal cast mate Trishelle for shaming themselves for the most reality show, LaToya Jackson is a sixth rate Jackson after Michael, Janet, Joe, Tito and Germaine, Jack Osbourne is also the least interesting in his family, Jason Acuna known to drunken frat boys everywhere as Wee Man, and Trish Stratus who left wrestling for this trash. Oh and I have pictures courtesy of CBS:

Want more, head over to Ficken Chingers where Angie has amateur pictures of Wee Man and Jack as she lives in Muncie, Indiana where the show was film. Somehow she didn't get any camera time herself even though I know she watched My Name Is Earl this past week and should have had plenty of suggestions on how to get on a reality cop show. But anyways. For those interested in the show, and I can’t imagine anyone outside of Muncie would, the show airs tonight at 8:00. Me, I'll be watching quality programming like Friday Night Lights and Beauty and the Geek at that hour. Oh and don’t forget Let's Rob Mick Jagger after Bush’s speech. Oh and for those that din't catch it, the title for this post is from a Weird Al song.
Thanks for the plug, even if it was sorta...well, anyway, thanks, babe. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm amazed you don't know this for some reason. JLo is about to release another CD. Her first entirely in Spanish.
ReplyDeleteJust spreading rainbows and unicorns to your corner of the world. :)
I think you would have been surprised at how...not stupid A&F was. The celebs took the police work very seriously.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, thanks again for the plug!
Angie, CBS did send some clips over with the pictures, I was unable to embed them because, well they didn't work here, but what I saw was exactly what I expected out of it including some goofing off.
ReplyDeleteTigger, ugg, hopefully it's only released in Spanish speaking countries
Right, I know what you are talking about with the goofing off. Sounds like it was out of context but seriously, I don't mind that you hate it. It was a decent show that didn't make fun of or demean police or police work in any way.
ReplyDeleteThe producer grew up in Muncie and I think he did a very good job of depicting Muncie in a good light as well as depicting the celebs serious attitudes toward the work. I think the funniest part of the whole thing was the actual Muncie cops acting like...well...arrogant cops at the beginning.
So, what did you think of FNL and Knights last night?
I’ll defer to you on whether it depicts Muncie in a good light or not but if Ponch were to stroll into my hometown with a bunch a cameras and busts a crack house here I'd be a little embarrassed.
ReplyDeleteFNL: a little of an off week, no Landry. But there was a great scene with the Taylor family.
KoP: More laugh out load moments as they try to figure out if the intern is gay or just a virgin.