We are down to the last two Toss Up’s of this year as Lost will soon go on hiatus until February (luckily Veronica Mars
Still Has Trust Issues
Lost: Eko’s brother could never trust his motives
Veronica Mars: Even after all they have been through Vee still can’t trust Weevil
Winner: Lost

Lost: Weird dude with an eye patch in another hatch
Veronica Mars: Claire’s boyfriend
Winner: Lost
Lost: The crucifix Eko took from his brother
Veronica Mars: The necklace that Lily gave to Veronica
Winner: Veronica Mars

Lost: The Others all dressed up like cultists for the one chick’s funeral
Veronica Mars: My sources tell me Logan and Ronnie dressed up like The White Stripes for Halloween
Winner: Veronica Mars
Kidnapped for Operation
Lost: The Others kidnapped Jack to operate on Not-Henry’s tumor
Veronica Mars: The Dean kidnapped his step-son’s father for bone marrow
Winner: Veronica Mars

Lost: Juliet emulated Bob Dylan’s Subterranean Homesick Blues in her video to Jack
Veronica Mars: Johnny Cash’s Busted played over a montage of people appropriately getting busted
Winner: Veronica Mars

Lost: Eko relieved his previous flashback
Veronica Mars: Pizza boy reminded Vee all the cool things she did in high school
Winner: Veronica Mars
Stolen Goods
Lost: Vaccines
Veronica Mars: Rich kids gambling money
Winner: Lost

Lost: “Are you a good man?”
Veronica Mars: “Shouldn’t you be, like, smart?”
Winner: Veronica Mars
Lost: Not-Henry took the name Henry Gale, referencing The Wizard of Oz
Veronica Mars: Keith took the name Adian Monk referencing Monk
Winner: Lost

Lost: Who’s that new chick that went to the Pearl station?
Veronica Mars: Who’s Pam?
Winner: Veronica Mars
Lost: Eko dies
Veronica Mars: Claire lied about her boyfriend
Winner: Veronica Mars
An easy win for Veronica Mars as Lost slipped into season two mode with an uninteresting story. And with all three new cast members of that season now dead it’s almost an indication that season two was a failure. This especially true with Eko as he quickly became the most interesting character on the show only to be ruined by bad writing and flashbacks that made little sense. There was so much they could have done with Eko but squandered him for most of last season.

Then there’s the Jack storyline which I can’t make sense of either because the Others always seem to have the most elaborate plans so you can’t really tell if Not-Henry isn’t in on Juliet’s video. For all we know Not-Henry may not really have a tumor and that’s a set up for something else. But if he does, wouldn’t it have been a lot easier when the plane crashed and you learn one of the members is a spinal surgeon to just go to the camp and ask, “hey could you please remove this tumor” instead of concocting a plan that would take a couple months to complete?
Now onto the less aggravating show, Veronica Mars which had another solid episode this week. But I’m beginning to think the show is unable to produce a great episode that doesn’t include Dick. You know he would be a fan of gambling, couldn’t they put him in the casino. Seriously, who wouldn’t want to see what Dick would come up with for a Halloween costume? Plus the lack of Piz and Parker is just getting more annoying. How can I care about characters that aren’t there week in and week out? For those keeping track at home, out of the five episodes this season, Piz has been in only two. And that is the same number for Mac, Weevil, and Lamb.

But back to the rap case, with what we leaned this week, my way out there theory from a couple weeks ago that it’s the Lilith behind the rapes my not far off. She may have just been the sacrificial lamb who got her head shaved to pin the crime on the Lampoon guys who said they’d rape the one in the middle two weeks back. She then lied about her boyfriend to make it look like she didn’t willingly had sex and doesn’t wear a wig like the other victims to bring more attention to the crime.
Next week on Lost we get the last episode for about four months and surely we won’t get answers but plenty of questions to ponder over those four months. Then on Veronica Mars we get an episode called Hi-Infidelity which may or may not be a reference to the great John Cusack movie High Fidelity

There is no way that Veronica Mars can even touch LOST... it may be the greatest show ever on TV (at least creatively.)
ReplyDeleteDS (7600.simd.blogspot.com)
Love your comment that the morons thought that the long pauses between eps is what affected Lost's creativety last season! If it did, then wouldn't it continue to hinder it this season as well? I mean, a freakin' 4 month break is so much worse in my opinion. I think it's time to 24 this show next season. It would benefit from week-to-week episodes because people wouldn't forget all the stuff that they throw at us (and never answer).
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with what you said about the tumor. Seriously, couldn't they just have asked for his help from the beginning? This is what makes me wonder if the writers really have this stuff all planned out or not. Definitely a frustrating show.
VM is soooo much better (I had to add an alternate opinion to the one above ;-)).