From very early on this season of Veronica Mars I had a sinking suspicion that the rapist world turn out to be different people, the original rapist then the copycat, but having a tandem that were teaming up definitely took me by surprise. And the who experiment conducted by Homer Simpson earlier this season became a little more important when it was insinuated that that was how Mercer and the Fraking RA met (in case you blinked and missed it, Moe was wearing a prisoner’s shirt in the picture and called Mercer “sir” while Mercer referred to Moe as “prisoner”).
Although even with them working together we never did find out who committed the rape over the summer while Mercer was in Mexico. Was it Moe fulfilling his hair fetish while Mercer was out of town? Was it another Lilith fake rape? But Mercer’s Austin Powers type of monologue as why he does it to his passed victim which was about as long as it would take him to get in the girls pants anyways was highly entertaining whether it was supposed to or not. It was over the top I half expected to hear him mutter, “I would have gotten away with it if it not for that meddling blonde” to Moe in the cell before Logan shows up. Speaking of whom, it’s always the highest of high comedy whenever they have the action happen in the background like with him taking a baseball bat to the cop car.
It was a little disappointing that Parker was MIA for most of the episode considering she was the catalyst of the mystery arc. But it was nice that she ended up being the one to save Vee especially after their conversation on how well the rape whistle works. For those that never took any sociology courses, study after study backs up Ronnie’s claim that just because you blow the whistle are state you are in danger, most people won’t stop to help you out. Even in the scene it took a second cry for help before anyone else showed up. I know the serial rapist got a bad rap among some people, but I thought this was a great ending for the arc.
The whole conclusion to the rape was great and all and graduated Right Here, Right Now into iPod status, but the best part of the episode was when we learned that Dean O’Dell’s car mix includes Olivia Newton John’s Have You Ever Been Mellow? I literally did a spit take as they transitioned from Dick on his float to the Dean in his car. Sadly we won’t get to fid out what else is on the Dean’s playlist as he was on the that won’t see the second mystery arc because, well, it looks like he will be the second mystery arc. It’s a shame that he never learned that Chip Diller also got a crack at his wife.
And for everyone who complained about the three mystery season, keep in mind they spent the last six episodes setting up a lengthy list of suspect so figuring out who did it. If you are going to do a multiple arc season this was definitely the way to go as the second mystery started long before we even realized it did. As for the lengthy list of suspects, it’s too early for Oddsmakers (not to mention I just did one) but here’s my list so far in no paricular order:
The Trophy Wife
Professor Landry
Richard Greeko
Lillith House
Chip Diller
The Board of Trustees
Cigar smoking dude
The dude from The Nanny
Feel free to tell me if there was anyone I missed. Now from this list, Landry, with his back loge of “Plan the Perfect Murder” papers, would be the top suspect. And I would not be at all surprised if the death mirror a certain paper that detailed the killing of the local sheriff; it is the general consensus that that was the subject of Ronnie’s paper right?
And now we get our first break from the show until at least January, but come February the Toss Up between Lost and Veronica Mars will back in full swing.
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