Both Lost and Veronica Mars

Lost: Kate is the lone person in a summer dress
Veronica Mars: Veronica is one of many in a sea of summer dresses
Winner: Veronica Mars
Lost: Sun’s lover
Veronica Mars: Parker
Winner: Lost

Lost: Sayid, Sun, Jin
Veronica Mars: Sheriff Lamb (check out Tube Talk Girl’s interview with Lamb)
Winner: Veronica Mars
Still MIA
Lost: Locke, Desmond, Eko, Claire, Hurley, Charlie
Veronica Mars: Weevil
Winner: Lost

Lost: Alex
Veronica Mars: Chip Diller
Winner: Veronica Mars
Lost: Kate and Sawyer are forced to break and remove rocks
Veronica Mars: Logan and Horshack are forced to listen to The Piña Colada Song
Winner: Veronica Mars

Lost: It’s the Other favorite way to keep Sawyer and Kate in line and used it liberally
Veronica Mars: It’s Veronica favorite form of defense but wasn’t able to use Mr. Sparky when she wasn’t led to the naked room
Winner: Lost
Death Toll
Lost: Sun’s lover (and it’s safe to assume the random Other on the yacht is officially dead)
Veronica Mars: Cormac Fitzpatrick (and it’s safe to assume that Kendall is officially dead
Winner: Lost
Being Monitored
Lost: It seems like Not-Henry has cameras all over the compound if the not the whole island
Veronica Mars: The den mother has cameras all over the Theta Beta house to keep her stash safe.
Winner: Lost
Overbearing Parent
Lost: Sun’s father busts in on her in a compromising position
Veronica Mars: Parker’s berate her because she can’t think for herself
Winner: Lost
Best Line
Lost: You taste like fish biscuits
Veronica Mars: Vomit, it’s the new mace
Winner: Veronica Mars

Lost: Charlie Salinger
Veronica Mars: Shawn Hunter
Winner: Lost
Worst Kept Secret for Next Episode
Lost: Locke, Desmond, and Eko all survived the blast last season
Veronica Mars: Parker won’t be going home with her parents
Winner: Veronica Mars
A surprising early win for Lost this season and hopefully this is signs of things to come as the were unable to string along two good episodes in a row last season and already have two straight right out of the box this season. The big news this week was the return of Sayid, Sun, and Jin. And what’s bigger is that Sun actually killed someone. I though in the final flashback it would turn out that she was going to be the person that pushed out the bald dude out the window but oh well. But the real predictable part of the flashback was that Sun was getting busy with the bald dude, something everyone already assumed.

Of course Ronnie went undercover to investigate the Parker rape and I already have my lead suspect picked out, the RA. This is mainly due to picking George Michael when the college episode last year but since he is unavailable, I still think they will be going with an RA. As for the rape victim herself, it’s pretty safe to assume that Parker once again won’t be able to make her own decision and stick around like Mac asked her. And on the hair front, I really hope they find her a better wig than the one she was sporting during the episode.
But I have to admit I was totally taken out of the Wallace/Logan storyline with the Shawn Hunter sighting. And what’s extremely disturbing is he looks exactly the same since I last saw him. But at least the casting director at Veronica Mars was nice enough help him postpone his inevitable sex tape. And the guest spots didn’t stop there with the geek from Freaks and Geeks (or was he a freak, I always forget which one was which), the token hot chick from Jack and Bobby, and Homer Simpson in the flesh. But with all the absurdity that went along with this storyline, the part that I had the hardest to believe that an intro sociology class would have to do a twenty page research paper. I took upper level courses and never had to do more than ten.
Now it’s time for my far out there theory of the season (or just this mini arc): The serial rapist is a chick. Remember when being questioned by Lamb, Ronnie mentioned when she walked in she heard buzzing and Lamb said what did it sound like and Ronnie said you know and gave him a look. Well I was thinking, what do girls use that buzz? So I think in the end it will turn out that one of the feminists had a bad experience at a Greek party and are trying to set them up to get them all kicked off campus. So there’s my current out-there theory.
Next week on Lost we finally learn the fate of the boys that were in the hatch and presumably Hurley makes it back to camp so it will be interesting how he deals with what he knows. Then Veronica meets the nasty Dean played by the dude with no eyebrows from Arrested Development. Keep in mind our good friend Chip Diller got three hundred points for nailing the Deans wife so it will be interesting to see if that comes back up.
And don't forget to check out Tube Talk Girl's interview with Sheriff Lamb. My favorite part is that Lamb watches my favorite TV show, Pardon the Interuption and the question on who he would like to be "on the Lamb" this season.

I took some upper level history classes in college, and both of them required a 17-20 page term paper! So, it's possible that Wallace and Logan's class would as well. I took sociology and never had to write one, though.
ReplyDeleteGreat toss-up (again)!! I'm getting very frustrated and annoyed with Lost, so VM definitely gets a HUGE edge with me.
TVFan - Yeah but they were upper level courses, like you I didn't have to do a paper for intro sociology, just some experiments, granted none as cool as Wallace/Logan's class.
ReplyDeleteI have to admit I'm getting back into Lost. Maybe it was so bad last year, just some improvement this season is warping my judgment.
Rae - Well we don't exactly know what the police know yet. I'm sure the police know exactly what was used in the rape, be it a guy, or, well you know, from the information from the rape kit, but surely Lamb wouldn't let Veronica what he found or give her any lead. Another thing is the rapist I believe also take the hair with them, so if that is the case you will need some light to do the shaving.
But again, it's just my far out there theory.