But the show really is more about the characters then the challenges themselves. One of the reasons I stopped watching The Real World circa Chicago is because they cast the same people lately. You got two frat boys with either a token gay or black dude while the girls basically are just there to fill out bikinis but rarely have anything that resembles a personality. But luckily there are plenty of screw balls from back when MTV actually cast real characters. Unfortunately some have gone MIA recently like Veronica, Rachel, Julie, and Abram. But in the challenge we have some old faithfuls like Tina, Beth and I’m sure once liquored up I’m sure Brad, Wes, Derrick, C.T. will make for good entertainment. Thankfully they brought some of the Fresh Meat from last season because Casey Cooper was easily the most entertaining reality star MTV has produced in year. Although most of that last season was thanks to how she reacted to her partner Wes so we will see if she is as entertaining without the antagonist.
The challenges this season should be interesting since it will be everyone for themselves. Surprisingly the first challenge the contestants ended up actually teaming up. Beth was the only smart one and went it alone (naturally) forcing the weaker “team” to go towards her almost giving her the win but Robin ended up taking it in the end. Then after the pick ‘em two newbies from Kew West went into The Duel. In what could be the lamest reality challenge ever where the two had to pick how many watermelons they could life, going back and forth until the other said, “do it.” Random Frat Boy ended up losing to Token Gay Guy.
The other challenge was much more interesting in that each person essentially got to choose which other contestants got eliminated by grabbing that person’s lifer preserver and one all their were gone they would be eliminated. Beth was the first one out for the girls (naturally). Fresh Meat/Cancer Survivor Diem ended up winning because no one wanted to be the heel that knocked out the cancer chick. But the real fireworks came afterwards when Beth and Tina threw down. It should be interesting how this plays out because if you look at the super-slow-mo, Tina barely grazes Beth’s forehead even though Beth acted like she got hit square in the jaw by Mike Tyson.
Verdict: The Real World/Road Rules Challenge are the crack and I’m the addict so I will be watching faithfully every week. The Duel airs on MTV Thursdays at 10:00. You can also check the show as well as The Aftershow (this week with special guest Tina) whenever you want on Overdrive.
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